How to Make Tons of Money on Steemit: Be a WHITE GIRL, Show Some Skin, and Travel to Some Foreign Country!

in #steem9 years ago

Recently there were some trending stories about "fairness" and debates regarding top posts on Steemit. Some people are understandably frustrated because their posts do not make a lot of money while others chastise them for being too sensitive. I thought I should make a post sharing my thoughts on this debate while giving you tips to make more money on Steemit.

Obviously, Steemit is NOT fair. It was designed to be that way. The 1% (whales) controls 91% of the wealth distribution so whatever they like takes precedence. They are the ones who were here the earliest and created this system. However, there are common elements that will ALMOST guarantee that you will get a high payout.

1. Be a WHITE GIRL or look like one

Steem whales tend to like white women (presumably because they are white themselves), especially blondes. You don't have to demonstrate that you know anything about cryptocoins or even care about the Steem community, all you have to do is be a white girl and you will get attention from the whales.

Case in point 1: this playmate got over 11k Steem dollars for just being an attractive white girl. None of her post actually has anything to do with cryptocurrency.

Case in point 2: this girl got over 400 Steem dollars for posting photos of her and her sister eating at various places.

Case in point 3: Is this girl even real? There have been questions raised regarding her true identity.

Here is another example. I can sympathize with her experience. Sometimes men don't see things the way women do.

2. Show a lot of skin

Duh!! Men are driven by physical attraction to a woman. If you show cleavage, boobs, butt... and other body parts, you will get a lot of likes.

Case in point 1: this post is literally a picture of a TIT and it got over 700 Steem dollars..... need I say more? head shake

Case in point 2: this girl made over 4k Steem dollars for advertising her tits.

3. Travel to foreign places

If you are white (or look white) and travel to a 3rd world country (non-white country), your post will generate a lot of attention. You will even get more money if you "volunteer" and do something "meaningful" (I used quotations on that word for a reason...). Exploiting photos of poor children is a great way for you to earn tons of Steem dollars. This method works the same way that informercials like these do. They evoke pathos that appeal to the human emotions.

Case in point 1: Heidi is a prime example of this method. She is a blonde white girl who travels to foreign countries and writes about her experience. She has generated thousands of Steem dollars from various posts. Does she contribute anything substantial to the cryptocurrency community? Debatable.....but at least she tries to give the children of Peru a "brighter future"..........?

Case in point 2: these 2 white people went to Cambodia to hang out with little kids and made about 2000 Steem dollars. Again, people are suckers for images of poor children. Post photos with them and you will make big bucks.

If you follow these 3 methods, your chances of getting upvotes from the whales will increase exponentially. You don't have to post anything substantial or even related to cryptocurrency to achieve high payouts (Sometimes I wonder if these people even know how cryptocoin works or how to convert Steem dollars to other currency via Poloniex). In many cases, posts that are actually about Steem, Bitcoin, or Ether are highly ignored while posts with tits get the money.

You may ask- what if I'm not a white girl or have money to travel to exotic places?
-Well, in that case you will just have to another way to promote your posts. Many other Steemers (including myself) are in the same boat.

Will the whales even care about it?
-Probably not, there are tons of posts out there and your concerns most likely won't reach them.

Is this a power trip?
-Yes it is

Is this even fair?
-Nope, but if you talk about it, people will try shut you down. It's always easier to tell others to get over things when you're the one standing on the other side of the fence.

Moral of the story?
-Be a white girl and travel a lot.


Of course you can get noticed in other ways, you just have to be creative and lucky lol

True. Community appreciates those things too tho sometimes you do need to be lucky!


You are definitely not wrong. Steem whales just like sexy white women. It's something that they can't control.

Check boxes: 1. are you a white girl? 2. are you traveling? 3. are you showing your skins?

Its a social network, if you guys talked about steem all day but nothing else in the world then this would become a stagnant community. So yes I expect the white women (any women for that matter) to use there looks to leverage the playing field and she can talk about life traveling abroad all day in tell she turns blue. life's not fair. Game the system or get gamed, Zero Sum.

ride the hate hype.

Not hate, just pointing out the obvious.

I'm a white guy. Nothing in life is very fair to me either lol. No special help for college, no safety net if I fall, no one wants to give me money to see any of my skin, no special programs for contracts... hell I am barred from competing on ~1/4 of all DoD contracts because I am the shitty combo of white + male.

I once filled out a form that asked if I was female. Then if I was hispanic, asian, african american, etc etc. After that it said "if you haven't answered yes to atleast one of the above you are not a small disadvantaged business. If you feel you are please explain in the space below".

