Anyone have personal experience with 'no shampoo' method?
I just heard about this and am pretty curious to try it out. Does it work? How long does it take? Does the quality of water mater?
If you google "no shampoo" it's funny and links to a wikipedia article that is flagged for quality:
I don't use shampoo but I do wash my hair with soap.. because i could not stand having oily hair for a month or two ! .. I have tried ''fancy shampoos'' and when I just stopped using them I saw absolutely no change in my hair.. so... stuck to soap.. cheaper too :P !
I haven't done this but I do hear that it's better for your scalp to not use shampoo very often. Sometimes I do a vinegar rinse. I put a few tablespoons of vinegar in a large bottle of water and rinse my hair with that. Smells funny but it gets out any shampoo buildup and cleans the scalp well. That's only to do about once a week though. Or once a month.
I heard that but with baking soda. But then the people I was asking about it said that's not actually good either. Dunno :)