Ein Islamist hat bei einer islamkritischen Veranstaltung in einer Waffenverbotszone in Mannheim einen Islamkritiker mit einem Messer angegriffen. Die Reaktion der Politiker in Deutschland und Österreich: Noch mehr Waffenverbotszonen und gesetzestreue Bürger entwaffnen 🙈
Auf X mehrt sich die Kritik, dass eigentlich die "Politiker und ihresgleichen" für solche Gewalttaten mitverantwortlich seien, da sie gewaltbereite, religiöse Fanatiker massenweise nach Deutschland und Österreich einwandern haben lassen und amtsbekannte Terroristen nicht abgeschoben werden.
Mittlerweile ist auch ein neues Video aufgetaucht, das den chaotischen Tathergang etwas besser erklärt. Ein "Passant" hat anscheinend fälschlicherweise eine Person attackiert, die eigentlich den Terroristen stoppen wollte. Ziemlich chaotisch das Ganze. Ein Polizist ist dabei schwer verletzt worden, bis der Täter durch eine einzelne Schussabgabe durch einen weiteren Polizisten aufgehalten wurde. Ziemlich heftig.
Was sagt ihr dazu? Denkt ihr, dass weitere Waffenverbotszonen und eine Verschärfung des Waffenrechts in Österreich und Deutschland etwas bringen werden oder hat es doch etwas mit der aktuellen Migrationspolitik in der EU zu tun?
Teil II: Mannheimer Messerattacke - Polizeieinsatz analysiert - Neues Video aufgetaucht
Video credit: Outdoor Chiemgau
Reaktion in Deutschland
Reaktion in Österreich
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An Islamist attacked a critic of Islam with a knife at an event critical of Islam in a gun ban zone in Mannheim, Germany. The reaction of politicians in Germany and Austria: even more gun ban zones and disarming law-abiding citizens 🙈
There is growing criticism on X that "politicians and their ilk" are actually partly responsible for such acts of violence, as they have allowed violent religious fanatics to immigrate to Germany and Austria en masse and known terrorists are not being deported once in they are in the EU.
In the meantime, a new video has emerged that explains the chaotic course of events a little better in Germany. A “passer-by” apparently mistakenly attacked a person who actually wanted to stop the terrorist. The whole thing was pretty chaotic. A policeman was seriously injured until the perpetrator was stopped by another policeman firing a single shot. Pretty violent.
What do you think? Do you think that further gun ban zones and stricter gun laws in Austria and Germany will help or does it rather have something to do with current migration policy in the European Union?
Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯
xx Viki @vikisecrets
Sind die Fragen ernst gemeint?
Erinnert mich an die Frage: War das Attentat politisch motiviert?
Ich denke, meine Meinung dazu kennst Du ohnehin.
Waffenverbote sind kontraproduktiv, da sich die "Neubürger" ohnehin nicht daran halten und die, "die schon länger da sind" so nur noch mehr zum wehrlosen Opfer werden.
Das Absurde ist, dass der Angriff bereits in einer Waffenverbotszone stattgefunden hat. Für mich ein Beleg, dass solche Zonen nichts bringen, da sich Terroristen ohnehin nicht an das Waffenrecht halten. Die Frage soll das absurde Vorgehen der Politiker verdeutlichen, die den Vorfall auch für Stimmung "gegen Rechts" missbrauchen.
Das Verhalten der Politiker zeugt von nackter Panik angesichts des Popularitätsverlusts. Aber anstatt endlich zu reagieren und die Massenwinwanderung zu stoppen (was die Mehrheit der Menschen will), machen sie einfach weiter und wollen mit aller Macht die politische Konkurrenz als unwählbar diskreditieren.
PS: Mittlerweile ist der Polizist gestorben.
Und währenddessen werden Demos gegen Rechts abgehalten 🤡
Hab ich auch anderswo erwähnt, siehe Reumanplatz in Favoriten. Politische Selbstbeweihräucherung, gefolgt von weiteren Messerstechereien in unmittelbarer Nähe.
