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RE: pussy post (contains language that may be offensive and nsfw)

in #palnet5 years ago
I'm too scared to come in and say 'hey, that's not okay' because I'll be dismissed as a hippie, a leftie, being too 'PC' or whatever else they might want to come up with

Speaking as an anarcho-capitalist who is almost virulently freedom-oriented, I think attempts to enforce political correctness are a good thing. That might come as a surprise, since an-caps are seen to lie maybe more on the conservative end of the spectrum, but when we express discontent about someone else's speech (which is not censorship; only governments can define "illegal" speech) we're engaging in what free-market economists call "market forces." That's how society self-regulates, as opposed to looking to centralized governments to regulate our behavior for us. We regulate each other, and that's how societies and markets work when left alone. Anarchists aren't opposed to following rules; we'd just rather the rules were derived laterally by the people involved rather than by government. And if people respond to your attempts to civilize the conversation by saying you're "too PC," remind them (or inform them) of this! When enough people express the need for civil discourse, our complex adaptive society will continually respond democratically to this self-regulation -- not all at once, across the board, but person by person, chat room by chat room. 😃