🎸 Eighties Saturday DailyJams For March 15th 2025! New York Eighties Punk VS Southern California Punk! 🎸
The Cro-Mags & Descendents!
Well Hive.Blog is totally down and it’s my personal preference so that’s a bummer. Especially the market place there besides posting content. It seems like it’s been buggy for months and not being maintained very well unfortunately. Any know the deal? Anyway it’s Saturday so that means it’s Eighties Saturday! Hopefully Hive.Blog isn’t dead! But let me know how if I’m wrong. Wow I hate this frontend I’m using. With all respect to PeakD, getting pop up ad’s is hella annoying and non stop. Team Hive.Blog for life! id fund a Hive.Blog DHF Proposal in a second! the market place to instantly swap HBD for Hive is enough to do so! what's this 3.5 day waiting crap on Keychain? seems silly! Anyway just hive issue rant I thought I’d drop in here. Now to the music!
Anyway onto the DailyJams! ⬇️
Ashlee picked eighties Punk from So-Cal. The band Descendents. Pop punk vibes and catchy. Gene goes with NYC punk from same period and it’s quite more aggressive picking two songs from the band Cro-Mags.
Tough call, but I gotta lean toward Cro-Mags—NYC hardcore just hits the right spot for me 🤣🤣🤣💯🔥