
It's not a secret that green vegetables or leafy greens as they are commonly called are extremely nutritious, but alot of people don't know exactly how nutritious they are. To answer your question, let's take a look at the nutritional value of leafy greens;

1. Rich in fibre: Fibre is essential for digestion in the body and helps promote healthy bowel movement. It also makes you feel full and since leafy greens have low calorific value, you can eat alot of it and end up losing weight.

2. Presence of folate: Folate reduces your risk of getting cardiovascular diseases and also hinders memory loss. If you get depressed alot then how bout you chew on some green vegetables because they also help battle depression.

3.Presence of Antioxidants: Vitamin C, zeaxanthin and so many other antioxidants are found in leafy greens and they prevent things like the formation of cataracts and muscle degeneration. This is essential for someone like me because vitamin Ç helps reduce the risk of arthritis and bone fractures because I come from a family with a long history of bone problems and arthritis.

4. Rich in Vitamin E: Everybody loves having healthy and glowing skin and the presence of vitamin E in leafy greens ensures that if you eat them you'll get it.

There are tons of nutrients in leafy greens which keep people healthy, a diet without them would probably lead to more than a few health issues.

I hope this helps

Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber containing nearly all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.


Due to a higher water content and  phytochemical content vegetables produce the glow in your skin.  The carotenoids pigments that give vegetables their colors also help pigment your skin making it rosier. 


Low in carbs and high in net fiber vegetables can help you lose weight in more ways than one. Fiber also helps improve metabolic markers such as  cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar. These all help to make a healthy body.


The vitamins found in vegetables help keep you regular and boost your immune system.

1. Green vegetables are a source of nutrients and contain vitamins A, C, E, K, B, minerals and fiber.

2. Loaded with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can help bring energy and oxygen to body cells, so it is very important for health.

3. Full of enzyme substances that are important for digestion and support the work of the body's organs. The process of cooking green vegetables will destroy enzyme substances. So to get more enzyme substances, eat raw or steamed vegetables.

4. Green vegetables are also rich in iron which is very important especially for vegetarians and women. So, green vegetables are a very good choice for vegetable iron intake.

5. It has been proven that dark green vegetables contain a lot of carotenoids, which are antioxidants that can protect cells from cancer.

6. Vegetables help blood purification, because many contain alkaline which is beneficial for people who live in high pollution areas.

7. Green vegetables are rich in zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, and folic acid.

8. Healthy vegetables improve blood circulation, liver, gallbladder and kidney function.

9. Vegetables can clean up organ blockages, especially in the lungs, by reducing clogged mucus.

10. Get the added benefit of eating vegetable juice, because even if you don't get the fiber, the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins will be absorbed directly by the body.

Vegetables are super healthy foods that you must consume every day. Unfortunately, many people do not like vegetables, even adults. Many adults think that not eating vegetables will not have a big effect on your body's health because all this time you feel that your body is healthy enough.

If you have such thoughts, here are the reasons why you should eat vegetables every day.

Helps reduce weight

If you're trying to lose weight, eat lots of vegetables compared to carbohydrates. Vegetables that are rich in water and fiber will remove toxins and fats in the body. While the fiber content can make you always feel full.

Brighten the skin

People who diligently eat vegetables will have a more radiant skin appearance than those who do not eat them. Because the carotenoid content in vegetables can make your skin smooth and shiny.

Improve vision

The content of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin in vegetables helps to reduce the risk of decreased vision. Not only that, the content of vitamin A which is found in green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cabbage is also able to keep your eyes always healthy.

Fight cancer

Vegetables have benefits to reduce cancer risk thanks to the content of phytochemicals in them. Many health studies have proven that those who eat lots of vegetables will have a lower risk of getting cancer.

Healthy heart

Research shows that the content of antioxidants such as fiber in vegetables can reduce the risk of stroke and other heart diseases. Besides that, vegetables are also able to reduce cholesterol levels and keep blood pressure healthy.

Improve the immune system

Vegetables help maintain your immune system thanks to the vitamins and minerals in them. That is why vegetable eating habits can keep you from various kinds of disease attacks.

Reducing the risk of diabetes

Vegetables help in slowing the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream so the risk of diabetes will decrease. But this only applies to fresh vegetables.

Vegetables do have a taste that is not as delicious as processed foods. That is why only a handful of people like it. But whatever it is, still you have to begin to instill a good diet by consuming lots of vegetables that will have a positive impact on your body in the future and will surely make you grateful for