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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Burn NFTy Decks

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

Also, when did these become DAO owned cards? Chaos Legion had nothing to do with the DAO. These were lent by the company. Why would the DAO get the DEC? Am I misremembering something?

These need to be burned and then the DEC needs to be burned. When we voted to burn these packs, there was no DEC coming out of it. There shouldn't be DEC now just because we opened them. When we voted to try this, the deal was if it didn't pan out in a few months, we'd burn them and its like it never happened. Adding 70 million DEC into circulation/the DAO coffers, wasn't part of it.


I agree with Imno. 500'000 CL packs were transferred to NFTY! 500'000 packs (which should have been burned according to the DAO vote btw)! This is 3.33% of the total CL packs supply.

About 440,000 CL packs were opened resulting in the minted of:

  1. 36,038,870 CP - nftybronze account
    31,316,870 CP - nftysilver account
    So it's clearly not only 20 decks. Probably 20 decks are available for rent and other cards are just sitting there.

  2. 60'000+ CL packs were never opened and are sitting on the balance of the nftybronze account.

imo above mentioned packs/numbers are hurting to an already oversupplied/overprinted set.


  • Do we really think we need to keep 500,000 (already minted cards+unopened CL packs = 500k) CL packs for the NPE? 500'000 packs?
  • Are we sure that these cards will be relevant (won't go to wild for example) when this long awaited NPE happens?

P.S. Sorry all for my paltry 50 cents.