-THE KETO DIET- (How I lost 40+Lbs, And Will Lose More!)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

                                                 -THE KETO DIET-

  • What is the Ketogenic Diet?
  • How Do you get in Ketosis?
  • What are some side effects?
  • What has your experience been like?
  • What Do you Eat?

What is the Ketogenic Diet? :

Well, Let me start of by saying, I'm not a specialist, but I've done the Keto diet twice and had great success twice.

The Keto Diet is limiting your daily intake of carbs to nearly zero. (I do about 10-15 grams of carbs daily) To put that into perspective, a 20oz bottle of Pepsi has 69 carbs in it alone.

Now, most people's response to limiting yourself to that few of carbs is that it's unhealthy. Well, at the start, yes. That's because the body runs on carbs. Glucose (carbs) fuels the brain, and gives it the energy in needs to do all the amazing things it is able to do. 

So what happens when the brain, and all the other organs stop receiving the glucose?

Well, when you limit your carb intake, you limit the amount of glucose in your body. Once your glucose level is so low it can't support your organs in the way it should, your body reacts and adapts and thus putting you body into a state of Ketosis.

This is where your body adapts into a fat burning machine.

Your body, instead of running on glucose, starts to run on Ketones, which are produced by the liver from fatty acids. So your body is literally running off of the fat you have stored in your body. 

This is what five pounds of fat looks like

How Do You Get Into Ketosis?

There is two ways this can be done.

  1. The Normal Way
  2. The Fast Way (This is the way I did it, but I wouldn't recommend it)

The Normal Way:

Just simply change up your diet, to exclude carbs. I'd suggest staying under 20grams. I was able to reach Ketosis my first time around with staying at around 50grams.(It did take way longer, I suggest for long term to stay around 20-25grams) It will take anywhere from a week to two weeks. It's different for everyone.

The Fast Way:

So if you want to get into Ketosis fast, this is what I did. I was able to reach Ketosis in 3 days. On the first day I fasted, and only drank water. The second day, right when I woke up a did a cardio exercise (cycled on my bike) until I literally couldn't go anymore. (Burned off all the excess carbs in my body) On the second day I didn't have any carbs I just ate chicken. On the third day, I ate a normal Keto Diet which limited the intake to around 15 carbs and The next day I was in Ketosis.

You can purchase urine sticks that'll tell you how many ketones are in your urine.

What Are Some Side Effects? :

Well I'll start of by telling you, getting into Ketosis your body goes through, basically, a starving stage. It doesn't know what's going on. I had massive headaches, and had zero energy. Once I finally transitioned into Ketosis, all of those side effects went away.

While in Ketosis 

  • I notice I am hardly ever hungry.
  • I sleep throughout the night, without any sleep aides
  • I have endless energy
  • I feel stronger (don't actually know if I am)
  • Extremely fast weight loss
  • Skin cleared up
  • Weird, but my nails and hair seem to grow a lot faster.
  • I don't crave anything, I'll want something, but I'll never crave it.
I do however usually have 2 big carls a week :) Bunless and lettuce wrapped of course. Only 12 carbs.

What Has My Experience Been Like?

Well I've been in Ketosis for around 4 months now. And I have lost 41 lbs.

I lost the first 20 in the first month, than I hit a wall. I didn't really care, because I felt great, and I was at a weight that I looked pretty dang good at. Then I decided to try and get out of Ketosis with a big cheat day. And then get right back into it, with success. 

The last month and a half, I lost another 20 lbs, and I plan to lose 20 more. 

I feel great, and I feel young again.

What Do You Eat?

Well, honestly, I am the most boring dieter known to man. I eat the same thing everyday, unless it's my Big Carl day haha.

I incorporate a 16 hr fasting period with my diet, which I suggest to anyone doing the Keto Diet to do, it'll allow your body to digest it's food completely, and have a lot of free time to work and repair your body, which also allows for a faster weight loss.

So I will wake up anywhere from 8am-9am

I will have my sugar free Rockstar (Be careful with imitation sugar products, for some people, it can kick them out of Ketosis)

Then I'll stretch, and go for my daily cycle.

I'll return and eat Breakfast around 1-130Pm (4 eggs, 5 pieces of bacon) = 1 Carb

I'll have a a couple snacks throughout the day, either string cheese (0 carbs) or a jerkey stick (1carb)

For Dinner I will make Chicken salad, at around 6pm-7pm Chciken, Mayo, Mustard, Relish (0 carbs)

And Sometime throughout the day I Will have a cup of coffee with real sugar filled creamer (10-15 carbs) so Usually I'm around 13-20 carbs a day.

So On most days there is a period of 16-19 hrs where I don't eat, I still eat my full amount of calories, just in that small timeframe. 

This is , like I said earlier, so the body can fully digest, and then can focus its energy onto other things.

You want to add a lot of Fat to this diet as well. SO when you cook, use coconut oil, when you use mayo, use a lot of it. Butter EVERYTHING!!!!


I know nothing, but what I've experienced, and with this Keto Diet I have experienced success.

I will remain on the Keto Diet until I reach atleast 20 more lbs down. 

***What Type Of Diet are you guys on!?***


***If You Follow Me Let Me Know In The Comments So I Can Return The Favor***



The Warrior Diet is the best Diet. Only a true Warrior can do it.

I do the similar carb night solution. Because I enjoy cheat nights on sat. night too much (plus being on a rugby club you have to have one day you can drink) Your results are awesome keep it up! I am going back on carb night tomorrow actually because now that rugby season is over it's time to trim down for summer.

Yes! This Saturday is my carb night, having a drink while watching the UFC fights! I'm at the stage where I just need to trim down, and get lean. Trying to be at my goal around mid July.

I've always wanted to play rugby!

find a team! I started this year at 37, just finished my first tournament. Most fun, brutal experience of my entire life!

This is really interesting. I have heard about the Keto diet before! Great job!

I did the Keto diet for a couple months before my wedding...Dropped 30lbs in 2 months. Now I am just back to portion control as I love my carbs a little too much. One odd thing I noticed when having a carb "cheat day" while doing keto was the immense amount of water I would retain. I had a 10lb weight gain over 30 hours during one of my cheat days...all water, within 2 days I was back down to where I started before my cheat day. Thanks for the follow by the way, following back now!

That is awesome! Good for you :)

@starsteem Sorry I was going to make a video, but I got a little busy, So I just wrote this up explaining Keto a little bit better.

No worries! I appreciate this and cant wait to settle in and give it a good read. Again, thank you! U Da Man! :)

Be careful with long term keto. I've worked with many clients who come to be with thyroid issues after being on a ketosis diet. Ketosis should not be used as an ongoing diet. Make sure you work in carb re-feed meals on a regular basis and track your morning temperature every day. This will provide an insight into your thyroid health. If your temps start dropping you need to get off ketosis for a while.

I know many of people of various ages, who have followed a Keto 'Diet' long term (1 year +) and NONE of them have Thyroid issues. They do have more energy, clearer skin etc. and all have lost weight. Protein and Fats are essential nutrients for the human body. Carbohydrates are NOT.