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RE: Splinterlands Development Update - September 2019

in #splinterlands6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the update. Cool new cards.

You do leave me with a couple of questions, though...

  1. People will actually pay $10 for a starter deck that has no cards?
    Rare summoners cost about $1 each on the market these days....

  2. I get that you can't keep giving out reward cards at this rate, but why is only the number of cards for Silver and Gold 3 and 2 reduced? Wouldn't it make more sense (and wouldn't it be more fair) to reduce the number of cards given out in all leagues???

It's common knowledge that Splinterlands is favoring the big players, but isn't this a bit too obvious???


Wouldn't it make more sense (and wouldn't it be more fair) to reduce the number of cards given out in all leagues???

My thoughts exactly @simplymike. Everytime something is done to combat bots it always seem to be the lower players that take the hit.

Surely there must be another way.

And what about our Heron accounts? Doesn't this mean we'll be taking a big hit there too? Will it still be worth @tcpolymath running the service. I'm very interested to hear his thoughts.

Me too. But all people seem to care about in the Discord server are the new cards
Btw, just to make sure the tag arrives: it's @tcpolymath , without the dash ;0)

Yeah. I'd already corrected it and left a message on Discord cuz, as you say, all anyone seems to be talking about right now is the new cards. 😁

I don't know how to have thoughts based on "the quest rewards for the Silver league tiers and the first two tiers of the Gold league will be reduced" with no specifics.

On average each Reward card is worth about 94 DEC to a Heron account; you can figure out from that how much of a hit it will be once we find out what that actually means.

One thing I am very aware of, because some of them use Ottermaker, is how much some of the low-level botnets are pulling out of the game. I don't really understand why just pulling their starter pack rights when they're identified isn't an option, though. It seems like that would be more effective and also reduce the outgoing rewards considerably more than just cutting them for everyone.


I don't really understand why just pulling their starter pack rights when they're identified isn't an option, though. It seems like that would be more effective and also reduce the outgoing rewards considerably more than just cutting them for everyone.

Yep. That's the issue for me. It sounds from yaba's comments below that the lower players all get lumped into the same category as the bots which has happened before.

I want the bots stopped too. I actually consider myself an investor more than a player but this has stopped me in my tracks now.

i was planning on creating more Heron accounts but now I'm not sure. As you say we don't know the actual amount so can't work that out yet.

Maybe it would help if we saw some actual numbers . . . how much are the lower players (not the bots) taking out out of the game relative to their contribution and how little are the big players getting.

Also, it's not just about money. I've made a massive time contribution into the game too.

I don't disagree with the need for something to be done and I suppose, as a non dev, I just think there must be other solutions to reduce the bots.

First I will apologize for not discussing these changes with you and others before they were announced. Our communication can definitely use some work and I think that's a side effect of having a very small team juggling a ton of different things trying to keep this all moving in the right direction.

I guess if you can let me know your concerns here then I can consider and try to respond to them.

As for identifying and removing bots, there's really no way to do that short of doing KYC on every player. We could do that now but then they would just come back and adjust how they work to avoid whatever previous identification method we used. It's the same reason you can't ban bots on Steem.

Bots really aren't the problem. They can even be good and in general we should welcome them. The problem is when it's better to play many low level bot accounts than a single high level account. Getting to higher leagues and increasing your card levels should always be the best route to earning. Currently that's not really the case and it needs to be addressed.

Your Herons service is really fantastic and we are in no way trying to hurt that, we want to support it as much as we can. Please let me know how we can help you to make it better. For one thing, I'm planning to add that as one of the things shown in the "Did You Know?" section on the new daily popup.

Most of my developer concerns with the update are fiddly technical ones, like I'd like to know when exactly the new cards will launch and what their ID numbers are, and what specific changes you're making to the rewards.

As for identifying and removing bots, there's really no way to do that short of doing KYC on every player.

Something I can tell you from my poker experience: KYC is completely irrelevant to stopping bots, or even multiaccounters. It doesn't work. They have to get at it by pattern and timing analysis, which is also how you'd have to do it here. It's expensive, which is one reason I haven't suggested more actively that it should be done here if figuring out how to have an ecosystem that includes them doesn't work out.

Getting to higher leagues and increasing your card levels should always be the best route to earning.

I think this is incomplete. Yes, it's important to encourage progression, but you also have to make it available; if so much of the earnings are dedicated to higher leagues that the only way to get there is by spending thousands of dollars from scratch, then you lose the long tail of players who want to play and reinvest.

The key to keeping earnings in the game is that people should be able to use the earnings at their level to make psychologically satisfying progress toward the next level. When they feel like they can't, then they stop buying more cards and start cashing out.

