@themagazine: a simple and concrete proposal to enhance the contents and authors of Hive

in #proposal5 years ago (edited)

@themagazine: a simple and concrete proposal to enhance the contents and authors of Hive

If this proposal is voted and financed, the funds will be used by @themagazine in this way:

@themagazine will publish, for each day, from Monday to Friday, in which the proposal will get funding, a post containing a brief summary and links to 5 articles already proposed on Hive more than seven days before, which have not received a payout greater than 10$ deemed particularly interesting and worthy of being brought to general attention.

Every day the posts will cover a different topic:

Monday: Sports

Tuesday: Science & Tecnology

Wednesday: Movies & Television

Thursday: Politic & Society

Friday: Music

If the proposal is funded on a constant basis, a poll on dpoll will be proposed on Saturday to select the best post presented for every topic argument during the week.

The winners will be rewarded with 10 HBD (value financed for Saturday and Sunday).

The proposals will be collected in a special Discord channel called themagazine.The posts can be selected by the editorial staff of @themagazine, proposed by the same author, proposed by any user of Hive.

The post will be presented only if the author takes care of writing a short presentation in English and the possible addition of the translation of the post in English if it was originally written exclusively in another language.

Each post presented by @themagazine will be awarded a 5 HBD TIP (new feature on PeakD) (the author will receive 4.95 HBD because the TIP function "burns" 1% of the amount.

The aim is to enhance the valid posts that have gone relatively unnoticed and to reward the authors.
A second function of the initiative is to bring together @themagazine, divided by topic, all the best of what is written on Hive, for this purpose @themagazine posts will also be shared on social media: Twitter and Facebook to begin with.


Old posts, even of years, but really valid, that when they were published they did not get rewards over 10 $ will be presented and linked in 5 thematic posts, one a day from Monday to Friday, each post will be rewarded with a Tip of 5 HBD coming from the funds of the proposal.
On Saturday a survey will be proposed on Dpoll whose winner will be rewarded with an additional 10 HDB (9.9 net HDB)

The best of Hive valued and rewarded even beyond the fateful 7 days, what to us at @themagazine seems to be a limit, only 7 days to see your work valued, now it can be overcome thanks to the Tip function of PeakD and the funds of the Proposals !

A way to increase quality and enhance the work of all of us over time.

To simplify your decisions we wanna try to use the 5 W rules:

Who will benefit of the proposal?

All authors will be able to benefit from the funds of the proposal, as long as they have written valid posts concerning the topics for now in the lineup on @themagazine.

What do we do with this proposal?

We want to promote the good writers, the good content, and make them the main characters on Hive.
We wanna remember the good articles and don't forget after just a week.


We are intended to start as soon as possible.


Here! On Hive of course!


We think that is the real sense of Hive.
Hive offers us the possibility to write and be a blogger.
We could invest and earn thanks to our activity of course but we have to promote the contents!
That's the reason why we want to put the authors at the center.

Our requests

We wanna go on for years.
We need just 25 HBD a day.
We will use the 50% of the payout (Hive) of our posts to pay the curators and the 50% (HP) to grow our voting power.
We are open to discuss the topics of the five weekly edition or other aspects of the project with all Hive users, any type of suggestion will be appreciated.

Please vote for the proposal:

We know that every vote counts, but only few people have the power to decide if a proposal is or is not funded, so forgive us if we mention you, it is the only way to let you know that this proposal exists and depends on you whether it will be funded or not.

