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RE: Valueplan Strategy

in #life4 months ago

Ethically I dont owe anything to you. Practically speaking it would be idiotic to share it publicly. Legally speaking its not possible to present most of it.
All these payments are checked by top investors and proposal supporters as a safeguard.
People with real skin in the game who would most be affected by misuse of the funds as opposed to someone with 100 bucks worth of Hive whose main interest is not financially motivated but rather motivated by boredom.

If you want to check if Bitbasel received the funds I forwarded to them you can contact them easily. If they want to disclose it or not is on them.


"Ethically I dont owe anything to you."

I didn't anything about this being about me or anything being owed to me directly. I said you owe it to hive. As in the entirety of hive who has a stake in it, regardless of its amount staked.

People with real skin in the game

People with skin im the game are people waiting to be burned. I have no hands to grasp the mountains or feet to climb the stairs but I hover of it all like a lotus over the pond, and I definitely do not have any "skin". And even with my scorched eyes I see clearly the sun rise and the sun set behind me.

100 bucks worth of Hive whose main interest is not financially motivated but rather motivated by boredom.

Irrelevant to the question at hand.

If you want to check if Bitbasel received the funds I forwarded to them you can contact them easily. If they want to disclose it or not is on them.

Sure thanks.

Was looking for a simple and shorter answer though. It's nice to know how consistent you are to dodging questions.

So was that a "no" then?

When you hear back from bitbasel, please let me know their response. They're in Miami, which is definitely in FBI jurisdiction. I bet there's people on Hive in Florida that could scope things out there and see if there's a sub-event worth $25k going on.

Kinda sorry you're having to take this crap too. I appreciate not being the only target of this vitriol, though.


I sent them an email just now. I didn't do it yesterday due it being late for me requested information regarding this issue for transparency on whatever they can offer to show the funds are being used adequately and to present them to hive. I'll show you the email in matrix.

And don't sweat it, dealing with bad mouths is like dealing with a child. Just mock them with humor is the only remedy. They dig their own holes by themselves and this asshole is already waist deep.

Ok, I look forward to whatever we can learn.


As in the entirety of hive who has a stake in it, regardless of its amount staked.

Technically I only "owe" something to proposal supporters. VP has key holders that are the major proposal supporters. They all have access to the confidential contracts and invoices.

I have no hands to grasp the mountains or feet to climb the stairs but I hover of it all like a lotus over the pond, and I definitely do not have any "skin". And even with my scorched eyes I see clearly the sun rise and the sun set behind me.

Are you on drugs? Huffing that galaxy stuff?

Irrelevant to the question at hand.

Core to how Hive works.

So was that a "no" then?

I wont share a confidential contract publicly but it takes you 5 seconds to send an email.
Here, ill write it for you so its 2 seconds:

"Hey, I have 100 bucks worth of Hive and Im technically a Hive stakeholder. Can you confirm that Hive will be present at Bitbasel and that you have received the 25k USD as seen on the Hive blockchain."

Technically I only "owe" something to proposal supporters.

If I remember correctly these stake holders have also control over hive stake that was copied from the ninja mined stake, correct? Which would mean it very does include the interest of those that didn't vote for VP proposal.

You know the importance of transparency correct?

What ever is stopping you to display what is available to display legally?

You know, since there is concern over you recieving kickbacks.

Anyways, different question.

"Who is bdhivesteem?"

You know, since there is concern over you receiving kickbacks.

There is absolutely no concern of me receiving kickbacks. Where have you seen concerns? 😂
One nutjob conspiracy theorist talking shit and making up accusations of fraud is not what I would ever consider a "concern". If anything he should be concerned about libel as im not an anon. I can sue his scumbag ass.

Im not here to justify myself, those most invested in Hive would be the first to cut me off if I stole even a dime, im here to push back against useless pieces of shit, that dont contribute anything of value to Hive, that havent spent 1 second of their time to benefit this platform, that spread FUD, try to tie my name to terrorism, fraud, or whatever stupid shit this moron is doing.

Who is bdhivesteem?"


It's always instructive to see people resort to ad hominems when they have no evidence, no arguements to support their position.

Your character is revealed by your every comment.

You accused me of fraud, stealing, terorism or whatever and some deserved insults hurt your feelings. I feel for you. Truly. In the meantime go fuck yourself.

