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RE: Weekly Running Review - 10 weeks till Snetterton Track Half Marathon

in #running6 years ago

I know we all have bad days but I just don’t seem to be getting any better or easier. I try and follow a training plan as that gives me motivation to go out. I know what you mean about joining a group, it probably would help a lot but I struggle socially with groups of people and family commitments make it difficult to commit to an organised groups. I just feel that everyone else I know he does running are improving getting quicker and I’m not. I am older than them so maybe it’s that!


Don't think like this @shazza ! Anyone can improve! Of course a youngster will do faster than you and me but, that's natural!
Anyway, I think you should have to include different workouts to your plan...
Include intervalic workouts, repetitions on ramps and perhaps also run on trails, in the forest, in the mountains...put variety in your training agenda, and enjoy each different workout. That's the most important!

Thank you, I am going to try and change up my training with interval, fart leak and hills but it’s very hard to get the motivation to do on my own. I know that’s what I need to do though

That's my @shazza !!! You are a SPARTAN!!!
Just interchange one of the runs you used to do at mid-week by one workout...
I propose you the following for wednesday:
Piramidal Fartlek:
10' of warm up jogging + (1' fast +1'slow+2'Fast+2' slow+3'fast+3'slow+4' fast+4'slow+3' Fast+3'slow+2'fast+2' slow+1'fast+1'slow) + 10' Of Cool down Jogging +5' minimum of stretching

BTW: It is not "FART LEAK" but FARTLEK (Scandinavian word) LOL!!!