Waffen und alles, was man als Waffe verwenden könnte, verbieten, dann passieren auch keine Verbrechen mehr, oh wait 🙈
Regenschirm, Spazierstock, Bleistift, Kugelschreiber, Nudelwalker, Bratpfanne, Hockeystick, Vorschlaghammer, Schraubenzieher, Radmutterschlüssel, Glasflasche, Kartoffelschäler, Zehennagelschneider, Nagelfeile, Ziegelsteine, Blasinstrumente, besonders gefährlich sind Blockflöten, Gitarren, Schnitzelklopfer, tiefgekühlte Brathendl ....
Der Polizist ist in der Zwischenzeit verstorben.
Gerade gelesen, traurig und ein Ordner wurde ebenfalls verletzt.
they should bring back the death penalty
Da fehlen einem die Worte...
The future Is islamic, they have already win, time Is with them, they make 4 childs, europeans barely 1, in 20 years Europe Will be islamic state, thanks to politicians allowing that and not banning islam
It's scary how chaotic things can get. I don't know if more gun bans will solve it. Maybe it's more about how they handle migration. Hope it goes well for the world as a whole
A real Islam practitioner isn’t even supposed to stab another person
He’s wrong and he should be punished
Stab a kaffir Is encouraged
That is completely absurd what you write there, because I can give you at least 4 examples from my life that prove that Islam or those people who represent it have no moral way of thinking and are unscrupulous towards other peoples and you can see that all over the world, because as a Christian I am not allowed to bring my Bible into at least 50 countries, then I would be stoned to death.
I've seen Muslims shooting each other on German streets and I was in the middle of it, it was called honour killing and it's laughable, how much honour will you have if murder is the only way to get it back from this twisted head.
when I was about 14 years old, a girl from our close circle was raped by 5 Muslims and only 2 of them were convicted.
the Muslims control the drug market here and sell not only to Germans but also to their own people. Ugh!
a girl I went to school with was stabbed pregnant in front of her two children by her Muslim boyfriend because he was forced into marriage and wanted to get rid of the woman and the unborn child.
These are my life experiences with people who feel they belong to Islam. We don't want Babylon and we don't want to mix with people we've already hit over the head at least three times here because they wanted to take us in.
Islam is a cancer buddy
I am a Christian and will never be able to do anything with Islam, but I know that they will come from all nations, peoples and flocks like streams of water to wage war against the Lamb (Jesus) and I will be ready.
Remember they are smarter now than during crusaders, they now they can peacefully overwhelme us by numbers, in 20 years Europe Will have more Muslims than all other religions, and this will be the end of civilization
For my part, I know that God will never allow this, especially not if God is with us.
Have you never wondered why such things always happen when we Europeans are completely godless? Through spiritual perversion, greed and all things evil. This may sound harsh, but all these perversions in our nations must come to an end, and for that to happen, it must get much worse.
All these Canaanite-infested people must realise what their cries of ‘We are for the Babylonian world state’ are doing. Because they are all acting against the natural laws that God has given to govern this earth and that are firmly anchored in the Bible.
We are the ones who already see this and are patiently preparing for them to destroy themselves and for terrible things to happen here, and only when they are all crawling around on the dirty ground begging for God will we have a chance.
You may think I am crazy, but I have discovered the magic of miracles on this planet, and the magic words are: ‘God with us’, but if he is not with us because we do not leave the evil ways, then he sends us the barbarians of the earth to destroy us.
you have a point, everything must collapse and bring to ashes, everything wrong erased then start from scratch again ... see all those lgbtq stuff like teaching to little kids that a man is not a man but a girl in a man body, that you can buy kids from other mothers, you can't say a word because everyone gets offended, thats just madness that needs to be wiped out
I have no idea what the reason is of these attacks. I do think increasing globalization is bringing cultures together which isn't always easy...
and that is a plan of Satan, because we already had that in Babylon and you can read about how that ended in the book of Jachar.
why gun ban? they are using knife.
Guns are already quite restricted, so gov wants to increase restrictions also for knives and other weapons.
Not easy to enforce. Like, the political'show' on Reumanplatz in Vienna was a farce. Hours later there was a knife fight in front of Tichy's Ice Salon.
About this story: The police is too busy pinning a right-wing radical to the ground, while other police, according to some posts on X, were running away, blond ponytails bobbing. The policeman that got murdered acted in response to their given mandate by their Interior Ministry, to arrest those 'evil anti-islamist right wing radicals'. A wrong reaction cost him his life!
