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RE: 6 years ago I was raped by my best friend and today I confronted him.

in #rape9 years ago

Did you date him before or after he raped you? Are you certain that, in your drunken state, your autonomous nervous system and sexual response wasn't triggered? Are you certain that he is the monster you say he is, or is it possible that in your inebriated state you were sexually responsive, and he didn't realize that you weren't conscious? I'm not trying to attack you, but you seem vulnerable and easily influenced, and perhaps you're just sharing your story to feel important and draw in sympathy? There's many things about your story that don't feel real at all, actually. So you dated him, yes? Again, before or after the night you woke up having sex?


many years after, he had a girlfriend. And yes, I am sure I was raped. I never saw him again after he raped me. No, I am not trying to draw in sympathy I am trying to have a voice and show other victims they have a voice.

You and he dated years after the night that you say he raped you? I don't think you're going to empower yourself by showing everyone such disregard for your own well-being, acting like a victim, and blaming some unknown man (that you later dated) for something that can't be proven, and is suspiciously vague.

I'm highly attuned to liars, and it appears to me that you've recently read some article about malignant narcissists, you related parts of that article to your own experiences (real or imagined), and you have some supportive feminist friends who have been able to get you to drink the Kool-aid and create reasons for why you act out and have social anxiety disorder. I think you're a wound up ball of borderline personality disorder with a history of garnering sympathy (and now money!) from others by acting like you're a victim. Well, more power to you - enjoy the steem or whatever. I don't believe you, try harder. Cheers.

They may not feel real to you but they were very much real to me as I am the one who experienced them.

I had many women on my facebook actually comment, coming out about how it happened to them too and they had been quiet about it. Probably because of how often the victim is not believed. I did this article for them and am glad it reached them even if it made others skeptical. :)