I returned after nearly a week in Las Vegas at Freedomfest and was shocked at just how out of whack my diet could get on such a short trip.
It all started with just one bowl of vegetarian Chinese noodles and some deep fried spring rolls. I figured it'd be just one and then I'd get back to my regular diet.
But, two hours later I was hungry again. And not just hungry... starving. I felt like I would die if I didn't get food. And what food was I craving? Similar food.
I then had some Japanese noodles. And, two hours later, I was dying for more food... and what seemed to be carbs. I even grabbed some potato chips from the store to quench my need.
So, what happened? How could I fall off the wagon of my intermittent fasting, raw vegan diet so quickly and easily?
I ponder that in this video (and in the video a lot of people posted great comments on what probably happened).
As I got back to Acapulco I began an organic red grape juice fast to reboot my system. And as I did so I pondered on the two key reasons why people find it hard to stick to these things.
You can find out those two key reasons here:
The great news is that both of them are quite easy to fix once you realize they are a problem.
And, by the end of the video I talk about how so many people never even try to change their diet or lifestyle because they worry too much about how hard it will be. But, if you figure out my two key reasons, it actually isn't hard to do at all.
And, the key is, to not overthink it and just do it. The hardest part to almost any change is taking the first step. That's why I suggest you take the first step immediately. Like today... or at latest tomorrow. And just take it a step at a time.
Within days you'll laugh at how easy it was.
Or you can just continue to obsess about how hard it will be and worry about every possible circumstance and never even attempt to make a change to improve your life.
The choice is yours... but if you watch this video, hopefully you'll choose to take that first step today... no matter what your life goals are.

WOW, Just did a post 30 minutes ago about "JUST DO IT"... So Like Minded :)
Just do it! I went full vegan two weeks ago. Feel great now.
Vacation // Travel ... NON-stop eating ... are you full yet? NOPE.

OMG @tastetwist HAHAHA
😂 😂 😂
Original ghostbusters, that brings back memories! : )
Sage advice. The world bends a knee to action. Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners.
It's the salt in the cooked food that makes you addicted to it! Try eating noodles without salt (and that super salty pasta sauce) and you won't want it! Try eating potatoes or French fries without salt or ketchup! You won't want it!
I think you get used to no salt and find food incredibly tasty again. I don't know if it's removal is a unique and permanent solution to ending addiction..
But it'll be so hard!
I just stopped eating meat and drinking alcohol. I've been doing this for the past two months and I feel so fucking well! I've seen also a great improvement in the way I do my creative job, my creativity just flows much better now. Will keep watching your vids to get more motivation.
Just did the same and got the same results, I'm feeling great!
Pretty much in the same boat but only a few weeks in. Started with a 5 day fast eating only orange and lemon juice from my fruit trees. Guess I'm lucky there, brought my house just for them really. Just went to my first BBQ with my dad and his mates, they were all drinking and eating meat. I just came home to chill with my family after they started getting rowdy. Didn't even feel like a beer. Felt sorry for them actually.
Not that I don't agree with your points, but man, I am an islander and it would take a very long time for someone like me to actually become a vegetarian. I mean, something about islanders - we are avid meat eaters, and we eat a lot of rice. Basically, we don't overthink our lives. We simply live to have fun and eat till we die. We don't care. We'll die anyways. Just a few years before you, or even a few years after you. Lifespan doesn't matter at all to us. Just be happy every day. Have fun Jeff. Love you.
Dang Malem I gotta come visit your Island, we think alike and I like your food choice. I dont wanna live to the point someone is slapping my face for pissing my diaper.
Great advice! I'm glad I'm well along my way with eating a mucusless diet and exercise but there is always room for improvement
liked the comment but upvoted for the tool icon. Well, Alex Grey photo
Haha thanks! By far my favorite artist...trippy mane
Hope you checked out Dr. Robert Cassar. You also might like Dr.Brian Clement
keep it up!
Dr. Robert Cassar is what set my off on my journey towards being healthy. Much love and praise for that man
I would love Jeffs opinion on Kombucha. I have been making it for over a year and did not consume it on my fast but am using it to reboot my gut microbes along with a vegan diet as much as I possibly can. Hasn't been too hard as my mum is vegetarian and is staying with me since my fast ended for a few weeks.
Green juices..
Just about 5 years ago I was up to 300lbs. I was sick and tired of who I saw in the mirror. I decided enough was enough and it was time for a change. Of course I hit the gym quite a bit, but diet was the biggest contributing factor to success in the long run. I found that a good balanced diet with as few variations as possible was the easiest thing to do. For me, the less I had to figure out what I was going to eat, the better. As of today, I am down to 175 lbs. Falling off the wagon happens sometimes but its so easy to hop right back on!
Just watch the documentary from www.fatsickandnearlydead.com you will learn a lot @jeffberwick and let me know what you think?
Love your work @jeffberwick you should get Ron Finley on your show too - check this out https://steemit.com/life/@michelrnilles/the-person-that-made-the-guerilla-gardening-revolution-happen-just-to-plant-some-shit
The great thing about fasting and the mucusless diet is when your dedicated to it and know why it is beneficial, you will move 10 steps forward before going back 1. I have made giant steps towards fully detoxing my body after 20 years of eating dead animals and their products as well as processed foods in just the past year. You will notice once you dive into this lifestyle it is hard to go back to eating the normal western diet which is acid based. I'm slowly working my way up to 1 meal a day and am reaping the benefits! Thanks for spreading this truth Jeff, its inspiring me and so many more to push towards a lighter mind/body and a higher vibrational frequency!