As delighted as I am that card prices have been going up, as one of the top holders, I'm also seeing a lot of people giving up on their Silver accounts because they don't feel like they're making progress, either to try to turn them into a Heron for someone else to play, or selling off their own cards to play an account with cards owned by me or Aggroed or Neal. There's already a lot of frustration before this change, with it being really hard to use earnings to move ahead in the game. So I see this as likely making that problem worse.

It really doesn't hurt Herons unless it drastically reduces the demand for playing level 4 accounts, and then those owners don't upgrade them to level 5/6 accounts, which seems unlikely. Overall I would say on a purely selfish level this probably makes me a little bit more money, because it's mostly top players who reinvest their rewards in building Heron accounts.

But even though I'm not a free-2-play player here by any means, I still am at heart. All the money I've spent here came from the F2P/reinvestment cycle in other games, and I'm still F2P in way more games than not. So I feel strongly about not trapping those players into places where the only way they can grow is by cashing out and playing something else.

I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars that way. I want people to be able to do that within Splinterlands with patience and skill. One of the things that's very popular in poker, and draws in new players like nobody's business, is the bankroll-building challenge. Start with zero or $10 or $100 and blog or Twitch the hell out of turning it into $10k. I want to see that here, especially since Splinterlands has some real advantages over poker, like you can't just sit down and lose that first $100.


Can we talk about how to accomplish this on Discord? Again, not because it's private, but because I really want to understand and see how you think we can do things better and it's just going to take forever for that to happen going back and forth in comments. We can publish the whole conversation afterwards if you want.

I desperately need to sleep, but if you have time one of these next mornings you could DM me.


Good points @tcpolymath I especially like the last idea of the bankroll building challenge that would be a blast. One thing from your people getting frustrated comment earlier on is that with growth in the game not all cards are going to be meant to be owned. A year from now I certainly would hope that I own a lesser percentage of the cards ever made and if the game continues to grow the more new cards will add excitement and liquidity income to the game developers in the process. We have gotten conditioned that we all must own every single card as highly leveled as possible. That is not going to remain viable over time unless people start massive leasing accounts which would be good for everyone. The psychological effect of not owning virtually every single card is a "you problem," not a "game problem." Besides as these cards start hitting zero new production the older cards that this person is carrying in their (say for example) in their silver level accounts are going to carry a massive premium over time due to the difficulty of obtaining, that is if the game keeps growing. The days of us all being able to carry all 5 splinters fairly well stocked along with much if not all the dragon cards, promos, rewards, and betas pretty much all maxed are going to come to slow down if not an end at some point if the game keeps growing. In the end the growth of the game shown in increasing values is just about the best possible anecdotal PR spread for the game as just about anything. People want to hear far more about the "Blockchain game that has trading cards that tripled (+) in value," versus "the blockchain game that has cards that own within the game." Both are nice, but the first one is makes the ear burn a little more at minimum.

Bots are not good for mass adaption. Most "normies" hear the word bot and think I'm being cheated. Changing that mind set is likely not going to happen.

The new cards look like they will be popular. I think the Chicken card will come in handy in allot of situations.

I'm in favor of reward cuts as I have always thought and expressed that the rewards have been/are too generous. However I'm not a fan of the lower levels taken 100% of that hit. I personally think the rewards need to be reduced all the way up the league, more so at the top then bottom.

I always viewed the $10 starter as the initial fee to purchase the game so changing all the starter set codes to non-transferable cards to stop inflation/dumping of said cards makes sense to me.

I do see a big negative with changing paid starters to non transferable cards and that is, now the person who has little to spend needs to buy an extra summoner to get that level 1 summoner to level 2. That's a little unfair to the purchaser vs. the person who got a free starter pack.

How do I get a heron account? And how do I figure out if my cards are good enough for that.

Look at @herons-unlimited and/or come to

In general we have a long waiting list to play gold accounts or higher, but silvers come up every couple of days, usually more at the beginning of a season.

To make accounts I require at least four playable elemental splinters at the equivalent of level 3 rare summoners. That seems to be the minimal place for keeping players at the moment.


Ultimately it's not how many cards you're getting but the value of them that matters. Everything we do is focused around increasing the value of the cards which helps all players. Many of the smaller accounts who are complaining are also earning a lot more than they spent on the game on a regular basis while most of the bigger players have put waaay more money into the game than they've taken out. So really in a way the bigger players are paying the smaller players and the smaller players are complaining about it.

I don't see that many small players complain about things they don't have a right to complain about, to be honest.
Things is... the gap is only going to get a lot wider... soon, there will be Bronze and diamond/champion,...

Ultimately it's not how many cards you're getting but the value of them that matters.

