A Very Devil's Egg

in #life5 years ago


Come on you lot, it's bath time.

Using a combination of begging, bribing and threats, I herded both the kids upstairs towards the bathroom.

As usual, being the manky little tykes that they are, they were most reluctant to get in a bath and be washed. Heaven forbid that several days worth of food and un-nameable muck (particularly in the Little Boom's case) be sluiced off them.

Heeyah!! HEEYAH!!

I resorted to yelling random noises and menacingly flicking a towel about like a whip as if I were a cowboy trying to impress a sexy moose to finally get them undressed and into the bath.


Finally, it was done.

Once the pair of them hit the water they started horsing about with a million floaty, squeezy toys and I could relax.

Daddy!! Daddy!! Come in the bath with us!

The Little Lady yelled.

She was splobbing about with some kind of stick pretending to be an aquatic Harry Potter.

I looked up from my phone where I had been about to commence some quality Steem Reading. (Not an oxymoron. Not yet, at least...)


Erm... I dunno, lass. You are getting quite big and there isn't really room for the three of us?

I shrugged my shoulders as if to imply that it was somehow out of my hands and I would if I could. It had been a busy day and I was missing my screen time being the addicted fool that I was.

Oh, come on, Daddy... Please..? Pleeeeeaaase?

The Little Lady looked bereft.

I felt myself swithering. Then the Little Boom peeked over the edge of the bath.

Daddee. In Bat. Now? Pees?

His speaking was coming on a treat. Only ten more years and he would be able to ask someone for directions to the Asylum for the Insane where his Daddy was kept.


Oh, alright then. Two seconds.

I caved and quickly whipped my kit off and joined them in the bath.

Lots of splashy, shouty, noisy fun was had and it seemed like only minutes before the Good Lady popped into the bathroom.

Wow, guys, you have been in there for over an hour. You look like you are having lots of fun!

She positively beamed to see her little family having some quality time.

Yeah, they dragged me in. It has been fun though.

I smiled the smile of an amazing Daddy-Bear, if there was a scale of Daddy'ing, I had just gone up a level.

The Good Lady frowned and craned her neck forward like a strange pecky bird.

Daddy-Bear, what's that dark thing in the water?

She asked, tilting her head quizzically to the side and narrowing her eyes.

I laughed and fought the urge to tell her that we had sneaked in an Otter.

What do you mean, dark thing?

I looked about, still chuckling at the thought of a big whiskered otter flapping about and shouting.

Then I froze.

There was a dark thing, bobbing about near the bottom of the bath. In fact, there were two of them. What the hell was...

Realisation came crashing in.


I yelled attempting to backpedal away from the foul arse-cigars bobbing along the bottom of the big Poo sea.

Daddy. Don't swear in front of the children?!

The Good Lady barked crossly.

What's a shat?

Asked the Little Lady trying to peer around me as I attempted to lever myself up without my legs going anywhere near the devilish brown eggs one of my precious poo-turkey children had laid.


Like a whippet, the Little Lady leapt from the bath and stood dripping and shivering pointing in horror at the spectacle of an adult rolling around in a tsunami of shit.

The Good Lady winced as I finally managed to stand.

Um, Daddy-Bear, you have a bit on your leg?

She grimaced and flapped her hands at me as if I was a filthy street pigeon with one leg hopping in circles near her foot.

I looked down.

AAAAAAGGGHHHHH?!?! My leg, my beautiful leg. GET IT OFF. HELP ME!

But my shouts of help were in vain, the Good Lady in the blink of an eye, had pulled the plug, wheeked the Little Boom out of the bath and was shepherding them both off to downstairs to get cleaned up.

I'll get these two, you deal with the bath and yourself.

She trilled over her shoulder.

The bathroom was silent.

I looked down at the brown lumps gurgling near the drain and the sluglike smear on my leg. Something inside me cracked.

Bastards. You will all pay for this. You hear? YOU WILL ALL PAY!


