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RE: Is That All You Got?

in #life2 years ago (edited)

It was mad, he was talking like an adult wanting a proper fisticuffs fight. You got nothing. I was utterly baffled as well as mortified that he was yelling at me like I was a fud.

We need that #savetheeggs campaign to get into swing!

They do seem to move the eggs about more than other things right enough. I can never find the bastards and then when I do my son smashes them up! They were awfully nice about hat though.


Did you and the Good Lady birth a Scottish Scouser?

He seems to be developing all the habits that goes along with it! lol!

Maybe it was the chaps that were fighting over the kebab that inspired the tirade?

It might have been, he might have been thinking, hey that should be me out there!

Can you imagine him standing there screaming purple faced to the hobo guy "Is that all you got? You got nothing". I have a funny feeling you would be chopping off hands left right and center afterwards.

Maybe he was practicisg for a future hobo slaying career. I hope not. I don't fancyvisiting prison much.

Or them visiting me, the axeman in prison!

I totally agree with you on both points, best to make sure that you keep that ice cream treat after shopping as a nice reminder to not have fist fights with egg trays while out shopping.

Indeed, I like to have something dangling over them to ensure future obedience 😀😀

I hope you'll be dangling ice creams - carrots generally don't work as well with kids as they do with donkey and horses 😁

I've never heard a child that age speak such a phrase, lol. Sounds more like a street brawl that leads one to question what was the preceding inciting action to elicit such bravado so loudly, so aggressively, backed up with fist smashing eggs. I can imagine you were well mortified while everyone is looking on, no doubt wondering, "what did you do?".

Eggs are one of the only foods I never tire of, so when it comes to egg wounding, I feel like getting on the egg warpath.

Some things are moved around more than others. I had that issue with cream for a while, drove me a bit nuts. Here though, they are moving a lot of product around every week. Who said shopping was fun? It's a torturous experience at any time. It's good they'll let you back in the store. Did you get any flack for coming back with no eggs?

It started to make more sense when I got back and told the Good Lady who in turn told me about his increasing obsession ith watching the same shows as his sister who watches all manner of crazy almost teen stuff which seems to involve a lot of mad crazy violence and shouting, ha!

I love eggs too, except paoched. I cant be doing with a poached egg. I love emelettes the most closely followed by boiled, yum!

Hehe, no flack, I not only came back I came back with eggs as I had to go back in when all was calm and apologise for smashing up the place and tunning out but no one apart from some customers noticed. Eggs aplenty!

Ahhh, the TV! It all makes perfect sense now. 😂 I was wondering if he was channeling American sentiments, lol. (Canadians don't speak like this, I think).

Poached I haven't had since I was a child, not my choice way of eating them, nor runny snotty whites either, LOLOL, ewww.

Awww, you waited and went back to apologize and get the eggs. A decent thing to do. Also, it saved your hide when you got home, LOL!

Runny whites, oh lord that makes me almost want to vomit on the spot!

I had to go back and apologise, the crazy victorian gentleman that I am :OD

Runny whites, oh lord that makes me almost want to vomit on the spot!

I could mention some other things in relation, but today is "Maximum Laughs Wednesday" and such details would rain on the laughter parade.

Crazy victorian gentleman who likes to bash bricks, save the eggs, selectively indulge in only worthy liquors and spicy hot sauces with wicked arty designs on the labels, and grows bamboo...all in Scotland. Brilliant marketing campaign to bring in the tourists. Sell yourself only to the worthy high classed bidders.

Ah if only that would work. Our marketing is terrible. Its all tartan and shortbread and twee dancing. Most of us cringe at the stuff that is put out there to tourists and folk from beyond the wall!

Tartan and shortbread I'm biased, along with the dancing, but I do think the Irish have a leg up when it comes to dancing and the different pipes 😏, but you're halfway there.

Most of us cringe at the stuff that is put out there to tourists and folk from beyond the wall!

At least you aren't marketed like I've seen Ireland marketed here...a man holding a sheep looking deeply and lovingly into it's eyes.