You're stoopid!

in #politics2 months ago

Following the coup in Romania where presidential elections were cancelled with voting already in progress, political pundits have been racking their brains on how to deal with the large number of people voting against the system. The answer they came up with is fairly simple: “You’re stoopid”. If you do not support the current progressive war-mongering system and claim we should put our national interest first, it must be because you’re stoopid.


Since our Brussels overlords would not allow us to voice any dissent, there’s no talk about rethinking our national policy. The only option, political commentators say, is to focus on explaining to the dimwits the benefits of ruining our country on foreign orders.
Yes, we’ve also had a lot of outright insults, with conservative voters being called scum or deplorables, but if you’ve followed the American elections that’s not unexpected. We’re not very original, I’m afraid.

You don't talk to stupid

Calling dissenters stupid is not a new tactic. The same thing happened during the plandemic. Those who opposed mask or vaccine mandates were obviously stoopid. The main benefit of calling an opponent stupid is that you can outright dismiss their arguments. 'You’re stoopid, therefore we’re not even going to talk about your stoopid arguments'.
During the pandemic, the experts refused to engage in arguments based on antiquated notions like the so-called immune system. At present, no one would engage in a real discussion on the billions of dollars wasted to support Ukraine in a war they cannot win. Calin Georgescu, the presidential candidate who would have won the cancelled election, recently pointed out that a few months ago Romania donated to Ukraine a Patriot defense system, which was destroyed by the Russians in a matter of days. That’s one billion dollars down the drain. Not much by Biden standards, but quite significant for a country on the verge of a major economic crisis.
But we don’t talk about these things, do we?

The Soros-crowd trying to hold on to their comfy positions is so deluded, so wrapped in their liberal echo-chamber, a local analyst went so far as to call Elon Musk stoopid.

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As a colony, people in Romania know their fate is determined elsewhere and we have been thrilled to notice the Trump camp keeps an eye on events here. Elon Musk had several tweets about the coup in Romania and it will be interesting to watch how things unfold once Trump gets sworn into office. Yet, the audacity to call Musk uneducated is of another world.

I haven’t been watching what liberals in the US are saying these days, but here, on the outskirts of the empire, there’s a mood of disbelief. Another side-effect of living in a bubble for so many years. The Soros orks cannot believe the world is changing. They cannot accept the idea that Donald Trump, whom they have been bashing for years, is heading to the Oval Office.

No one wants to be called stupid

Another major benefit of calling anyone opposed to the current state of affairs stoopid is that the legions of people with no political opinion of their own won’t want to be lumped together with the stupid. There are plenty of such people here, those who cannot be bothered to follow politics and formulate judgments. When they are called to express an opinion they’d much rather go with the intelligent people.
It’s very simple. You just tell them only really stoopid people would consider their national interest and be “anti-european”, and they’ll do your bidding, supporting whatever Soros puppet they’re presented with. This allows them to feel good about themselves. Deep down, they know they’re clueless and have no idea about boring politics. They’re also unaware that many people do find politics a waste of time and mind their own business. This is a valid choice, but you have to put some thinking into it. And own it. And have arguments to support your views. Too complicated for many people. So they’ll just go along with the influencers representing the educated people, even if this goes against whatever gut feeling there’s left in them.

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You also avoid loneliness and the profound sadness of going your own way, trusting your judgment.

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas everyone!



That's democracy for you! If TPTB don't like the result they just disregard it and make you vote again, like Ireland in the Nice and Lisbon treaties.

They did consider barring right wing from Parliament as well (we also had general elections 3 weeks ago), but they must have realized that would have created the perfect storm. I am all for street protests, went to a lot of them during the pandemic, but I am very much against violent protests. There was a real threat things would get messy and I'm not putting my children at risk just so one politician can get to power. At the end of the day, they're all the same.

Sometimes the immediate pain of change is so great that many give up the fight and lose hope, but don't. I have been Stoopid and a deplorable for years now and we are also given explanations using the 'misinformation' excuses. It may well come down to the Stoopids vs the Imbeciles....makes me proud to be Stoopid. My thoughts are with you and your country.