Good thing one of the male police officers stayed and shot the knife man.
And yes, I've seen pertinent videos posted before they were deleted/banned.
at least they were able to stopped the perpetrator.
yes for the stricter gun laws but they should do more like increase the severity of the punishment.
Liegt daran das 2015 jeder hereinspaziert ist.
It will be good if they can ban guns completely
I just feel that’s the best thing
Es braucht beides. Eine bessere Einwanderungspolitik. Wir brauchen in Deutschland dringend Fachkräftezuwanderung, um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken.
Wir müssen aber dringend über das Thema Integration sowie fördern und fordern sprechen.
I just wonder why we label a follower of Islam when it comes to violence. There are hundrends of violent incidents happening around the globe. We never say XYZist attacked the critic.
If a person following certain faith attacks the other person for whatever reasons, we shouldn't be stating the matter as if the faith is the reason behind.
Yes, measures should be taken to stop violence, be it physical or psychological.
Because his motive for the offence was someone who cannot understand that we Europeans do not want Islam here and some warn against political Islam, because that is like Zionism.
So isn't it something that should be counted akin to racism? Though the Europeans haven't created an --ism term for such a mind-set.
What about those people eho target Muslims for being Muslims in different parts of the world? They are simply violent and not any --ist.
The thing is that followers of any leader or any religion may become extremist. It is the act that should be condemned and not the religion. Whoever commits a violence against any innocent person deserves the punishment. But it is pretty irresponsible to regard the whole demography of people responsible for this.
When we talk about racism, we should first and foremost look at loxism, because it has been running in a continuous loop around the clock through ISMEN for several years and is omnipresent.
Then you should know that I do not put religion at the centre, nor do I see and study the Bible as such. Religion as we know it is a fanatical construct to smuggle the peoples of Canaan (the spawn of Satan, the whole Bible tells us about it) among other peoples in order to openly run a cult within the construct of what we understand religion to be.
It is all very entangled and complicated, but the fanaticism of the respective representatives of such constructs will become a problem in Europe in the long term, or do you see a different prognosis?
You never hear Buddhism or christians doing suicide attacks or that kind of stuff, get over it and looks stats
Criticism of any kind is to actually bring out the best, not the worst. Islamists do not take to criticisms, too violent.
Hier in der Züricher Zeitung werden klare Worte gesprochen:
Ein Afghane ersticht einen Polizisten und verletzt einen Islamkritiker schwer. Deutschland muss sich endlich eingestehen, dass der politische Islam die gegenwärtig grösste Bedrohung für Freiheit und Sicherheit ist.
Bitte keine Floskeln mehr!
Der tödliche Anschlag von Mannheim darf nicht relativiert werden
Ja aber der 'mutmaßliche Täter' ist ja im Visier der Staatsanwaltschaft. Er wird sicherlich eine Bewährungsstrafe bekommen sowie ein Waffenverbot.
Ui, sogar ein Haftbefehl wurde ausgesprochen.
Traurig wie es mittlerweile bei uns zugeht.
Ja, und ich möchte daran erinnern, das das vor knapp 80 Jahren schon mal so war, und wir Deutschen die (Gäste) nicht des Landes verwiesen, weil wir Rassisten und einmalig Barbarisch sind in der Geschichte, sondern weil die (Gäste) die heimische Bevölkerung nicht geachtet hat, da redet aber keiner von, wir sind nur die schlimmsten in der ganzen Geschichte.
Damn these people are so chaotic, really sad that we can't live in harmony without violence.
From my own opinion! I don't think freezing of guns and stricter gun laws in Austria and Germany will make any difference.
Gerald Grosz, yes, just another one of those 'right wing talking heads', said it best.
it's terrible
These are terrorists, they should regulate their movements into EU.
I still don't understand why the Islamist are so disposed to violence, no other religion is that extreme. And yes, the European union should be more stringent with their immigration laws.
They have a mission to proselytise and therefore they cannot tolerate criticism because they think it would bring down their mission (for their God). Especially as the rally is criticising political Islam and they can't even separate the two and then something like this comes out of it.
They sure have a weird way of going about it!
