Hey there, beautiful. It’s just you and me now. And isn’t this a picture of romance.
I looked around me at the recently finished midnight second helpings of spaghetti Bolognese and the dregs of a glass of red wine. Dramatic shadows surrounded us there, where we were huddled by the amorous glow of the microwave light.
Homemade—you know you are impressed. And I went light on the garlic.
I lifted my eyebrows suggestively.
It’s alright. No need to be insecure. You are a tad too flat in certain places and maybe a little too bulky in others, but no one is perfect and I am not judging you. I like you just the way you are.
I moved closer, slowly, and patiently—no need to be arrogant about it, but I knew I had it in the bag.
Now I just want to see how you taste.
I took a bite of the muffin and it was good. Not quite as good as expected, but that is the unfortunate nature of fantasies. The picture of the cranberry muffin with orange glaze on the webpage really did look perfectly enticing.
The phone buzzed from the counter to my left.
I’m sorry, I’m really ruining the moment, aren’t I? Should have put it on silent. I assure you there are currently no other baked goods in my life—at least not tonight. Now who on earth dares to disturb our intimacy?
I looked at the screen and let out a long, deep sigh as I set the muffin aside. It had begun.
Facebook Marketplace Is An Absolute Zoo Of Unmentionable Characters
So very unmentionably unsavory that I have every intention of mentioning them. I keep a generic Facebook account for the use of useful local tools. I can get the real local news via local groups, and I can partake in the more modern version of Craigslist—Facebook Marketplace—on that unfortunate platform. Generally I use this strange place for giving away something man-oriented that I don’t want to end up in a landfill, but no one on the Buy Nothing Group wants because my local Buy Nothing is almost all women.
And so I have this bike. It formerly belonged to my son, and since it has become scrap. A few important things are missing, but basically the vultures have not picked it clean. It needs a new home, where vultures can either rebuilt it or finish it off.
And so there we were, just me, a beautiful muffin, and a weird looking guy’s profile picture staring piercingly at me with the auto-response “Is this still available?”
He was the no-shirt type. You know, one of those guys that takes a headshot without a shirt on. You can’t actually see his chest, but you can see his bare shoulders. And it isn’t in a check me out, aren’t I sexy? kind of way, it is just in a I’m the inspiration for all those store signs that say “no shirt no shoes no service” kind of way. They often have uncomfortable bags under their eyes and squirrely looking hair and you can just visualize their hands shaking as they hit that auto-response button as though they are coming down off of something. And you think to yourself: Gosh this looks like a mugshot. But surely no one would make their Facebook profile a mugshot…right?
I’m undecided.
The conversation proceeded.
”It is pending pickup, but if it falls through I will let you know.”
“My best friend wants me to put a BMX together for his son and I could use it.”
Two minutes pass.
“Please tell me you still got it!"
“And so it begins,” I said again darkly to the muffin. The no-shirt type likes to mildly argue in a very pitiful way. It ends up sounding like begging, but it is argumentative because you can just tell that at any moment it can switch to down-right nasty.
I’ve had some interesting interactions scattered here and there over the years. I’ve had a few scammer attempts which were kind of fun, and quite a few people that didn’t speak English well that I nearly took to be scammers.
The most amusing one was from a lady I never even communicated with. My inbox was inundated with messages one morning and I threw in the towel on responding. After ten auto-response messages, enough is enough. After an hour this particular lady messaged me again to call me a bitch for not answering her. I chuckled at that one and decided not to answer again.
These people think they are good at persuasion or telling people off, or all sorts of things. But they have no idea what they are up against—I’ve had training.
Today, while going over the capitals with my son:
“Capital of Michigan?”
“Michigan City.”
I rolled my eyes while the boy looked to be gaining momentum and began again.
“Michigan City…otherwise known as Lansing…otherwise known as Poop City!”
Hysterical little boy laughter.
Do you know how many states are in this United States of America? That’s right, fifty. All fifty of them have capitals otherwise known as something. Only the boy knows what.
Bring it No-Shirt. I’ve got this in the bag.
You and my muffin.
Hahaha there are some nuuuuuutty people that like to reply to ads out there. Poor crazy lady having an argument with herself over your ad. I hope she gets some therapy soon.
And seriously, those no-shirt guys always make me feel threatened, and I'm a bodyworker!
Your son is a riot!
