How to get over the ex you've been dwelling on.

in #relationship8 years ago (edited)

We have all had that ex that we can't get off of our minds.

It may have been many months, or even several years since the break-up but for whatever reason we can't stop endlessly playing the "what ifs" in our head. I was in this situation for longer than I care to admit. It not only is detrimental to ourselves but if we try to "get under someone else" as is a popular saying, it is detrimental to our new partner as well. For ourselves, and for others we need to get over it and move on with our lives.

I decided to write this blog when I noticed I hadn't checked my exes facebook in many month, to check if he was still in a relationship.

Once I realized that I realized I hadn't really thought of him at all. I started thinking of what was different and what I had changed to finally get over this person and get on with my life. Obviously part of it was just time passing but I wanted to share some other things I think guided me toward a healthier, exless, life.

  • Don't hold your feelings in, let them all out.

Don't do what I did, don't dwell on your break-up for a full year but do let your feelings out. Bottling them up will only make their ugly heads resurface later. Cry. Sleep. Cry more. Let yourself fully mourn the loss of your relationship. It is sad, let it be sad. Getting this out of the way first will make life easier later. Give yourself a few days to a week of full-on ugly crying if you need it. Then get together with some friends and try to have some fun.

  • Remove them from your facebook and DO NOT stalk them.

You may want to remain friends and that is admirable and totally fine. I have remained friends with quite a few exes but, in my opinion, if you are hopelessly stuck on the person and there is no chance at a future --if it's making you morbidly depressed to see this person-- you need a break, at least for now. You won't be able to move on and become independent with constant painful jabs. So, get them off your facebook and resist that gnawing urge to "check up" on them.

  • Stop answering their texts/emails/calls.

If you want to get over a person you need to stop letting them be part of your every day routine. If you continue answering all those calls and texts you are going to be validating them being part of your life. Only, they aren't, not in the way you want so you will find yourself only getting more and more depressed. It may be hard initially but stop responding. If they are a good person and you don't want to "ice" them just explain to them why you need to take a (long) break from communication.

  • Start throwing yourself full force into your passions.

I think this is the biggest part of me getting over my ex. I started focusing all my attention on my art. If you have a hobby or passion start dedicating more time to it. We all want to spend more time doing what we love and if you just ended a serious relationship, that means you freed up some time. So go ahead and invest that time into something productive that you enjoy doing. You will gain confidence, distract yourself, feel proud, and gain independence.

  • Start moving.

Get out there and start doing some physical activities. Not only will working out make you feel more confident but it can help improve your mood by releasing endorphins. It's no secret that working out regularly is a mood booster. This may be the perfect time to work out as you are likely wanting a distraction. Get some headphone, put on some happy tunes and work it out.

  • Don't "get under" someone else.

We have all heard of "getting under" someone else to get over and ex. Now maybe some casual sex will help you. It generally doesn't help me when I am heartbroken. But, whatever you do, definitely don't lead someone else on and throw yourself into a new relationship that you are not actually ready for. It isn't fair to you or this new person. It may put a band-aid on your sadness but once that new relationship smell wears off you will find yourself still missing your ex and it will interfere with your relationship. You'll likely end up with another failed relationship and then you will be grieving two losses and will have worked through none of your previous issues.

  • Start investing in yourself.

Focus on making yourself the best version of you that you can. Work out. --which will help in many ways-- Pamper yourself. Work on your talents. Learn some new skills. Get therapy if you want it. Just work on you in whatever way you want to. Start loving yourself fully and start putting yourself first. You will find yourself feeling the "need" for someone else less the more you invest in yourself.

There you have it. Now, go love yourself, create some shit, learn some stuff, run around, start laughing, and get over that person that's holding you back. But remember it will, inevitably, take time. But not adding to that time by dwelling on it is key.

(Creative commons)


This is great advice, also consider this...

Great post with very useful advice, not stalking my ex on FB (and blocking both her and the guy) really helped me recover from the breakup and all the lies that came with it.

Keep it up !