I have accepted being called stupid or at least "limited" long ago. I also have no illusions about any politician. I'm only interested in things cooling down and avoiding a greater war...

What has shocked the Left in America is that so many people are unwilling to fear being called names, and do actually prefer to consider their interests. It is quite hard to grasp just how deeply and broadly the Left in the USA has fallen from grace. It is a nearly total wash, with only those physically marked with face tattoos, double mastectomies and pseudopenises, and unable to step back from their commitments, not backing away from the censorious, name-calling, Demonrat Party. Joe Biden pardoning his son for even theoretical crimes, after the farcical prosecution for negligible and peripheral charges that utterly disregarded a career of outrageous criminality in which the President was obviously complicit, was merely icing on the cake of disreputation.

From gloating about their permanent capture of American political power three months ago, it is questionable whether there will be a Demonrat Party come the next election. Perhaps this sense of utter destruction isn't apparent to our neighbors across the pond. For those yet in office, their positions linger, but the electorate that elected them no longer exists. Like feathers of a moulting bird, the party members have fallen away, leaving the flightless, scruffy, body politic naked and vulnerable. The institutions linger longer than the sentiment that previously informed them, and the members attached to the pimply, pink and delicate skin of office take a while to fall out because they serve terms, but the signal they are to be plucked and replaced is fully resounding across the American people.

Their sins have finally come to fruition, and the fruits of imposing by fraud an incompetent President, merely a puppet of outrageously criminal forces, of inflicting vicious harm and sexual victimization on the nation's children by sexually grooming them in public schools, leading to chemical and even physical castration contrary to the will and duty of their loving parents, constantly posturing victimhood and screeching - literally screeching - about imaginary racist and sexist slights, and imposing criminal sanctions for failing to accommodate imaginary wounds sustained when reasonable people speak truly, saying a man is a man, when so blatantly illustrated by men playing women on TV have beaten women and taken all their prizes, the brobdingnagian graft and public debt being hung on the necks of the people by corruption of every public service and turning every facet of government into a weapon against individual sovereignty and happiness, these have all rotted on the vine simultaneously and driven Americans back, as we primally recoil from maggot ridden corpses.

It may not be apparent yet, in Romania, but it will be, because shockwaves from events of this magnitude travel deep and are felt globally, and cannot be handwaved away by pundits that wish these events hadn't happened, and didn't affect them and their power. The money that has fed the EU, the vast sums flowing into graft for kickbacks, is going to suddenly dry up in a month. The flows of financing will change entirely, and every country will be scrambling it's politicians to reposition them in the way of that money, out of the dry gullies of Demonrat minions, the sons of Kerry, Biden, and etc. that have been directing that flow in the past, will suddenly become barren arroyos that only show where floods used to flow.

Billionaires are fleeing the Left, bending the knee in droves at Mar-a-Lago. Their money will carve new paths, flood new plains, as a result of a new paradigm directing where the rains fall. Musk and Thiel have created this new political reality, and their billionaire ilk will do what they are good at and position themselves in the new flow. It will happen there, too, after Jan. 20 when Trump takes the reins of the US government. Then your countrymen and the whole populace of the EU will regard the derisive name callers who have been stripped of their support and political justification with fully funded agency to decide what to do with them. Power follows the money, and the money is being redirected away from where it has been and yet lingers today, and the people calling you stoopid today will cease squawking and flee the public's ire or suffer the consequences of standing on ghosts of power in the face of them injured by that power.


We have been spared much of the madness that swept America. Thank God we only have a few trans kids and surgery for them is not much of an option here, so many will probably recover. But, yes, change is coming. From what I hear TV station that support the globalist agenda are losing audience, much like in the US. The problem is that, unlike the US, we still have to fight Brussels and the insane EU legislation. I can only hope change will come to Brussels as well. The next few months are going to be quite eventful here, with Germany having elections in a few weeks and Macron being in a very unsteady position.
Also, yeah, many people here are immune to name-calling. Most are far more worried about inflation, budget deficit which will translate into severely reduced spending and, of course, the looming Ukraine problem. Let's hope Trump delivers the change everybody is waiting for.

