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RE: You're stoopid!

in #politics3 months ago

What has shocked the Left in America is that so many people are unwilling to fear being called names, and do actually prefer to consider their interests. It is quite hard to grasp just how deeply and broadly the Left in the USA has fallen from grace. It is a nearly total wash, with only those physically marked with face tattoos, double mastectomies and pseudopenises, and unable to step back from their commitments, not backing away from the censorious, name-calling, Demonrat Party. Joe Biden pardoning his son for even theoretical crimes, after the farcical prosecution for negligible and peripheral charges that utterly disregarded a career of outrageous criminality in which the President was obviously complicit, was merely icing on the cake of disreputation.

From gloating about their permanent capture of American political power three months ago, it is questionable whether there will be a Demonrat Party come the next election. Perhaps this sense of utter destruction isn't apparent to our neighbors across the pond. For those yet in office, their positions linger, but the electorate that elected them no longer exists. Like feathers of a moulting bird, the party members have fallen away, leaving the flightless, scruffy, body politic naked and vulnerable. The institutions linger longer than the sentiment that previously informed them, and the members attached to the pimply, pink and delicate skin of office take a while to fall out because they serve terms, but the signal they are to be plucked and replaced is fully resounding across the American people.

Their sins have finally come to fruition, and the fruits of imposing by fraud an incompetent President, merely a puppet of outrageously criminal forces, of inflicting vicious harm and sexual victimization on the nation's children by sexually grooming them in public schools, leading to chemical and even physical castration contrary to the will and duty of their loving parents, constantly posturing victimhood and screeching - literally screeching - about imaginary racist and sexist slights, and imposing criminal sanctions for failing to accommodate imaginary wounds sustained when reasonable people speak truly, saying a man is a man, when so blatantly illustrated by men playing women on TV have beaten women and taken all their prizes, the brobdingnagian graft and public debt being hung on the necks of the people by corruption of every public service and turning every facet of government into a weapon against individual sovereignty and happiness, these have all rotted on the vine simultaneously and driven Americans back, as we primally recoil from maggot ridden corpses.

It may not be apparent yet, in Romania, but it will be, because shockwaves from events of this magnitude travel deep and are felt globally, and cannot be handwaved away by pundits that wish these events hadn't happened, and didn't affect them and their power. The money that has fed the EU, the vast sums flowing into graft for kickbacks, is going to suddenly dry up in a month. The flows of financing will change entirely, and every country will be scrambling it's politicians to reposition them in the way of that money, out of the dry gullies of Demonrat minions, the sons of Kerry, Biden, and etc. that have been directing that flow in the past, will suddenly become barren arroyos that only show where floods used to flow.

Billionaires are fleeing the Left, bending the knee in droves at Mar-a-Lago. Their money will carve new paths, flood new plains, as a result of a new paradigm directing where the rains fall. Musk and Thiel have created this new political reality, and their billionaire ilk will do what they are good at and position themselves in the new flow. It will happen there, too, after Jan. 20 when Trump takes the reins of the US government. Then your countrymen and the whole populace of the EU will regard the derisive name callers who have been stripped of their support and political justification with fully funded agency to decide what to do with them. Power follows the money, and the money is being redirected away from where it has been and yet lingers today, and the people calling you stoopid today will cease squawking and flee the public's ire or suffer the consequences of standing on ghosts of power in the face of them injured by that power.



We have been spared much of the madness that swept America. Thank God we only have a few trans kids and surgery for them is not much of an option here, so many will probably recover. But, yes, change is coming. From what I hear TV station that support the globalist agenda are losing audience, much like in the US. The problem is that, unlike the US, we still have to fight Brussels and the insane EU legislation. I can only hope change will come to Brussels as well. The next few months are going to be quite eventful here, with Germany having elections in a few weeks and Macron being in a very unsteady position.
Also, yeah, many people here are immune to name-calling. Most are far more worried about inflation, budget deficit which will translate into severely reduced spending and, of course, the looming Ukraine problem. Let's hope Trump delivers the change everybody is waiting for.

While I fear Trump, and his billionaire patrons, are only a different faction of overlords, not champions of human sovereignty, The EU has been captured and consolidated under Ursula Von der Leyen just recently, and as the flow of funds she has positioned herself to more fully capture suddenly shrivel and dry up, the EU will just as suddenly face a struggle for power in which the allies of the Trumpian forces, Orban, Fico, and presumably Georgescu, will become the new source of funds and power across the continent. There will be at least a changing of the guard, and the wise will be prepared to benefit from the coming change.