I'm fine. That's all. It's highs and lows. Hard to explain. Think about how much energy it would take to be on fire. You've seen me on fire. That stuff is way up into space. I like it, it feels good. I can't stay there though. I'd pop. So these things come up in life. They're necessary. They seem to come in waves or groups. Sometimes it's nothing. Other times it's pretty harsh. The drop can be drastic. That'll change a person overnight. Knock me down a few notches. If I bottle it up, it stays there. Over the years I've found if I simply get things off my chest and be honest about it, I start to feel better. I'm an open book. I also like to make it known the world that I don't enjoy being fucked with and I like to push back. I needed to talk, so I did my talking.
I am getting tired though. My last post I said I won't be around. People still commented. I didn't ignore them. I read everything, but not until I had a free moment. Even though I'm tired, I get bored if I don't do anything. I didn't want to just sleep off an entire day. The silence gave me a chance to just focus only on my art studio instead of switching back and forth and attempting to do everything at the same time. So now I got something done and I feel better. I did everything I said I was going to do. Got some rest, went for a long walk, aimlessly. I needed that. Might do it again tomorrow.