Actually, you're defending yourself from accusations that only existed in your head. For some weeks now individuals that say they directly witnessed fraud have been alleging it, and the funds sent your way raised some questions, which were asked. It is your stunning disingenuity, failure to respond to any questions forthrightly, scathing vitriol, and complete inability to actually account for ~$70k of disbursements in just the last month that really sparked suspicion of you personally. Read what I actually wrote, and go back to our original conversations when you immediately began spewing insults and deriding me personally just for asking questions.

No one does business that way. That's what little kids do when they're caught stealing a dollar out of mom's purse, or cheating on a test. You act like no one ever asks questions about how money is spent in business, and that's ridiculous. That's why receipts even exist, why there are accountants and bookkeepers, so that those questions can be resolved satisfactorily proving theft and fraud isn't being committed. But that's not something you even attempted. Instead you've done everything you could to create the impression you didn't get lots of money, and then tried to make asking questions painful by being a complete asshole, and keep trying to make excuses for why you don't have to, or can't, show receipts. You're acting like there isn't an entire industry keeping track of money in business, like you've never heard of fraud and theft by fraud and the whole idea is ridiculous and could never happen in real life. It's the most transparent bullshit I've ever seen in my life.

All I said about you in my post was that you falsely denied being paid that money, because that's what you did when I asked you about it. You were in fact paid that money, which would be true even if you did later use it to pay other people. Whether or not you kept any of it after that doesn't have anything to do with being paid it first. That's the difference between gross and net, not whether you got paid.

So, you're a liar, and it's your lies, verbal tirades, and abuse that created ever increasing suspicion. You're literally the poster child for every cliche about guilty conscience and defending from accusations that were never even made creating suspicion that didn't exist until you freaked out.

Anyone that has read any of that bizarre offensive trying to prevent inquiry into Valueplan disbursements you handled can't help but suspect you've mishandled funds. All you had to do if you were competent and honest when someone inquired about how the money was used is provide some answers about how it was spent in a reasonable, professional manner, but you're so incompetent and emotionally volatile you sperged out like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

You're really not good at this. You have absolutely no chill, and that attracts attention you don't want to the very thing you're trying to conceal, which is what you actually did with the huge sums of money you flat refuse to disclose. None of that has anything to do with me. What comes out of you is what is in you. What you say reveals who you are. You have created this situation you're in, and now none of the reasonable actions you could have taken will suffice to explain how you've handled the money, because you've made it really obvious you're hiding things and are terrified they'll be discovered. Anger is the child of fear, and your inchoate rage comes from absolute terror.

People you have been dealing with are going to contact you with some advice, if they haven't already. If there's lots of money going missing, they're going to be very motivated to keep you from leading to them. If you are this terrified of answering my questions, I can't even imagine how fast you'll cave being questioned by cops, and that makes you a potential liability to anyone downstream. Good luck, because you have absolutely no skill at this, and you're going to need it if your behaviour is any clue to your integrity.

I haven't insulted your character once. Yet you have been doing it the entire time. If you could restrain your emotions and show some self control and answer questions or even have a civil discourse it would win you some points of credibility.

However when you double down on the idiocy to attack my character it only projects your own insecurities that you don't have a sound argument.

There is absolutely no concern of me receiving kickbacks.

There is. It's being talked about from plenty off of hive. You're just starting to get the attention for it. The more you act this way to hide information and dodging simple question with throwing this tantrum of yours and ad hominem attacks, speaks volumes.


Thank you for finally answering directly. Much quicker we can move forward this way.

On October 30th 2024 valueplan sent you 25,000HBD, on the memo it reads:

Miami art week, USA, etc

Surely you remember, then a few days after that, on November 3rd, 2024, you sent to


Approximately 135kHIVE, the two transactions are not related in any way, yes or no?

However when you double down on the idiocy to attack my character it only projects your own insecurities that you don't have a sound argument.

Haha. I could not give a single fuck. So you have an issue with me calling that guy a piece of shit, but not an issue with accusing someone of fraud, lying, stealing, saying that wer going to be locked up in guantanamo with terorists?

Well, priorities, amirite. You can go fuck yourself as well. 😘


Edit: great display of character wouldn't you say readers?

Surely this is what investors are looking for to join hive. This is who is put there being paid to represent the hive community. A man child with no accountability in his persona.

Do what you may with all the information here. I'll present it all again in order of time in a separate post.