What The Heck Are We Supposed To Be Eating @senseicat

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have spent countless hours researching nutrition and health via watching documentaries, reading books, and online methods. I have also jumped in with both feet trying the latest nutrition craze.

Food really seems to be a HUGE consideration for most people these days with a combination of the obesity epidemic as well as other significant health issues.

Many people that I know are gluten free, dairy free, vegan, vegetarian, all the while desperately seeking labels such as non-GMO and definitely NO MSG!

With each new study, there is another one that follows that contradicts the original research. Am I the only one who wonders what is actually GOOD to eat?

I know many folks who go by the mere philosophy that YOU EAT WHATEVER IS CONSUMABLE especially if it TASTES GOOD!

Yep, that is ME next to the person eating onion rings relishing every scent as though I am also indulging in it.


Here I go again, round and round it goes. I am going VEGAN and also incorporating FASTING intermittently each day. If you think that I am joking, I assure you that I am NOT. I will be eating only within an 8 hours period during the day allowing my body to self regulate to my new schedule. Instead of eating 3 meals per day at the times that seem appropriate, I will be giving myself an 8 hour time frame each day to increase metabolism and allow my ORGANS to rest and function optimally.

As with each new DIET or NUTRITION challenge, I often share the new found information with my husband and his response is EPIC with a resounding "H_ _ L NO"



You are much more disciplined than I am.

I tried eating vegan for a few weeks. I felt great, but was always hungry. I just couldn't keep going. (I have no willpower.)

But congratulations on maintaining your diet. It's not easy!

My last attempt was a few years ago and I lasted 2 weeks due to hunger and losing too much weight. All I can do it try and I thank you for your honesty and encouragement.


Humans are omnivores....though some would argue the point.


I believe eating in moderation and getting enough exercise is a good way to go. Unfortunately, sometimes schedules might interfere! However, I also believe that some of humanity's problem with health issues and obesity lies in what is in our food sources. There are so many additives in our food-especially processed foods. Nothing is as pure as it was 50-100 years ago. You have to pretty much eat organic, and keep in mind there's many versions of that as well. It can seem overwhelming at times. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

It seems to me that before everyone went overboard with "studying" food, people had somewhat more balanced eating habits. My Human's grandparents lived by a "everything in moderation" philosophy.

The Interwebz seem like a snake pit of misinformation. You can find "proof" that pretty much everything is bad for you, as well as proof that it is good for you.

But I wish you well with your effort!


Yes, my grandmother lived by “everything in moderation” theory too and it certainly worked for her as she lived to be over 100 years old.


Everything in moderation...balance is key.

Btw, I received the blessing of the 8-hour window a few years ago while sitting at a red light. It was the best Word of Knowledge I ever received; and, shall never forget it...forever grateful to Father God for answered prayer.

Discipline in all areas of life is key. In too many instances, food becomes a 'god' in the lives of people...If God calls it good, then we create havoc when we deny ourselves certain nutrients.

A slice of key-lime pie sounds good about right now...lol...


Of all the things to mention..I love key lime pie and immensely enjoyed it in the Florida Keys!

Of all the things to mention

@senseicat I do believe synergy is God's way of reminding us that He's near...

Btw, I don't want to create more work for you; but, I have to admit you put out some yum food vids...so hopefully, that key-lime pie is on your list...lol...

Also, that food-window includes lots of healthy beverages to stay hydrated, and take the edge off any hunger that raises up.

Best regards on your health journey.


Eating is one of the pleasures of life, we just have to do it responsibly, everything in excess is bad.

man needs food as his life energy.

It is intentionally made to be confusing. There is so many bad interpretations and lies in order to keep the status as it is.
It is actually very easy fresh not processed organic food is the answer to the question.