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RE: Woman Wants To Marry The Robot She Built

in #robosexual8 years ago (edited)

"I understand Lilly's motivations pretty well"

Could you expand on what the point of marrying an inanimate object would be, then? I read your entire post but didn't see it covered. There are no health benefits to share. No inheritance. No child custody. No privacy privileges at doctors, emergency contact rights, etc. Yet there would seem to be great negative costs associated with such counter-culturism. I would suggest this person may meet some of the criterion for social anxiety disorder, or another disorder. I, personally, do not wish to subsidize tax, health, or other benefits/discounts that generally go along with state-granted marriage licenses for people pairing up with inanimate objects. Society shoulders some of that burden because procreation is mission critical to survival; this logic does not apply to robots.

Note: I am referring specifically, and only, to the wanting to marry in a legal, official fashion part. Not the attraction. I would say this also applies to that guy who tried to legally marry his Mustang. There's something up with a human ego which needs to ego-invest (in the typical fashion we do with our mates) with an inanimate object - which has nothing to do with the attraction or sexuality, just the official marriage license part (that's the part you show to the world).

I may not get a better chance to post this:

Body Pillow.jpg


ha ha! No, the legal marriage part of this eludes me as well. I guess I understand her motivations to apply her feelings to a robot, but not to want to marry it. I think society is probably the most isolated it has ever been while simultaneously being connected via computers. This is the thing causing robosexuals, i think.
I am unsure if i could be a robosexual for real or not. I do have some real issues forming relationships, and I actually dislike 99% of humans (sad to admit this but it's true.). So a robot if advanced AI was involved sounds really exciting to me on an intellectual and emotional level (not sure about the sex part because I don't really need anything except my own hand for that part.) It's all really bizarre, because we are seeing all this change before our eyes, in real-time.

It's a hot topic in Japan, both with the herbivore-men rendering demographics unto extinction, and the fact that Japan is always a leader in the field of, well, "simulated" sexuality.

yeah, i studied this as well. I lived in Japan and was a teacher there. I saw how women were avoiding getting married even then. Their society is being reformed, and i read that most young people don't even have sex anymore. It's too much trouble, they say.

oh lord. I can't watch myself....

lol what is that clip from? Franco with what looks like a Sailor Moon pillow, and, is that TIna Fay? Epic!!

It's from a particularly good episode of 30 Rock, where James Franco's publicist arranges a fake-relationship with the Jenna character, to take the heat off the increasing (and true) rumors that he is actually in love with Kimiko, a Japanese body pillow.

Pure comical genius - I forgot the 30 Rock series began over 10 years ago, wow I feel old! Now I want to see the episode, lol thanks for your reply!

People are so awesome. Brain differences, environmental challenges and individual experiences make us who we are. No judgment here.