Yes, he's missing a few horsepower in his head.
The mission to proselytise is one that certain Christian sects are taking very seriously (by 'Christian Sect' I mean they derive their bellief system from the Bible). I lived in an area where Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses were almost daily at the doors in the neighborhood, knocking. Never once did I hear any of them getting violent, even when they are treated rudely.
The area I lived for a long time was in the southern part of Western Canada, referred to as the Bible Belt. A church on every corner, almost. Anglican, Catholic, Protestants, Born Again Christians of various stripes and colors, all of them had a mission to proselytise, particularly the Born Again Christians, who even dared to go to Islamist countries to preach the Bible - that didn't go too well for many of them. What I am trying to say here is that the only ones given to violence are the Islamists. Before someone mentions Sikhs, yes, the males wear a ceremonial dagger (Kirpan), which is a sign of their faith, but of those that lived in Canada, I never heard of any of them to agressively attack anyone. Already in 2006 the courts ruled that Kirpans as a religious symbol are allowed. Much later, Queensland Australia Surpreme Court dealt with the same issue 2023, overturning a ban. Neither Canada nor Australia has any history of Sikhs running around knifing people, like what is happening here with the radical Islamists. And what I learn from the Wikipedia article about the Kirpan, instances of violence involving Kirpans are very rare.
Thank you for your message and the relevant information. But I have nothing to do with cults, on the contrary, I gave a JW a clearer view and thus helped him out of the cult... My humble self was searching for the truth, of course I went through countless aberrations, feints and lies, but since God is spirit and the Bible is his earthly written word, you have a good point of reference to use the Bible as historical, genealogical and archaeological evidence rather than a religious book with a tendency towards sectarianism.
Especially since the Bible was never about religion in the modern sense. And the JWs were founded by a Freemason, and the etymology means something really nasty.
Don't worry, I think I understand very well, with God's help, what I am researching, and you can read a lot on my blog about how it is never about proselytising or religion, but about biblical, genealogical, etymological and archaeological evidence of this world and what there is to discover.
Especially as I could already see the words of Jesus in the now before I even picked up the Bible. Have a good time and keep an eye out for Cananite tricks, Masonic structures and psyeudo spirituals.
My point was that among those that proselytise, whatever religion or cult that may be, the Islamists (we are talking about) are the only ones that are consistently violent.
I am not into discussing Heresies, there are libraries full of one and the other accusing each other of being heretics. Bible studies are a slippery slope and should not be attempted by amateurs. Why do I say that? Because my academic path included Anthropology (both cultural and social), and as a side I also did Religious Studies (and assisted one of the Professors in writing his book). Most sources searched out by amateurs are 'amateurish' and not considered reliable and useful for academic studies. Again, many of those that are supposed to be 'serious' sources are but taken out of context to use as a club to beat the opposition - again, as I said before, books about heresies are a dime a dozen, and in those so called 'religious bookstores' you find mostly junk of the worse kind. .... and Charles Russell was an amateur that founded the 'Russellites' out of a amateur Bible studies class, later known as Jehovas. The supposed 'connection' of Russell with the Freemasons is a red herring believed by some conspiracy theorists of the time, since once he spoke at a masonic temple (1913). But there are no records of him ever being a freemason. References to pyramid power have nothing to do with the masons and are found among many esoteric and new age movements. Heck, there are those that even take David Icke serious #facepalm
The best way to sort out the rubbish is to do your research at the library of an accredited and reputable academic institution.
Then you are a really great student and certainly know a lot about what you are writing.
I think God has always called amateurs who didn't have such great promotional status because amateurs didn't lack humility to mature true fruit in ministry.
Who knows, you will surely know what is right and wrong. Have a good day and study the system diligently.
Das Lächerliche an dem ganzen Vorfall ist, dass der Muslim einfach wahllos tötete, er stach auf den Polizisten ein, der den Versammlungsmitarbeiter von dem Messerstecher fernhielt, weil er den Islamkritiker schützen wollte, was eigentlich Aufgabe der Polizei gewesen wäre. Man muss sich also anschauen, was hier los ist.
I don't think the gun laws are helping much. The criminals will still find their way to getting the weapons so the people without them are less safe. So I think the migration policy should be focused on.
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