Good advice here Laura. Well done

I can say a bottle of bourbon and pint of beer I had wasn't the answer. Ended up on a 2 week bender which made everything worse. Had I just hit daily life and stayed on my routine, I would have had a lot less issues......I need a bourbon

Been there, my friend, been there. :)

Lol the first nights it always seems like a good idea! :P

I wish I could have read this this time last year. But eventually, I did realise that putting more time into what I love, what I feel passionate about and what makes me me, I gradually came to love myself independently again.

I left an emotionally abusive man and being with a person like this teaches you to be totally dependent on their love. When you have doubts about their love because they treat you like you've disappointed them, it sends you on an emotional rollercoaster because you can't figure out if this is just you being crazy or if you should try to fix whatever he's not happy with.

They make confrontation more intimidating that it was with other people. But when you've made up they tell you they want you to feel comfortable telling them when they're being cruel etc which makes you feel like it's your own fault for being afraid of his aggressive reactions.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've thought about that person in pain. He crosses my mind when I get lonely. But I am in a much better place to think about him now because he's not on that pedestal anymore. He's just a poisonous shrub in the ground now that I wish I'd never cared for!

For me I got back to training. I was running, cycling, hiking, climbing, dancing, working and I even found it hard to make friends while doing these things because my confidence was shot by my loss of a love I made myself dependent on. What helped me most though was actually closure. I felt for a long time like I was being selfish by seeking closure, because I knew once I had it he would realise what he'd lost and replace me in that awful place. And he did!!

When I finally forced him into responding to me and telling me why we ended the way we did he came across incredibly bitter, immature, and just like a nasty bully. I was finally able to say I really am better off without the happy memories stopping me. And of course as soon as I stopped contacting him, he became love sick again!! Even proposing the idea of having children! Love really is a form of insanity.

Thankfully I got myself in a place where I had the strength to not find his exclamations of false love attractive anymore. I just feel bad for the next woman to be fooled by him.

It's also important that while you're in the relationship that you maintain your own identity, and not get sucked in to just being part of the couple. That way, it's easier to move on if you break up.

True. I was sticking to advice on how to move on once it is said and done but you are very correct. I think that was a major part of my problem with the one I stuck on for so long. :)

  • Holds back multiple incredibly offensive comments * :X

Don't be offended, I made you some OC because I liked your article.

I am not offended I just had offensive OJ related "jokes" pop into my head that I held back.

Explain random scenarios that are not true, I.e. watching a movie I explained trees are the natural born enemy of horses. Horses run directly into trees and die in the wild, keeps things interesting.

I have allot of experience with break ups and for me the following was the best method to get them out of my life and mind.

  1. Wipe them out of your life , bin anything that is a reminder of them and wipe every digital trace.
  2. Go out have some fun, go dance, bungi jump, ride a bike whatever just go have fun and embrace your freedom, yes it wont be easy but push through and do it.
  3. Spend some time with friends or family the chit chat will take your mind off things.
  4. Get under, get behind, get on top of someone, whatever your flavor it helps break the connection but don't get hooked on them something casual and wild works but be sure you are not going to get back with the ex as its a deal breaker. (save this step as a last resort your body is precious).
  5. Go give yourself some not the hand or vibrator kind lol, go get a new hair cut, some clothing, a tattoo, massage there is really allot you can pamper yourself with.
  6. Realise that this is a battle of heart, mind and soul but day by day it WILL get better.

Yeah, I think some people probably can have fun getting under someone else casually that's why I pointed out it may help some but jumping into another relationship is a BAD idea.

I like your advice. :)


Regarding break-ups, you might find that article a worthwhile read, too. ;)

Poorly as it is, love is an irrational feeling. My ex gf cheated on me and treated me like shit in the last days of our relationship and i couldn't handle it. The thing is i know who i am and i know who she dumped me for and that is also not quite understandable. (Seems a little bit arrogant but it's my opinioin) I tried many things to get over it but for 8 months i think about her everyday. It's totaly fucked up. All your advices are good but they are not different from any other girly magazine on this world. I'm still not over it fully but when I reach the point where i am i will write my experiences and feeling into my blog and share them with you.

very brave of you to express yourself like this. kudos !