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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Burn NFTy Decks

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

I agree with Imno. 500'000 CL packs were transferred to NFTY! 500'000 packs (which should have been burned according to the DAO vote btw)! This is 3.33% of the total CL packs supply.

About 440,000 CL packs were opened resulting in the minted of:

  1. 36,038,870 CP - nftybronze account
    31,316,870 CP - nftysilver account
    So it's clearly not only 20 decks. Probably 20 decks are available for rent and other cards are just sitting there.

  2. 60'000+ CL packs were never opened and are sitting on the balance of the nftybronze account.

imo above mentioned packs/numbers are hurting to an already oversupplied/overprinted set.


  • Do we really think we need to keep 500,000 (already minted cards+unopened CL packs = 500k) CL packs for the NPE? 500'000 packs?
  • Are we sure that these cards will be relevant (won't go to wild for example) when this long awaited NPE happens?

P.S. Sorry all for my paltry 50 cents.