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RE: Burn cards for Rift Watchers packs (EDITED TO MATT'S PROPOSAL for a burn event)

in #spsproposallast year

Overall great idea and proposal - I am going to suggest going about this a slightly different way though, which should achieve a similar result - tons of cards being burned!

Ever since the success of our 5 year anniversary DEC burning event back in May, I have wanted to do something like that again, and I think this is a perfect opportunity for that. So I propose that Splinterlands does another burning event that works pretty much exactly the same way as the last one except that players must burn cards instead of DEC.

The company can provide titles and other prizes like we did last time, but we don't have as much available now to give out so I would propose to the DAO that some of the RW packs that are being given to it as part of the daily burn be made available as prizes for this promotion.

I expect that the DAO will receive something around 150k RW packs in total from the daily burns, so I'm thinking that the proposal could be for the DAO to allocate 50k of those packs to this event as the bulk of the prizes. I can work out the details and math for the amount and type of cards burned that lead to a chance of winning a prize, but I expect it will be similar to what you've proposed here.

Also, from an implementation perspective, if the packs set aside for the DAO are used then we're not under as much of a time crunch, and also by simply doing the burn event again we can re-use all of that code so it should be much quicker and easier to implement than if we do something that works differently.

Let me know your thoughts. If you like my idea and want to edit this proposal, reach out on Discord and I am happy to help you with that, or if you prefer to keep your proposal that is fine as well.


Ever since the success of our 5 year anniversary DEC burning event back in May, I have wanted to do something like that again, and I think this is a perfect opportunity for that. So I propose that Splinterlands does another burning event that works pretty much exactly the same way as the last one except that players must burn cards instead of DEC.

I think something set up like this is petty much mandatory to avoid instantly running out of Riftwatcher packs from burning cards, which is what would likely happen.

This I would absolutely vote for

Please don't make yet another event where all the whales get a ton of prizes and everyone else is stuck on a few tickets for a very small chance to win something.

I would be fine with a maximum of 50k packs for the event. This wouldn't affect the current circulation of RW cards and packs by very much.

I like it!

by the way, some in the community were wondering about the 25B total supply of DEC. Since we only have around 4B in circulation currently, where did all that massive amount of DEC ever go to? Is that taken out of circulation permanently or could some of that return?

Hi Matt!
Sorry it's taken me a few days to get my thoughts together. I just sent you a DM on Discord.

I like the recycling of codes because #1, it makes it faster and easier and #2 it saves money from having multiple programmers make a new one because you just need to edit and revise some lines of codes.

I'd like to add a what if. What if we make this burning events a more common occurrence? You could also do something along the line of burning cards to get a pack. let's say establish points for common, rare, epic and legendaries and then when you get to a certain point, you can use that to buy packs.

Reason for this is to reduce the number of cards on the market specifically CHaos Legion packs. Djinn Oshannus is an awesome card and you can see it sold for less than $1 because of how ridiculously many is it right now on the market.

By doing this, players can technically discard the cards that they don't want in hopes to get a better one. Also it reduces the cards in the market. Let's say you need to burn 500 common cards in total to get 1 Chaos legion pack (5 cards in total). If you can get 4 commons in that CL pack, then a 496 card were just burned. If 10 people do this 10 times, then you have 49600 common cards burned for a 400 common card (considering the CL pack they get are worsts by having 4 common 1 rare. CL packs would still be random in chance like a normal pack.)

TLDR, it's just recycling cards to get better cards (hopefully), while reducing the overall number of cards in the market which is waaaaaaayyy above the active playerbase right now.

Definitely one way to go about it and we need a long period of card deflation for a while if you ever want to sell packs again.. I really wanted to see Rebellion be a crafting set. Instead of cards each pack has 5 tokens of random rarity using the same odds we have for cards. Using these crafting tokens you can burn 2 cards of the same rarity as the token to generate a random rebellion card of that rarity. Golden tokens would need gold foil materials. It would be up to you whether these cards being burnt can only be from core sets or reward cards too. Releasing future sets like this would burn 2 cards for every 1 new card created. We probably need at least 2 set releases like this to clean the oversupply out of the system. A variant of this system would be the set after rebellion or a mini set that is all dual splinter cards. If the crafting token is water/fire common you would need a water and fire common from chaos legion for example to fulfill the recipe.

