But they're not talking about Steem!
Two Presidential hopefuls are finally realizing what we've known all along about large social media companies like Facebook. This is a huge opportunity to spread the word about Steem because not only are these candidates world famous with legitimate chances for becoming the next President of the United States, but they are also from both sides of the isle as one is a Republican and one is a Democrat. The only problem is that they don't know about Steem ... Yet. So what do you think about getting on twitter and letting them know?
Here's the link to Ted Cruz's tweet:
Here's the link to Elizabeth Warren's tweet: ~~~ embed:1105256905058979841 twitter metadata:ZXdhcnJlbnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9ld2FycmVuL3N0YXR1cy8xMTA1MjU2OTA1MDU4OTc5ODQxfA== ~~~
Link to @SteemNetwork's response to Ted Cruz:
Link to @SteemNetwork's response to Elizabeth Warren: ~~~ embed:1105585248325324801 twitter metadata:U3RlZW1OZXR3b3JrfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N0ZWVtTmV0d29yay9zdGF0dXMvMTEwNTU4NTI0ODMyNTMyNDgwMXw= ~~~
Like, retweet, and tweet your own responses to them so that they know who we are!
Steem on!
I liked a few Steem Tweets as well as posted my own little response. If enough people respond, Steem should get noticed.
Probably not the politicians themselves but at least their followers.
Let's help push our responses up. Even if the candidates don't notice, a lot of others enthusiastic about the topic will!
They dont really care.. They are politicians over 50 years of age. Someone told them that attacking Facebook could get them some points so theyre doing it.
The reason why it is a good idea tweeting them is that it is relevant to the topic and it might interest their voters/broader public that never heard about blockchain or Steem.
Did my part and voted your tweet up. If we could get Oracle-d on this that would be great as well.
Awesome! This is a huge opportunity to get our name out.
Is this response witty enough you think? ;-)
I agree that this is extraordinary and posted something similar yesterday.
The best way to stop this without more government regulation that just transfers the power to the government, is private Class action litigation.
This is what @jpbliberty’s Class Action against Facebook & Google’s Crypto Ad Ban is doing. Many Steemians and prominent Steem projects have already joined up and it would be great if Steemit Inc did also. Www.jpbliberty.com
Posted using Partiko iOS
I dropped a comment to both of them as well as liking and retweeting the SteemNetwork responses.
Great call getting the community involved in this! Awesome opportunity to spread the good news of Steem 🙌🏼
@llfarms!gif popcorn
@llfarms!gif popcorn
@llfarms!gif popcorn
@llfarms!gif popcorn
@llfarms!gif popcorn
@llfarms!gif popcorn
are presidents allowed to self vote? might get out of hand:)
might get out of tiny hand:)
I hope that they would use steem but this platform needs more features.
People still use Facebook? I feel like Facebooks userbase and activity have been on a drastic decline and younger generations don't even mess with it they use alternative ones now.
Nope, you may have been misinformed. Facebook is still growing rapidly in terms of active users and time on platform... It's shitty, but it is not becoming any less popular.
edit: just double checked myself -- they are still growing, about 3% per quarter, which is pretty fast given the scale. The rate of growth is slowing so perhaps in the next year or two we'll see if it actually declines.
And Facebook is reportedly still working on a stablecoin. For those who gave up Google -
Oh yeah, FB has invested in a lot of blockchain talent from what I understand. I haven't had time to look much into that yet, I gotta read more.
yeah, instagram, whatsapp and it will grow of course, let´s see what happens with FB coin...
Wait. Is this a rare AF bipartisan moment?
This is a republican retweeting a democrat. Is there hope yet?
Meanwhile, I'm off to shot "Steem" at both of them :)
People always come together at the face of a bigger threat :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, let's wait and see...
Andrew Yang seems like a good candidate to try and recruit to steem, and with a decent national profile for a political noob
great opportunity. i think commented a bit to much on the posts, started replying to people in comments :D
Why did I not see this sooner? Great idea @#andrarchy
There's irony in them using one such Internet giant to host their discussions. It's going to get interesting when some big names move to Steem.
lovely post like u
Is this a bait by the democrats on the Republicans, because I know that facebook seems to be in favor of the democrats over the Republicans 😀😁?
This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.
About time the public turned against cancers like Facebook. Hopefully we can spread the good word of decentralisation :^)
Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
Interesante 👍 gracias por compartir 🤝

Posted using Partiko Android
Forgive me, but how is bernie our biggest threat?
Even if whales like bernie are deleterious, IMHO just having more users in general seems like it would dilute their influence and help solve the problem.
Moreover, could you expound on 'democratic tools' and 'neutralize'? I'm fiddling with software development for Steem these days, so it certainly won't fall only on deaf ears.
You said "...until you create tools..." and "Until you guys build democratic tools...".
Who are you addressing there? What is a tool in this sense? These seemed pretty concrete to me.
I don't think we should try to limit the number of accounts someone holds, or identify anyone who isn't forthcoming with an identity. I do think some uses of multiple accounts could be legitimate, and if you want to give a verified identity to an account there are defensible reasons to.
Do you mean to say that bernie and/or other whales are actively working to demoralize new users, and thereby against the interests of Steem as a whole?
Thanks for the discourse @joe.public!
Didn't mean to rile you or anything. The language in your first comment suggested to me that you did see some way to fix the problem, and that someone (presumably with coding skills) could execute your plan. I was just trying to coax something actionable from that, where apparently no such thing existed.