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RE: Carrying myself together

We all have a value/skill to bring to the table. All these values add up and we need like minded users around us.Lately you have become a bit of a train station with so many visitors it is hard for you to get out and see other posts. This is not a bad thing as growth is good whether it is the account value or your following. The problem may arise where you become so big you can't leave the train station as your comments will take forever. That is a good problem though.
Like you I don't expect and enjoy giving as much as I do receiving.


Lately you have become a bit of a train station with so many visitors it is hard for you to get out and see other posts.

I am 'struggling' in two ways as I am also trying to spend more time in reality :) I seem to keep getting drawn into the matrix though. At times, I wonder if I am doing enough, other times I wonder if I do too much. Time will tell which I guess.

Like you I don't expect and enjoy giving as much as I do receiving.

It makes getting more enjoyable when there is the sense of having earned the privilege.