I do like the idea of a great burning but for cards, however I have a couple of reservations/questions I'd like to get cleared up before I vote.

  1. Will cards from various editions carry varying 'values' in this system? If not, I have concerns that we will end up only burning CL reward cards, thereby disproportionately benefiting a select group of individuals or (probably) botnets who hold the majority of these supplies. I would favor a formula where the baseline market value for each edition is approximately equal for burning, creating an incentive to burn cards from every edition rather than focusing solely on one specific edition.

  2. Is this the best we can do with the RW packs? I've been thinking about submitting a proposal for players to "mine" RW and/or Rebellion packs from lands, similar to how totems drop, or maybe even through a simple 'crafting' process which will come with some short-term tech debt, but potentially reused for lands 2.0. I'm not saying this alternative distribution is better, I just think it's worth exploring other ways to use RW packs before we commit to the first idea we come across, even though I do like this idea a lot.

Looking forward to hearing opinions on this!

Somebody suggested a graveyard on each plot. Where any card that's burnt is burnt to that specific plot, and gives a permanent boost to production.
Better to have a persistent card-burn mechanism than a series of ad hoc promos.
We could also do both. "Burn an Epic earth card on a swamp plot in the next 72 hours, and get 1 bonus time crystal per bcx burnt"

The card graveyard was actually also my baby 😂. I've written about it a few times and I posted it under one of Yaba's last proposals. It's actually my favorite way to manage cards since it would be persistent but I only had 100k dec and this one is time sensitive so I chose it.

I would fully support you putting up a proposal for it if you wanted. I can give you all the details as I have it and/or you can modify the idea however you think it would work best. I really think something like that will have a much better chance of passing if you propose it than if I do.

I'll send you a friend request on discord in case you want to discuss it.

I love an idea of a card graveyard too. We could have a spot to "bury" cards and give the players something new, it would be a great way to create card scarcity over time if done properly.

@imno are you speaking to Yabapmatt about his idea and going to amend your proposal in conjunction with him?

I see that you are heading for a full-vote now on the proposal, I think that's awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Hi Dave. The card graveyard is something I've been kicking around for a while. I have it pretty built out stats wise. I'd love to see it become reality.

I'm glad to see this hit the voting threshold. These last few days have been busier than I expected but I've been kicking around Matt's idea. It's different from mine in some key ways and doesn't quite accomplish everything I was thinking but it has its pluses. I just messaged Matt with some questions and thoughts. We'll see what comes of it.

Cool... I look forward to see what you guys come up with. Hopefully you can edit this post before its over so whatever changes you make will make the final version.

Due to everything going on, our communication was pretty sparse. I decided just to change the proposal to his comment since it seems like it would be a major strain to implement mine. I think his comment gives the gist of the idea well enough to be voted on.

I did suggest that if there's a card burning building for guilds or something coming that he attach it to that so prizes are just a pot sweetener. No idea if anything like that is coming or not but I think it needs something equivalent to guild points to not just be seen as whale games where only the top few people will have a chance to get anything.

I spoke with Matt and he is not ready to take this up yet. While he likes the idea, he has more important things he's working on right now with land and Rebellion. He said that he will give it thought in the future and bring the proposal back up again in the future.

So while I respect your proposal and think you started a great dialogue, I am going to vote it down so we as a community have more clarity as to what we are voting for.

Its definitely not a vote for your idea, but rather bad timing and not enough information as a result. I hope you understand @imno

I think it will work out and your idea started a good process. While of course the timing wasn't optimal, it certainly got the attention of many.

We'll see how it turns out of course as time goes, but I want to say much respect to you for your ideas and for having the courage to make it into a proposal @imno!!!

I think you did good to get this in the community conversation, I will try and see if we can get some clarity if there's no town hall tomorrow.

Thanks, mate, accepted. Afaict your idea would be outside the scope of the DAO; so more of an internal/gameplay decision for the team.

Yeah, that's another reason why this one was a better one to do 😂. However, Aggy has said many times that its his goal to follow the communities will as long as its not stuff like, make Aggy sell his house lol. I'd assume that if a proposal like that passed, they'd at least give it real consideration.