seems to me that two things happen when people make money, especially money from providing exposure to other peoples work. The person doing so gets encouragement or jealousy and envy raises it's ugly head. The latter happened here. There were some who objected because they were making money by curating other content.
To me, if a person builds a following and takes the time to curate content to bring it to the attention of others then it adds value. My personal policy is that I upvote the person providing the links and I upvote the authors, provided I agree the author has written a quality post. There are some days, if I don't find the links all that much quality that I don't upvote the curator.
Some of those who were upset over them making the money were people who had been featured and didn't get any gain from it. I personally suspect maybe their work wasn't all that good to start with and it's easier to blame someone else for their lack of success.
On point.
I dont see anything bad about this getting featured thing.