This is true if you look at the game purely as an extraction exercise, but for people trying to build up decks with reward cards, more cards -> more effectiveness -> more long-term earnings. If you give out fewer cards with higher prices it drastically slows down the timeline for developing an account to higher levels through earning and reinvestment, even if the card values in the two situations somehow come out the same. Those are presumably the small players you want to be encouraging, rather than the extraction-focused ones.


Sell the high priced cards and buy packs or lower priced ones that you need for your deck?

What lower-priced ones? These are already the lowest-priced cards in the game.


Feel free to message me on discord, might be easier to discuss there.

No offense, Matt, but if you want private discussions you could notify your third-party developers of changes ahead of time and ask what we think of them.

You dropped this on us publicly and I think discussion should stay that way.


People will actually pay $10 for a starter deck that has no cards?

Buying the starter set gives you access to the game. Not all games are free to play, many times people pay much more than $10 for a game. The difference here is that "buying" the game also allows you to participate in the tournaments to win all sorts of prizes and in ranked play in which you can earn DEC and reward cards.

Wouldn't it make more sense (and wouldn't it be more fair) to reduce the number of cards given out in all leagues?

I would argue that the payouts before this change were "unfair" because lower rated players with bare minimums of cards were able to earn disproportionate amounts of reward cards. This caused people to take advantage of the situation through bots and making many different accounts which ends up hurting the "big players" the most in the long run.

Taking away everything from the smaller accounts will hurt the entire game in the long run... but that's just my two cents.

Many people aren't taking advantage' of the situation and are genuinely trying to build a deck, which gets more difficult every day.

But you're the dev, dev.

Read my reply to gillianpearce's comment above. I think that might explain it better. Smaller accounts are making money on average just by playing. We love this and we want to encourage this, but at the same time, if they can make too much money then it gets taken advantage of and the whole game suffers.

This is the way it is with a decentralized game where items have real value. With typical games it doesn't matter, you can reward players of any level as much as you want and it doesn't threaten the game because the rewards have no value and are not transferable.

Here it's different. If we give too much to anyone for too little effort/investment then the whole thing will fail and your cards will be worth nothing. On the other hand if we're able to balance the rewards just right then prices will continue climbing and everyone, small and large, will stand to benefit.

So far I think we've done a pretty good job steering this ship in the right direction, but if you think otherwise you have the option to sell your cards, and for pretty good prices these days.

First... thanks for your patience, Matt. I appreciate it. i realize it's not the most fun thing to do to counter all that critique. Maybe I should lay low and let it sink in for a short while - wait till it's clear just how much you will be taking away, and what the effect on the players that don't have a truckload of money to invest will be.

I know onboarding people like j6969 is a dream come true, but a big part of your player base is different...

you have the option to sell your cards

You made me an addict, so that's not really an option ;0)

how much of a hit it could be. silver will probably be 1 card in a daily quest, and after some time of playing and getting the good old rusty most will not play daily quests. I feel i will wait till the end of the season and than just play my best deck and get what i can.

I think enabling pack purchases with DEC is a key part of this. A new player can now make something like a dollar a day with the starter set and then directly buy packs to quickly get up to level 4-5.

Then the grind sets in with the exponential nature of XP :).

Contrast that with the old system, where that was technically still possible, but you had to sell DEC at the bid for STEEMP, then pay 1% for STEEM, then buy packs.

"A new player can now make something like a dollar a day with the starter set"

I don't see how this could be possible. A new player holding just the starter set gets less than a quarter DEC for winning his game.

"Contrast that with the old system, where that was technically still possible, but you had to sell DEC at the bid for STEEMP, then pay 1% for STEEM, then buy packs."

Or you could just buy the boosters on Steem Engine with STEEMP.


I would also like to see the amount of cards/player reward per league. I get that there are less players in the higher leagues, but there are much greater rewards. So a simple equation to calculate ratios would be nice to see.

I'm sure they have the figures and can share.

But will they?

I doubt it. I play lvl 3 summoners and reach GOLD II and sometime GOLD I, so this will directly effect me.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but why not just add a "I am not a bot" varification like a lot of websites do. It may be a pain in the arse at first to "pick all screens with a car in" but it would quickly remove all not players. I'm sure between them they could even think of an even fast "proof of human" button

Captcha is not decentralized... or something like that. I know there's a reason why they won't do such a thing, but I'm not 100% sure what that reason was.

A couple of months ago, when i was still on my crusade to fight for the rights of the smaller players, they admitted they needed the bots to make sure people could play at any time of day... I don't know if that's still true, but looking at the players base, I think it is...

That’s what I was thinking throughout this bot convo - we need them cause sometimes I want to play when others don’t - still though, Splinterlands can have you play against their deck and that might be fun too.

If there was a way to identify bots (timing analysis and the like), human players could be given the option whether to play bots or not.