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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Burn NFTy Decks

in #spsproposal11 months ago

Lame. I just hope we have a chance to let the partnership actually work. SPL dropped the ball on that with no NPE and no support for NFTy.

Would love to see what happens when we HAVE an NPE and try to actually attract new players. Plus the DAO earns from these decks when they get played. Seems so ridiculous to burn the decks now right before a bull. Burn 'em when CL rotates out of modern.


We were told give it 3-4 months and if it doesn't work, we'll burn them as agreed when the DAO voted to burn them. Now its been a year and we're still clinging to a dream.

NFTy came to us and told us that they had huge gaming guilds ready to sign up. They told us they had tons of new players wanting in that they were finding on their own. They just needed decks. We took those cards out of the furnace and lent them to them. NFTy failed to deliver. Remember, NPE was a distant dream when NFTy told us what the could do with these decks. The team didn't fail NFTy. NFTy just wasn't able to deliver and its time to do what we voted on last year and burn these decks.

It does more harm than good to remove the cards and NFTy arcade, if anything working with NFTy and whatever exposure gained by them helps. It's a third party service and it would be better for us if they can get the service to work in crypto gaming if the market starts heating up again going into the halving.

I never advocated for removing NFTy. I'm advocating for burning these cards and having players who've invested in cards which are now sitting idle to make the decks for NFTy instead. This was NFTy's business model before Aggy decided to try this. NFTy doesn't need these 500k packs in order to exist or run their business.

Creating use cases for existing assets should be everyone's goal if they want Splinterlands to thrive.

To be clear, NFY did not fail. SPL the company failed here. Reasons are numerous.

To be clear, NFTy told us they could bring in gaming guilds on their own. They told us they sat on their discord everyday turning people away because they didn't have the decks. They told us if we gave them the decks, they'd do the rest. The company gave them access to the decks. NFTy failed to deliver on what they told us they could do on their own.

Go back and listen to the townhalls when Tyler was on back in Jan/Feb.

We had NO new player experience, that's how we failed on our end. They could attract new players and they would leave because the NPE was absolutely awful at the time. And we DO have the responsibility to work with these third party services for mutual benefit. We didn't hold up our end of the deal. A deal like this ALWAYS goes two ways.

Tyler told us flat out they had a great retention rate with Splinterlands already. We never told them we'd change the new player experience. In fact at the time the team was saying it was probably many months to a year away since everything was set to change. They were saying if we made anything for enw players it would be outdated immediately. And still NFTy said they'd bring in a bunch of new players in the 3-4 month trial period.

They told us that probably before our game took multiple appalling decisions wrecking the value of rewards instead of preventing multi accounting bots from draining all our coffers. Before the rewards we had invested in cards to earn became "soulbound." Perhaps it's also on us a bit.