A less than steady income is definitely a thing, especially in your age group. Women in your age group have already experienced the exciting bad boys in their 20s, gotten burnt, and are looking for providers now in their 30s. So, if you don't have a steady income, you are not very desirable.
Maybe you could try changing up your look, too, I don't know. I recently re-grew my hair, and I've noticed a sharp increase in women's interest in me.
In today's dating market, it's extremely important to stand out somehow. So, try something new.
Also, if you don't already do it, go to the gym and start working out. Chicks like muscles.
The mainstream arena never worked for me and I'm only 26, lol. Try not to analyze the situation too much. Falling in love isn't a logical process and I don't think you can make it happen through thought and analysis.
Not really my point... you're blaming "hypogamy" or whatever, but how do you think women know you don't have steady employment? I'm wondering if you might lack confidence because you're telling yourself women only want guys with steady jobs. Meanwhile there are strippers out there supporting their boyfriends, and homeless guys picking up women every night so they have a place to sleep.
I don't really think hypogamy is as big a deal as you think it is. Plenty of women are out there looking to date and have fun without necessarily looking for a husband.
I've never met a woman who wants someone with no ambition or interests, or someone who will loaf around while she does all the work to support a family, but this is just common sense.
There are plenty of women who prefer entrepreneurship (with all its risks) to steady jobs! Some even travel the world as digital nomads and bring their children along. Don't assume women are all focused on the boring things in life like security and creature comforts. ;)
Socioeconomic status is bullshit. If you're looking for someone who loves you, don't date women who care about finding a guy to make themselves feel rich or important!
It seems like you also want to avoid statists. I think you should look outside of the mainstream arena since you aren't seeking a partner who is mainstream.
A less than steady income is definitely a thing, especially in your age group. Women in your age group have already experienced the exciting bad boys in their 20s, gotten burnt, and are looking for providers now in their 30s. So, if you don't have a steady income, you are not very desirable.
Maybe you could try changing up your look, too, I don't know. I recently re-grew my hair, and I've noticed a sharp increase in women's interest in me.
In today's dating market, it's extremely important to stand out somehow. So, try something new.
Also, if you don't already do it, go to the gym and start working out. Chicks like muscles.
So you only want to date women that are into the exact same things you are? That sounds boring...
The mainstream arena never worked for me and I'm only 26, lol. Try not to analyze the situation too much. Falling in love isn't a logical process and I don't think you can make it happen through thought and analysis.
What do you do, approach a woman in a bar and tell her you can't keep a steady job?
Not really my point... you're blaming "hypogamy" or whatever, but how do you think women know you don't have steady employment? I'm wondering if you might lack confidence because you're telling yourself women only want guys with steady jobs. Meanwhile there are strippers out there supporting their boyfriends, and homeless guys picking up women every night so they have a place to sleep.
I don't really think hypogamy is as big a deal as you think it is. Plenty of women are out there looking to date and have fun without necessarily looking for a husband.
I've never met a woman who wants someone with no ambition or interests, or someone who will loaf around while she does all the work to support a family, but this is just common sense.
There are plenty of women who prefer entrepreneurship (with all its risks) to steady jobs! Some even travel the world as digital nomads and bring their children along. Don't assume women are all focused on the boring things in life like security and creature comforts. ;)
Socioeconomic status is bullshit. If you're looking for someone who loves you, don't date women who care about finding a guy to make themselves feel rich or important!
It seems like you also want to avoid statists. I think you should look outside of the mainstream arena since you aren't seeking a partner who is mainstream.
I love Stefan Molyneux! Great post :)