While I fear Trump, and his billionaire patrons, are only a different faction of overlords, not champions of human sovereignty, The EU has been captured and consolidated under Ursula Von der Leyen just recently, and as the flow of funds she has positioned herself to more fully capture suddenly shrivel and dry up, the EU will just as suddenly face a struggle for power in which the allies of the Trumpian forces, Orban, Fico, and presumably Georgescu, will become the new source of funds and power across the continent. There will be at least a changing of the guard, and the wise will be prepared to benefit from the coming change.

Europe is facing a critical energy crisis as Ukraine’s decision to end its gas transit agreement with Russia threatens to sever one of the continent’s last remaining sources of Russian natural gas. Adding to the complexity, Qatar warns it will halt gas exports to the EU if penalized under the bloc’s new sustainability law, while President-elect Donald Trump threatens tariffs unless the EU increases its purchases of U.S. oil and gas. With growing pressures from Russia, Qatar, and the U.S., the EU's energy security and geopolitical stability are at a crossroads.

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The dumbest in this world game of power and influence are we Europeans. While all over the world we are being asked to ‘invest in our national defence’ now that our economies have hit rock bottom (through our own fault), the stupidest of all Europeans, Germany, is also being threatened from all sides to cut off our energy lines. The green shirt wants to stop the gas pipeline from Russia, Qatar wants to shut down its pipeline for us if we threaten with the EU supply chain law and the orange hair also wants us to increase our budget for war to 5% of our budget.

We don't need enemies with such friends, do we?

To understand all this, one has to go back in history to the Second World War and read it with different eyes. Meanwhile, seventy years later, the West has been brainwashed in such an anti-eastern way that it will probably be impossible for many people to unlearn what they have learnt before they die.

Alternative journalists are predicting the same things for Germany, when our elections will take place in February, and if it won't be to the liking of the non governing entities, they will find a way to sabotage it, like it happened to you.

I, right now, look at my nose and of those of my German fellas, and I am afraid to say that most of us ordinary people did not (want) see this coming. But if we had educated ourselves in a more sophisticated way, we probably would. On the other hand, everyone knows about corruption, no?

Anyway, there must be something left to enjoy, and so I wish you a merry Christmas.

I was not aware of the energy supply problems Germany might be facing. I know that Ukraine cutting off gas supply to Europe is already pissing off other countries. The Slovak PM went to Moscow about that. Tough.
Speaking off corruption. Word has it we're exporting energy to Moldavia at preferential rates as they're our brothers. Moldova sells the same amount of energy to Ukraine, which exports it back to Romania at a much steeper price. How about that?
Elections in Germany will be interesting to watch. I see that Elon Musk is already keeping an eye on your elections, so we know where Trump stands on that. What can I say? I wish you better luck than we had.

Word has it we're exporting energy to Moldavia at preferential rates as they're our brothers. Moldova sells the same amount of energy to Ukraine, which exports it back to Romania at a much steeper price. How about that?


We destroyed/shut down ALL of our nuclear energy facilities, since our green t-shirts dreamed to be the first one nation which can sustain itself by wind and sun. Since wind and sun do not always deliver, and since Northstream was sabotaged by a terrorist action, and since we then had to buy energy from the US (LNG) and on top atomic energy from France, the neighboring Scandinavian countries now are pissed towards us because they had to compensate for our inability to sustain ourselves.

Our money now will be drained from our pockets to the last penny. We might end up as the first modern nation which has to go back to the status of a "to be developed nation". We probably will face brown- or blackouts. I think the t-shirts will regulate the electricity market and shut the electricity down here and there (happened already), leaving the major cities out until the election is over.

At least you had already a majority voting for the right candidate, but I am afraid us Germans still are not getting it, due to the massive propaganda. I talk to people on the streets or where I shop and get a sense of it, if you know what I mean.

I do not count much on the US, to be honest. All others seem to turn into sharks, once one fish appears to be weak and will eat it.

How do you estimate your future in Rumania? I don't know much about your country and I hope that you people are not long enough under western influence and will break free from its grip. The empire will go down but while it does it, it will affect many other 'allies'.

I-a scris si Aurelian lu' Elon. Aparent asa se poarta acum. Mai ceva ca lui Mos Craciun ;))Prea de tot asta cu Radu Tudor.