Ok. Can I confess something?
I was sure this will be a boring generic moneygrabbing post. I opened it just to have that nice feeling of being right, you know it? The feeling of AHA!!! I knew it.
I was also curious.
Then I started reading :)
You, dear techslut, have a new fan!
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I love posting clickbait titles and writing a post with actual value. Just to troll everyone. :)
I am stealing this technique...it is mine now...I'll share the next one :D
You can't steal it if I openly and happily share it. :)
I said it.
I meant it.
I'm here to represent it. ( not sure If I'm doing it right!)
Lacks the post value bit. :P
I will need some serious ALOE for this BURN! :))
It has entertaining value!!!
It's GOLD! :P
I have very very high standards. Or as I like to say: I am pickiest slut you'll ever meet.