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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

There are a lot of remedies for sorrow, but the one(s) you choose would depend on your personality. Here are a few I use if I feel a dark mood coming on:

  1. I Search Out Activities I Enjoy
    I give myself a treat by searching out hobbies I enjoy and for me, one of these would be watching a movie via a movie app.

  2. Hang Out with Friends
    Most friends have your best interest at heart and would do everything to bring you out of a bad mood if they saw you were in one.

  3. Take a Long Walk
    This will help clear your sorrows in two ways:

One: You would be getting a change in scenery; getting to see other people go about their lives and the beautiful scenery will also definitely lift your mood.

Two: Walking is an exercise and when you exercise, your body releases serotonin, a feel-good hormone that helps to improve the mood.

  1. Listen to Upbeat Music
    Such music have been known to improve moods and would likely improve yours too.

  2. Talk to a Friend
    A problem shared is half solved, so get talking to half your sorrow and most likely, your friend would also try to erase the other half.