Although true independence is likely unavailable for most people, being an individual in a community working together is possible. My personal goal is to develop my skillset and resources to be able to provide for myself by being valuable to the group or, groups within the group.
When it comes to content for example, there is no way that there is value for everyone who reads it, especially if they are not looking for value in unexpected places. However, when it comes to my Steem Power, it is valuable to everyone within the group, no matter their interest areas. Steem Power in my view is kind of like electricity, it can power a light bulb, a car or an entire city. I see the production of energy as a skill and resource.
For me, I want to be able to stand on my own two feet but, that doesn't mean I am not dependent as for me to be able to provide all that I need requires access to the skills and resources of others. The ability for me to produce content is my skill that hopefully can access the resources of Steem others hold so that I can gather my own resources and in turn, help producers develop their own pool.
A healthy community is made up of people with a diverse range of skills and resources who both supply and demand from others in the community. If there are too many members who can't supply, but the demand is very high, resources get spread thinly and of course, high demand commands high price. This means that those within the system must pay more for access to resources, namely Steem Power.
Currently that price is *actually paid to bidbots but, the system wasn't actually designed to operate in this way. The price of access was the quality of content. At least, in theory but, people are people as we all know. Quality and price paid rarely go hand in hand and in general, people overpay middlemen operators for services that don't provide anywhere near the value paid.
But, besides my personal views on all of this, at the end of the day I have my own path to take and, my own agenda to push. Everyone has an agenda and just like most people, I do want Steem price to eventually increase and for me to have access to more resources that make my life both better and easier but, I also have limitations on what I am willing to do to have that.
For me, I do my best to provide value through my words in the hope that the value provided is reciprocated in turn to create an economy between my skills and those wiling to pay for them. Of course, they get paid through this transaction to and if they continue to grow also, the value gathered back from me today will potentially have a much higher value in the future. Nothing is guaranteed though.
Maybe I am old fashioned or, maybe I am an idiot, but I still believe that I deserve nothing for free, I have to offer something into the transaction. This is my content and, this is my vote. In return I get to enjoy access to others vote and, access to their content as I also do not expect to enjoy the thoughts and work of others without providing them some transactional value that they can use to improve their ability to both be more independent and more a part of the community they inhabit.
We all have different experiences and likely, we all need help to be carried from time to time but, if people aren't working toward a life where they can carry themselves and have a little energy left over to help others, we are going to continue living in a debt cycle and those who have the skill to collect energy will and, those who don't will live at their mercy.
I don't like to be carried, I don't like receiving without giving. It is about the relationships between supply and demand that is important and what each offers the other for access to what it provides. There are some things I am willing to work my fingers to the bone for and, a community that values people over profit is one of them.
Profit is the energy to improve the system for people to have more opportunity. It is a byproduct of the work and the content people provide, not the focus. In time, perhaps money won't be required to buy opportunity but regardless, relevant skill and content production will always hold value in a community aimed to improve. If what you are doing isn't improving you, it isn't helping others. We all have the freedom to improve ourselves with the resources we have and we can exercise our freedom, always.
[ a Steem original ]
Steem was not which we see at this moment but, this platform is driven by the humans and for sure that's the current result.@tarazkp, Absolutely true, the concept of
Yes, it's all about the mutual support that's why we are watching so many communities on this platform who are growing while supporting each other and that's the great thing.
And yes, at this moment demand is more and supply is less and that is biggest Drawback and that's why sometimes we see the negative environment too.
Let's hope that SMT Economy can bring solution to this problem where different platforms will going to join Steemit Platform and users will going to get the more opportunities.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Here's to hoping and to hoping that people will work toward that future.
Yes, at this moment we have to hope and we have to keep faith. 🙂
)My personal goal is to develop my skillset and resources to be able to provide for myself by being valuable to the group or, groups within the group
same way I feel, I try to help as many as I can in my own niche. I freaking hate freebies...sorry I swore
Each day a little step more.
We all have a value/skill to bring to the table. All these values add up and we need like minded users around us.Lately you have become a bit of a train station with so many visitors it is hard for you to get out and see other posts. This is not a bad thing as growth is good whether it is the account value or your following. The problem may arise where you become so big you can't leave the train station as your comments will take forever. That is a good problem though.
Like you I don't expect and enjoy giving as much as I do receiving.
I am 'struggling' in two ways as I am also trying to spend more time in reality :) I seem to keep getting drawn into the matrix though. At times, I wonder if I am doing enough, other times I wonder if I do too much. Time will tell which I guess.
It makes getting more enjoyable when there is the sense of having earned the privilege.
Getting rewards after doing hard work is always a true reward.
In a sense, Steemit offers an interesting glimpse into the nature of humanity. Like you, I see my contributions here through the lens of "doing my part" to help support the price of Steem in the long run. My choices are informed by a subtle sense of "will this next action likely support the ultimate goal of (let's say) having $50 Steem in 2025?"
The "interesting" part is just how many people are only focused on "can I withdraw 50 cents tomorrow?" and their actions are informed only by this moment-to-moment thinking. I find that kind of complete lack of thinking ahead rather mystifying... and yet, there it is. It makes me ponder whether it is simply fueled by a particular type of user that seems attracted to Steemit; the same kind of user who thinks HYIP's are "a good way to make money:" You get in, do something to gather as much cash as you can for 3 weeks, the system crashes; you move on to the next "program."
Beats me. Just don't know. Just know that I personally don't work on that metric. For me, the single most annoying thing on the web tends to be when a content site I invested time and effort in shuts down. So I work towards preventing that.
Most people? They just don't give a $hit...
t is interesting to think so far into the future and most aren't really capable. It is hard for many to really imagine what 50 dollar Steem means and what it takes to get there and, what it takes to take advantage of the opportunity. Crypto seems to attract people who don't have long term vision although they are surrounded by evidence that longterm pays off much higher than short.
I think it comes down to experience and a sense of self actualization. The value is one thing, the vision another.
Some will make it to be wealthy, most won't ever leave whatever suburb they are currently in.
@cryptoandcoffee made a nice post about 'receivers', albeit here on steemit.
We're all meant to contribute, one way or the other. Those who take without giving don't deserve any addition to what they have
It is a problem with the mentality of the hedonists believing they are free. Compelled to act on their desire. There is a cost to that path and most do not realise how high it is yet.
Nice post, I can't recall when last I read such an inspiring post as this, keep it up and I hope to see more of you.