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RE: Woman Wants To Marry The Robot She Built

in #robosexual8 years ago (edited)

ha ha! No, the legal marriage part of this eludes me as well. I guess I understand her motivations to apply her feelings to a robot, but not to want to marry it. I think society is probably the most isolated it has ever been while simultaneously being connected via computers. This is the thing causing robosexuals, i think.
I am unsure if i could be a robosexual for real or not. I do have some real issues forming relationships, and I actually dislike 99% of humans (sad to admit this but it's true.). So a robot if advanced AI was involved sounds really exciting to me on an intellectual and emotional level (not sure about the sex part because I don't really need anything except my own hand for that part.) It's all really bizarre, because we are seeing all this change before our eyes, in real-time.


It's a hot topic in Japan, both with the herbivore-men rendering demographics unto extinction, and the fact that Japan is always a leader in the field of, well, "simulated" sexuality.

yeah, i studied this as well. I lived in Japan and was a teacher there. I saw how women were avoiding getting married even then. Their society is being reformed, and i read that most young people don't even have sex anymore. It's too much trouble, they say.

oh lord. I can't watch myself....