We have to stick to our patterns because it is so easy to fall off the wagon! Happens all so often when vacationing or travelling for business.
Nice !!!! OMG @Great
"I returned after nearly a week in Las Vegas at Freedomfest and was shocked at just how out of whack my diet could get on such a short trip." Well hookers and gambling will do that to just about anyone lol
Hi Jeff, Upvoted and followed. You are so right - JUST DO IT :-)
I started my channel two days ago - an art channel - to finance a part of my tuition fees. Hope to get some support of some of you guys! Blessings Martin
Thank you .. in this life is very necessary motivation. Not always we have the spirit to do any work. Whatever our work, whatever our work Spirit is necessary. If there is no spirit surely our efforts will be in vain. So for that motivation is very important. For today I say many thanks to you, this video is very motivate me To do something. For my progress. thank you @jeffberwick
great post.. please help mine
Jeff I couldn't agree more!!! I have noticed that once you have accepted making changes on a regular basis the easier each new beginning becomes!!! I have tried to liberate my family, friends, and clients with this mindset! At this point I can't wait to try the next thing.
In the last year I have tried
Being a vegetarian - did not work but I haven't given up
Mining crypto currencies- its working!
Studying podcasts- learned more than going to any school ever
Changed my overall diet 3x and each time it's gotten better and I feel great
Changed work out routines 4x and now I feel the best I have in years!!
"Spiral-out-keep-going!!! Maynard James Keenan
Great video!
I was wondering, do you think meditation helps?
Start to learn to trade the crypto currency market today you won't regret it! http://www.CryptoCashRoom.com It's 101 if your going to spend your hard earned cash.
I think cereals are the true evil. Low-quality meat is so toxic because we feed our animals with cereals which are not their natural diet (cows eat grass, chickens love to eat small animals, etc.), besides locking them into cages and castrating them.
jeff, in one of your videos you mentioned an older book title and author.
I cant remeber what the name is........it is about unesco, luciferians, elites, masons church. etc
authors name was just a few letters.....pin or something?
I also find traveling makes you want to eat more! Takes it out of you!
martial arts. Joking.
@jeffberwick Chinese foods are best for your
It happens. Can you believe I just ate boiled sweet potato? It was tasty.
Great Post. Having the drive and motivation to overcome fear and pillage through our shortcomings can propel us to experience life to heights unimaginable.
I stopped drinking soda 3 months ago, which I thought was going to be really rough as I was a huge Mountain Dew drinker. Was actually really easy to give up. Now I've moved onto giving up bread, which a bit harder. I've managed to give up snacking as well and added more fruits/veggies to my diet. I just got tired...of being tired. Like posted...it's def a lifestyle change that you have to want.
Just think of our ancestors thousand of years ago, there eating habit. No junk food, eaten raw, and grill or smoke.
Another great video as usual,definitely gives you something to think about.
Thank you for providing great content i will be sure to apply some of your methods
wow amazing post i liked
I am proud of you for changing your lifestyle and food. You were smart to stop drinking and eat healthy. Thanks for setting the example for others to follow and sharing it here on steemit. - Troy
Been focused on how food effects me. I had no idea when I was eating so bad, I thought it had no effect at all. It wasn't until I made some major changes that I could tell the difference.
I like you Jeff, really I do.
I'd share a glass of organic grape juice with you any day of the week.
I just stumble a bit on a few things, like the "mucus clogging your system" remark. I get this picture of some old guy chugging down another cold glass of milk, but he doesn't care if it clogs anything. Its too delicious.
I know you mean in the sense of internal systems and whatever, but it just hits me like a pothole in the smooth road of conversational chat you're throwing down.
Keep being you Jeff, but I gotta say -- I haven't had that mucus problem, honest.
TRX straps and calisthenics. Interesting
Stick with it @jeffberwick ! Keep up the good fight, don't let the bumps in the road deter you.
We don't have to worry about what others think, we have to think in what's good for us, nice post, greetings from Venezuela!!
Chinese food = MSG, even though they all say it 's MSG FREE, we all know. What does MSG do... It expands your stomach so you can eat more. It literally EXPANDS YOUR stomach, sending signals to your brain, telling it that you are empty... So your brain tells you EAT MORE. Period.
well said!
You hit the nail on the head by stating the first step is always the hardest. It just a matter of DOING IT!
Thanks as always Jeff.
If everybody lives the true vegan lifestyle, all humans would die because veganism says you shouldn't harm any living. But life is connected to harm so if you get a child you accept that it will get some pain. A true vegan person can't get childrens and the human race would die. This is an extreme example but it's true!
I agree Jeff people got to just try and do it, I did it not as hardcore as you but have been intermittingly fasting and been amazing. I have lost weight and I feel great and great part it's not difficult at all.
I stopped drinking alcohol and my revenue groth 3x time. And i not joking.
This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!
Flush all that garbage food out Jeff, Enema time.. do them until the stentch of death comes out :)
I think you men't to say Vegetarian when you said Vegan a few times Jeff, no worries your point still got through.
I fell off the wagon and vegan diet at the last Anarchapulco 2017.
It is so hard to stay on a vegan diet when your surrounded by garbage food and all the starchy carbs on all the menu's.
Jeff its the Parasites neurologically causing the craving.
Once you start it's like fuel on a fire for the parasites to multiply and they want more. And you eat more.. Nasty cycle going on.
The power of the sub conscience is endless when your mind and body are clean.
Just Do It! Steem on!