Here are some of the methods I implemented in my company:
Monitor employees on several occasions unnoticed by the employee that he or she is being monitored. This monitoring is to see how employees show their work attitude every day even every time. From here HRD can describe or assess its performance. Review the nature of mind or temperament. This point is most often ignored by the company because it is regarded as unimportant to know the nature of a person. Though this action has a very significant effect to establish two-way communication. Find out the employee issues. Whether it's a job problem or even a personal problem must be known to the HRD to find the solution of the problem. Indifference to this will lead to employee disobedience, complaints of employees, may even damage the credibility of the company if employees can not control themselves when dealing with the client. Two-way communication. After understanding the character and problems of employees, invite employees to discuss. Make sure that all the secrets of an employee's burden can be confidential between one HRD person and one employee and then find the right solution. Two-way communication can also minimize the chances of misunderstanding.