You and I have a "relationship". It isn't a very big relationship. It is like sitting beside a stranger on a bus. You have a teeny tiny amount of "love" for me in the sense you don't necessarily want me to come to harm (although you did look up the price of chainsaws). If we were propinquitous and you found me amusing, and emotionally supportive the "love" would grow. It might not be an aspect of a magnificent relationship but it could be one where you could be tricked into walking my dog. On the other hand if after you have listened to a few of my jokes ... your willingness for affection (love) may diminish. It can drop below the level of not wanting harm to come to me and you actually start sharpening your knives. Love is that aspect that grows (or not). When I was young, I was very quick to "love". The neurochemicals in my brain would easily flood my neurons, tricking me into affection. I could move quickly from the baseline of "not wanting harm" to pure infatuation just by seeing the flush on a girl's cheek.
Respect is an emotion which can only be earned. On steem, a measure which deserves a level of respect is your reputation number. I compare my number 51 to your number 56 and recognise you really are much better than I am when it comes to social media. People genuinely must like you more than me. Of course I tend to write about uninteresting topics and not very well in the process.
Trust I wrote about before.
I agree that you have all three emotions toward a person. However the extent of each emotion can vary. I mentioned a stool with three legs. If you cut off a couple of centimeters (an inch) from one leg, the stool will remain standing. It levels itself off at a lower level of stability. Imagine that you had a great love for a successful businessperson who was emotionally supportive and cared only for you. Then imagine that his business went bankrupt and he was forced to live in his car. This would not change the amount of love that you would have but it would change your relationship especially if he lost his business because of gambling debts. In this case your emotions would adjust resulting in a smaller relationship. The same thing could happen if he lied to you. This would affect your level of trust. No matter how much a person promised never to lie (or cheat with another woman as an example) that level of trust never fully can be regained.
I agree. Excellent points you have there. Respect and trust are the ones that matter for me most with people. Love, it is too much about the neurochemicals fucking your brain and tricking you in affection even with minor reasons. Respect and trust are more logical.
And we can negotiate about dog walking. It depends on dog. And walk.
I was a little confused by our exchange so I thought to read a few more of your posts and I came across this one. In it I see that you are an INTP-A. Over the years I have taken both the Myers-Briggs and the Keirsey and was an INTJ. After taking the test that you gave a link to it recorded me as an INTP-T (although I had problem answering a number of questions). It is possible that I introduced a little bias in some of my answers.
A number of years ago I took a personality test on a major "Dating site". At the time there wasn't a single match on their platform (which I assume was international). Although I am convinced that there was a penguin in Antarctica who may have been a possibility.
A penguin is not a bad choice, they are always dressed up top fashion. And of course you are INTJ, I'm not surprised I have to say :) So did your readings make you more or less confused ?
To compound my problems, I was born in June ... making me a Gemini. While most people agree there is no evidence to support belief in astrology, I have a hypothesis that the level of hormones gives complicated reactions in the womb especially in the winter months when light levels affect melatonin. This may explain why Gemini have two minds...
So in other words, I am always confused ...
I don't have even good excuse to be confused all the time and yet, still I am.
I cannot tell if you are the type of person who likes a hug or despises them. I don't mean one of the awkward ones where two people stand up and hug each other. I mean one of those where you are sitting in front of a fire and you lean back against his chest. His arms hugs you to sooth the blackness of the night. Perhaps you are the type who likes to come up behind your loved one and put your arms around his shoulders as he looks out the window on a rainy day.
When you prepare food, isn't there a recipe that you follow and if you miss an ingredient the food is lacking? Sometimes a bland recipe needs to have an ingredient replaced or additional spices added to bring the food to life. Is it possible that you are not confused ... just missing the right ingredients?
I can be person who likes a hug, it depends a lot from the other person, are they huggable or not.
I agree with the metaphor you mentioned about the food. Now you are talking my language. I think we are given certain guidelines to work with in life, a recipe of somewhat (moral code etc.) but the seasoning we have to make our selves. And even if basic principles are the same every life still is as their user. With seasoning you never can give exact amount, because every step before seasoning effects on this step. So, the recipe can suggest seasonings and amounts but the decision still lays in our hand. Do we like our life with a little heat or not?