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RE: Valueplan Strategy

in #life4 months ago

Most social media platforms don't pay users squat. It takes a lot of entitlement to think every poster deserves something even though their posts have very few viewers, they have invested next to no funds of their own and they don't bring outside attention to Hive - they're not really providing value. The DHF is not a tax, you agreed to it by accepting the free Hive given to you in the hardfork, if you don't like it stay on Steem or go somewhere like Medium. No one owes you any upvotes or any percentage of the hive inflation. A tax would be taking some of your personal Hive, so before you go around stomping your feet at least get your facts right because it's hard to take you seriously. Not that I think everything about the DHF is right, especially the part about whales being able to manipulate it with disproportionate votes that removes the decentralizing part, but it's not a tax.

I have issues with the Value Plan but believe they are trying. It was noted that Venezuela is getting a disproportionate amount of VP funds, Hive isn't a charity and there is little to gain from targeting that country. What I don't agree with is that you are proposing there is fraud based on what a few people said. You're essentially accusing people of criminal activity with zero proof, it's slander. Also this is happening in Venezuela, where the FBI has no jurisdiction. There are dozens of examples of where the VP did something charitable and just because they don't give you or your friends money doesn't imply they are stealing it. Where there is money there are inefficiencies, waste and unfairness, the VP is not perfect.

The VP passed the proposal fair and square so they can do what they want with the funds. They could just take all the money and run and there is nothing you can do about it except campaign to not get their proposals passed again. They don't owe you receipts, accounting documents or an audit, this would just cost money and require people to do unpaid work. Are you willing to pay $100 to $200 an hour for a CPA to audit every single expense the value plan has? What about hiring a lawyer? Calling the FBI won't accomplish anything because again, VP didn't steal anything from you or anyone, they just got votes to take and spend some inflation.

The sports car is a tremendous waste of money and so is subsidizing an in person Hivefest with VP, they can do this with upvotes or large stakeholders can pay, we shouldn't have to direct some inflation to help a minor percentage of people fraternize on the shores of the Adriatic sea. That being said I don't think you should get yourself so worked up about this. If you really care, try talking to Blocktrades or some of the larger whales supporting VP, ask them why they are supporting it.


Its fine to disagree with what VP is doing. Its fine to agree. The proposal is funded because stake thinks its a good thing to do. I disagree with some of it as well. Each of us are trying to find what will work in the end.

Exactly, hopefully they don't keep funding things without metrics showing it is providing value and hopefully they keep trying to fund new things to see what works. Anyone who wasted money or who pilfered funds should be outed and blacklisted.

Ethicaly one might say you owe hive your goal to acknowledge public concerns and focus on resolving the issue constructively. You have been dodging questions left and right. So I'll ask you simply and to the point. Soft ball questions. Yes or no.

Do note that memo line do not count to what I am about to ask here. Do you have any invoices and receipts of payments made with the funds given to your account, yes or no?

If you do, please present them all.

Ethically I dont owe anything to you. Practically speaking it would be idiotic to share it publicly. Legally speaking its not possible to present most of it.
All these payments are checked by top investors and proposal supporters as a safeguard.
People with real skin in the game who would most be affected by misuse of the funds as opposed to someone with 100 bucks worth of Hive whose main interest is not financially motivated but rather motivated by boredom.

If you want to check if Bitbasel received the funds I forwarded to them you can contact them easily. If they want to disclose it or not is on them.

"Ethically I dont owe anything to you."

I didn't anything about this being about me or anything being owed to me directly. I said you owe it to hive. As in the entirety of hive who has a stake in it, regardless of its amount staked.

People with real skin in the game

People with skin im the game are people waiting to be burned. I have no hands to grasp the mountains or feet to climb the stairs but I hover of it all like a lotus over the pond, and I definitely do not have any "skin". And even with my scorched eyes I see clearly the sun rise and the sun set behind me.

100 bucks worth of Hive whose main interest is not financially motivated but rather motivated by boredom.

Irrelevant to the question at hand.

If you want to check if Bitbasel received the funds I forwarded to them you can contact them easily. If they want to disclose it or not is on them.

Sure thanks.

Was looking for a simple and shorter answer though. It's nice to know how consistent you are to dodging questions.

So was that a "no" then?

When you hear back from bitbasel, please let me know their response. They're in Miami, which is definitely in FBI jurisdiction. I bet there's people on Hive in Florida that could scope things out there and see if there's a sub-event worth $25k going on.

Kinda sorry you're having to take this crap too. I appreciate not being the only target of this vitriol, though.


I sent them an email just now. I didn't do it yesterday due it being late for me requested information regarding this issue for transparency on whatever they can offer to show the funds are being used adequately and to present them to hive. I'll show you the email in matrix.

And don't sweat it, dealing with bad mouths is like dealing with a child. Just mock them with humor is the only remedy. They dig their own holes by themselves and this asshole is already waist deep.

Ok, I look forward to whatever we can learn.


As in the entirety of hive who has a stake in it, regardless of its amount staked.

Technically I only "owe" something to proposal supporters. VP has key holders that are the major proposal supporters. They all have access to the confidential contracts and invoices.

I have no hands to grasp the mountains or feet to climb the stairs but I hover of it all like a lotus over the pond, and I definitely do not have any "skin". And even with my scorched eyes I see clearly the sun rise and the sun set behind me.

Are you on drugs? Huffing that galaxy stuff?

Irrelevant to the question at hand.

Core to how Hive works.

So was that a "no" then?

I wont share a confidential contract publicly but it takes you 5 seconds to send an email.
Here, ill write it for you so its 2 seconds:

"Hey, I have 100 bucks worth of Hive and Im technically a Hive stakeholder. Can you confirm that Hive will be present at Bitbasel and that you have received the 25k USD as seen on the Hive blockchain."

Technically I only "owe" something to proposal supporters.

If I remember correctly these stake holders have also control over hive stake that was copied from the ninja mined stake, correct? Which would mean it very does include the interest of those that didn't vote for VP proposal.

You know the importance of transparency correct?

What ever is stopping you to display what is available to display legally?

You know, since there is concern over you recieving kickbacks.

Anyways, different question.

"Who is bdhivesteem?"

You know, since there is concern over you receiving kickbacks.

There is absolutely no concern of me receiving kickbacks. Where have you seen concerns? 😂
One nutjob conspiracy theorist talking shit and making up accusations of fraud is not what I would ever consider a "concern". If anything he should be concerned about libel as im not an anon. I can sue his scumbag ass.

Im not here to justify myself, those most invested in Hive would be the first to cut me off if I stole even a dime, im here to push back against useless pieces of shit, that dont contribute anything of value to Hive, that havent spent 1 second of their time to benefit this platform, that spread FUD, try to tie my name to terrorism, fraud, or whatever stupid shit this moron is doing.

Who is bdhivesteem?"