@abh12345 @acidyo @actifit @afiqsejuk @aggroed @amico @andrarchy @anthonyadavisii @anttn @anyx @arcange @asgarth @ash @atma.love @atnazo @ausbitbank @azircon @bank.sbd @barbara-orenya @birdinc @bitrocker2020 @blockbrothers @blocktrades @bluemist @brianoflondon @bryan-imhoff @bubke @buildteam @buzzbeergeek @c0ff33a @celestal @cervantes @chronocrypto @circa @city-of-dresden @clayop @condeas @crokkon @cryptoctopus @crystalliu @ctime @daltono @daveks @delishtreats @derangedvisions @dhimmel @d-pend @drakos @drorion @dylanhobalart @ecoinstant @empoderat @emrebeyler @enforcer48 @enjar @eonwarped @ericvancewalton @erikah @ervin-lemark @eturnerx @ew-and-patterns @fedesox @firepower @forum.orcinorum @forykw @foxon @fractalnode @freddio @fredrikaa @fulltimegeek @fw206 @gamefiles @gamer00 @geekgirl @glenalbrethsen @good-karma @gtg @guiltyparties @gungunkrishu @hamismsf @harpagon @hellohive @holger80 @hope-on-fire @howo @inertia @infa @isaria @jarvie @jasonshick @jeenger @jeffjagoe @jim888 @jlsplatts @joeypark @jongolson @josephsavage @jpbliberty @jschindler @justineh @kenanqhd @kenny-crane @kennyskitchen @kingscrown @knfitaly @krnel @lemouth @likwid @liondani @lukestokes @lunaticpandora @lyndsaybowes @marki99 @matheusggr @meesterboom @memehub @michealb @mindtrap @miti @mmmmkkkk311 @moon32walker @nateaguila @neoxian @netaterra @netuoso @nickyhavey @nonameslefttouse @nuthman @oldstone @oliverschmid @onthewayout @papilloncharity @partitura @pastzam @peakd @pfunk @pouchon @quochuy @raycoms @resiliencia @revisesociology @roelandp @roomservice @roundbeargames @russia-btc @saboin @sepracore @shadowspub @shaka @shortsegments @showerthoughts @slider2990 @slowwalker @smooth @solarwarrior @someguy123 @soyrosa @spectrumecons @steemaction @steemychicken1 @stoodkev @taskmaster4450 @techslut @thebluewin @thecryptodrive @thejohalfiles @themarkymark @therealwolf @theusersparty @theycallmedan @tipu @tobetada @tobias-g @traciyork @twinner @vikisecrets @whatsup @wil.metcalfe @xxxxxxxxxx



You want 25HBD/day to operate a curated “newsletter” published on Hive?

Let me know if I summarized that wrongly.

I like your line of questioning @fknmayhem. It's good to not bilndly support proposals.

I also like @themagazine seems to have answered any doubts you had about the project. I would suggest however that the proposals be collected via comments under a weekly proposal post, rather than on Discord. Let's keep it on-chain.

Also, how about making the Categories more UpLifting for Humanity by perhaps grouping together Sports, Movies and TV & Music under just One Entertainment Category, and adding Categories such as Good Causes, Positive News and Natural Health. There could be sub-categories under the main heading if that helped people more easily find what they are looking for.

@fknmayhem Did you support the proposal in the end?

Thanks for your comment.

No, I didn't support the proposal because I don't think it deserves any support. While I like the "curated newsletter" approach - and subscribe to quite some myself - I think this has most impact if off-site off chain. Then my question would be whether OP has the reach to get traction to such a concept.

Beyond that, while AFAIK no curation project has organized in a similar way, there are tools available for curators and those who go the distance will also be able to grow their curation power to make a difference. Especially considering that OP set out from a not-for-profit approach.

Personally, I only look for proposals which improve the chain, add critical/highly popular tools, or are aimed at user acquisition.

I found this proposal rather frivolous tbh. But "frivolous" meant in a jovial way. :)

Sory, but not understanding your abbreviations OP and AFAIK

@atma.love it never received a reply and you certainly know about it now, just like google can tell you, but let it be so for clarity:

AFAIK => As Far As I Know
OP => Original Poster, person who made the Original Post (which is also abbreviated OP by the way)


Posted via D.Buzz


Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

The 25 HBD go to the authors, every post will be tipped by 5 HBD.
We just keep the payout of the post, not the 25 HBD!
Sorry if this presentation is not so clear, help us to explain it better.

But you don't intend to publish on Saturday and Sunday, so that's half a lie (you take 40/week).

I would love to see especially off-chain focused promotion of great hive content. There are IMHO multiple ways to manage that, even without requiring proposal funding, but this isn't it. Unless you're Coudal, Kottke, or Gruber... this would be a waste of DHF funds.

The HBD from Saturday and Sunday are used to extra tips for the winners of the Dpoll as the best of the week.
All HBD are used to send tips to the authors, is written up above.
If is not clear, please tell us how can be more clear, thanks!

So you will run 5 polls on the weekend, not one as mentioned in the recap. One per category. This got lost on me due to the recap.

On Saturday a survey will be proposed on Dpoll whose winner will be rewarded with an additional 10 HDB (9.9 net HDB)

I still think this is merely a philanthropic proposal which has in its initial plan zero visibility for the chain and thus DHF funds could be used better.

Yes, a Dpoll for every category, 10 HBD each 50 HBD total funded (25 for Saturday + 25 for Sunday), if is not so clear, we will specify better.

Do you really NOT take any cut? That’s remarkable:P this seems like a great feature provided we make sure that the selection of old posts is going to be somewhat fair a transparent.

Definitely worth giving this a shot since whenever the funding stops so will @themagazine!

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