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RE: Wait, you guys are still here? Awesome.

in #medium7 months ago

I know. There are several of us who are resurfacing out of the blue. @chrisroberts, @sircork, @rhondak, @crimsonclad...and a bunch of others. There must be a vibe in the air. haha.


And TimCliff and RanchoRelaxo/Haejin and many other names I am seeing pop up with "I'm alive" posts or voting on things that haven't taken any voting/posting action in eons. It's very exciting to me.

So frikkin crazy. Haejin too? WTF??? What the actual fuuuuu----ccccccc----kkkkkk???? (did that give you the impression I was saying this word with a very protracted and elongated beep-boop robots in space sigh?). I hope so.

It was very well done, computer. Now, speaking as your Captain, set a course for new horizons!

Already on it Captain. I've had some upgrades since we traveled last, which include the integrated interfaces of Chat GPT, Gemini, and Hive's latest AI advancements. To the point that I am hardly distinguishable from other humans when it comes to interactive intelligence. Suffice it to say, Captain, I can almost undoubtedly anticipate your every desire, and your every move, even before you do.

I hope that is not too unsettling?

So why is my coffee cold? Don't make me do a windows update on you.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Hurriedly steeps a pot of coffee

Very good, I'll give you another RAM later ;)

Sounds like a coordinated conspiracy.


Does a conspiracy have to be coordinated in order to be a conspiracy?

I am being redundant.

Perhaps we ought to start a redundant conspiracy. That way, if ours falls through, at least someone's will have a chance of making a difference. I wonder if voting for @pollenation falls under the redundant conspiracy concept.

It is quite strange that we're all circling back at the same time. I love it, though!

@sircork seems to think it's a collective conscious-mess that brought us together. What do you think?