I have a friend that is a massage therapist and she has some really good stories, prior to switching to only working on women. She would get some pretty bad inquiry phone calls. All the characters in our society...they are just fascinating. I'm sure you've got quite a few on the job stories as well.
I'm glad someone things so ;)
Oy, it was pretty creepy at the beginning of my private practice. The ethics and boundaries they teach you in school are nothing like the shit you have to deal with when you go out in the real world.
Good for your friend. It's a seriously emotionally demanding job, and we should only work with those we are comfortable touching. Nowadays I only work on people I know, unless it's in the clinic, where I have specified NO NEW MALE PATIENTS if I'm the only one there. They're good about that.
They are! When they aren't hurting anybody, I really appreciate the absurdity they bring. It's inspiring!
True for life in general. My first job was a cashier, and I remember clearly this fat old man that came in maybe three or four times. He had an enormous round belly barely contained by his button-down shirt and pants that were hanging on for dear life by suspenders. He had a cane and he waddled up to the cash register slowly in a sort of old gentleman way, the sort that you politely give way to. And then his benign looking wrinkled up 80-year-old face would suddenly speak the most inappropriate vulgar sentence. And I would just stand there like what the fuck just happened? Then he'd smile like he just told me that I was a polite young lady and waddle away. I take comfort in knowing that surely he is dead by now.
I only have acronyms for that one.
Facebook is a great place to go to learn about patience and understanding.
Ha! Yes. It is great for practicing your own inner calm by test. In that sense it is so bad, it's good. Look at you turning evil old Facebook into a positive - I don't believe that scary profile pic of yours for a minute ;)
And that's what's so scary about it.
evil laughI suppose there should be a No-Name type as well:
You can actually dry the bird poop with the laser beams.
I also tell people that red 'M' most don't notice stands for monster. But it really doesn't...
Aw, M stands for mother, doesn't it? You've got little green no-names running around, don't you? I can just see them trotting about blasting the world with their laser beam birds and then hurrying behind them to dry the poop.
Or I suppose you could mean madman. Or, since we hardly know each other, Mr. Madman.
Mr. Madman. That has some ringing to it. I'd probably have to go with Monsieur Madman though. Now I'm sophisticated.
And yeah there's some offspring. But they're not little and running anymore. Big and driving now.
There's those strappy shoes again.
I can't believe you remember them. I remember precisely the last time I took a picture of them, because the post was about a local entity that I agreed to write for and their little meet-up they had. I was trying to figure out how to bow out of the gig gracefully after I realized I strongly did not want to be associated with them. Ha. That was about 2 years ago. I haven't worn them since, until recently. Poor neglected heels.
They are funny because they seem to have a life of their own. Every time I toss them off they seem to strike a pose on the floor. Those things are not shoes, they are models. And they crave the camera.
I certainly do, we had a whole conversation about them and yes, I recall they have a way of arranging themselves in unique and interesting ways after being slipped off and haphazardly cast aside. The saucy minxes.
Can't you just see them sneakily inching away on their own and then tossing themselves on top of each other into a jumble of pretty lines? I can, and it's a little bit creepy. Think I am going to close the closet door tonight...
Those rascally strappy shoes. Yes, close the closet door. Safer that way.
I enjoy looking at the weird shit people post on marketplace, I use FB a lot like you do: mainly to find out things like why the electricity is off in my hood
Yep, power outages, traffic problems, who got murdered and why - FB is good for all that local stuff. And I too enjoy looking at the weird stuff on Marketplace. It seems as though there is a whole department of cast iron stuff. For $200 I could have an "antique" rusted out fireplace insert. For $500 I could have my own witch's caldron that is too heavy for me to move. Interesting stuff:)
Sooo… is the bike still available?
Actually, the guy that was supposed to pick it up flaked. I don't know how I feel about the cartoon-type, I've never done business with one before. Are you likely to beg or curse at me if I tell you it is pending pickup?
I would never do such a thing, ma'am. I'm an honest and respectful cartoon person from the good old days back when cartoons were wholesome and fun. I just want the bike to have a good home is all.
Oh cartoons just became my favorite type. I love it when
peopledrawings call me ma'am.The children acquired this comic book at the thrift store and the girl likes to read three pages of it to me every night. It made me think of you. I know nothing about comics, this is one of the first ones I can really remember reading...well, listening to.

I don't know what comic strip that is but it's beautifully illustrated. I wonder if they'd let me make a guest appearance sometime.
It is Copper. I could see your talking head and spiking hair bobbing around in there.