Oh I cant believe no one beat me to it ahahahahaha!

Hahahaha!!! Oh, man. I remember that. It was hilarious!!! And that was what it was like!!

O this brought back memories - I think most parents has gone through this - it made me laugh. You are such a man.... I think us women can tolerate a higher amount of poop and puke... well we do not have a choice.

I definitely think that you can. I remember with the little lady she held one up in her hand like a microphone out to me. I nearly fled the country. :0D

Oh, My God, man!! You are killing me!

You just can't make this stuff up! For real. Throw a little bleach on it and it 'll be all better.

I need to take it home. I swear I'm still laughing myself stupid.

Upped and Steemed


Throw bleach on my own beautiful leg!? What do your think it is, an old plastic table!! ;0)

The house now smells splendidly of bleach and everyone is happy!! Lol

Haha! That is because The Good Lady took care of business. :)

Nobody would want to ruin those beautiful legs! Behold! You can walk around having been shat on and nobody will be the wiser. Smell the wiser, maybe....

But, that is a horse of a different odor color.

Now that I have been marked I wander the streets wondering about those that walk me by. Have they too been shat on? Are they carrying the indelible stains of shame under their small clothes. We will never know!

Been there!

But this made me laugh out loud. I'd almost label it NSFW because of the laughter that it invoked.

It's soooooo much funnier to hear it when it's someone else.

Now, you simply have to wait until that happens.

Until then ... Remember ....


Gone are the days when the kids take care of the elderly parents... 60 years from now ... the only person who will pay will be the orderly responding to your summons. But redemption will be yours!!!!

The orderly will pay!!!

Lol. I have seen a few bath events in my illustrious career as a parent but I must say, I have never been in there when one happened. Well, till now!!!

You've got a couple more years when it can happen in a friend/coworkers pool.

Every kid in the pool will deny it being theirs ... but in the back of your mind, you'll remember this incident and wonder.

I was in holiday a few years ago and there was a swim up bar and someone laid one there. Everyone said it must have been one of the kids but I had my doubts!

Now THAT is planning your revenge. 🤔

Always thinking ahead!!

@meesteboom bueno cuando estas con tus pequeños, cualquier cosa puede pasar y lo que menos imaginas se puede convertir en realidad. Con el tiempo todos reirán pero nadie puede negar, que! es mejor que te lo cuenten a vivir esa cruel realidad.

Saludos y diviertanse unidos.
que tengan un gran día para todos

¡gracias! ¡estos son buenos momentos, incluso cuando todo va a la mierda! jajaja

@meesterboom Sin duda, así es, por cierto; es tu momento de disfrutar todas estas cosas que pasan en la familia, solo haslo con toda la intensidad de la que seas capaz porque el tiempo vuela y cuando te des cuenta, ya todo ha pasado.

Asi me paso a mi y cuando he preguntado a quienes han vivido,estas experiencias; lo mismo me han comentado .

Un abrazo grande y a ellos tambien(los niños y a tu esposa).
pasenla bien.

Sí estoy de acuerdo. ¡La vida es algo para disfrutar!


I wondered where you were yesterday and now I know - taking a long bath in shite, and then presumably a long shower!

The things we do for children - this one is not on the list!

A long long shower! I still feel tainted!! I might have to have a double shower today!!!

Hehe, yesterday was just a planned day off the steeming though!

Ahh, well if there ever was a day to get shat on your leg, this was it :D

Hehe, the day couldn't have gone any better... Oh, wait... :0D

Alright Boom... time to fess up! Blaming the little Boom- for shame!

It was me!! I shart the bath!!! :0D

There, now don't you feel better???

I do! Now I can admit to tucking one under his pillow as well!!

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I have been shat on by my kids but never had a bath experience with it floating, I imagine that would result in v interesting dreams of endless poo floating towards you, ha ha you really are a wonderful storyteller xx