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RE: You're stoopid!

in #politics2 months ago

We have been spared much of the madness that swept America. Thank God we only have a few trans kids and surgery for them is not much of an option here, so many will probably recover. But, yes, change is coming. From what I hear TV station that support the globalist agenda are losing audience, much like in the US. The problem is that, unlike the US, we still have to fight Brussels and the insane EU legislation. I can only hope change will come to Brussels as well. The next few months are going to be quite eventful here, with Germany having elections in a few weeks and Macron being in a very unsteady position.
Also, yeah, many people here are immune to name-calling. Most are far more worried about inflation, budget deficit which will translate into severely reduced spending and, of course, the looming Ukraine problem. Let's hope Trump delivers the change everybody is waiting for.


While I fear Trump, and his billionaire patrons, are only a different faction of overlords, not champions of human sovereignty, The EU has been captured and consolidated under Ursula Von der Leyen just recently, and as the flow of funds she has positioned herself to more fully capture suddenly shrivel and dry up, the EU will just as suddenly face a struggle for power in which the allies of the Trumpian forces, Orban, Fico, and presumably Georgescu, will become the new source of funds and power across the continent. There will be at least a changing of the guard, and the wise will be prepared to benefit from the coming change.