I almost filled it the space. I so wanted to say I'm a small disadvantaged business because everyone else gets a handicap-headstart that I don't get. No special lending programs. No priority of contract awards even if I'm cheaper. Nothing.

We can find ways that life is unfair for anyone. Just keep calm and live on. Getting jealous/angry/upset won't improve a thing for you.

Who said I was jealous and upset? I was pointing out the obvious and provided examples. If you don't agree with it, it's fine. There are others who feel the same what that I do and we have the rights to express ourselves.

I wasn't saying you were per se... but, you did write a whole article complete with referenced examples which would lead me to believe it bothers you.

I totally agree with you, I was merely pointing out my own experience. I certainly don't think I was in any way attempting you shutter your right to express yourself.

Hell, if my comment has no value for you, by all means disregard it ;-)

Using examples show that I actually have spent my time reading and researching posts on Steemit. I just want to show that I actually did my homework and didn't just make things up.
I was just stating a trend I have observed that's all.

I agree, and commend you on your work! What I was trying to communicate in a nut shell was:
Yes, its unfair, but then there are always things that are unfair in life.

Nothing more, nothing less.

While what you say makes sense, as the community grows these things should level out over time. In the early days Beautiful women and influential Men might have the advantage of payouts but let's see were it goes in a few years. One day she might not be as happy about all those Nude Photo's on the web. I just started this account on steemit to raise awareness to digital privacy issues, working on the first few posts now.

Carpe diem, you have to take advantage of the opportunity when it's there right?

Absolutely, though after I commented i took a look at your Steemit profile and other than her being white (technically South American) and you Asian you might have quite a bit in comment (other than her posing nudes of course) - like travel. On a personal note you do look much prettier.

lol, I'm not white and I'm not exploiting images of poor children so that's why my posts didn't make as much as some of these other people. Hence I said I was on the struggle boat as well.

For me Steemit is done. Lack of leadership. If there ever was any.I'm totally with you on that. Check out my last post

Seems to me it's not about them. Here all not realized the meaning of the STEEMIT. The fact that people spent a lot of time in social services. Where voted for all without ambiguity. No need to wonder this here. Will take a little time yet before all realize that the weight of votes determines the reputation. the smaller you vote. are the more your weight ' voice and reputation. Here all come together to make money. ;)

Of course everyone is here to make money, but if you do the 3 things I mention above, your chances of getting money will increase.

Yes I agree with you. ! But I don't want to do that;)

Yo forgot to point out the white male semi-celebrity, they seem to cleanup too. So what's your point? Apparently you are not a semi-famous white-male libertarian-crypto-enthusiast either.

I never said that you can't get money other ways. All I said was that if you do the 3 things I mention, the probability of getting a high payout will increase.

At a few points in the article you say things like-

"You don't have to demonstrate that you know anything about cryptocoins"

" None of her post actually has anything to do with cryptocurrency."

"Does she contribute anything substantial to the cryptocurrency

You make it sound as if those are the only sort of posts that should be considered for a big payout. Steemit is being marketed as a new form of social media, not just a place for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to hang out and discuss cryptocoins.

If the goal is to grow Steemit to be an actual alternative to the facebooks/reddits/what not of the world you are going to have to appeal to the masses. Sure, quality content will always find a willing audience here but hot chicks, stupid memes, food, and weed also make up a large part of what a lot of people talk about online. Good or bad, popular things will remain popular no matter what platform you are on.

That's precisely the point, it's not about cryptocurrency exclusively anymore and you don't have to know anything about cryptocurrency to be popular. I'm not implying that they HAVE to talk about cryptocurrency, I'm saying that they didn't talk about it, which is precisely my point. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that they are not talking about crypto either. I'm just pointing it out as it is. Nowadays, it's about appealing to the masses like you said. So if you follow the 3 steps, you will get a higher chance of a big payout.

I was just pointing out that your post gives the impression that you feel posts about the crytpo stuff should be the ones getting paid out. I don't disagree with the steps though, definitely a sure fire way to get noticed here. Hell, looking at your posts, I would have wagered many a steem dollar that a hot/nerdy/asian girl would be cleaning up even more than your whiter counterparts.

I wonder when the first pedophiles and rapists find their way here. Won't be too long before someone posts the first child porn. All the lefties will be like "but if there is a market for it and the whales like it".

lol, you're giving me ideas @conspiracynut. I wonder how these steem whales will do when a large amount of contents like that starts to flood steemit.

That will be the end. Because law enforcement will shut it down. And rightfully so, should that happen.

well that was a bit bitter lol

Thank you @christianus. People are quick to chastise others for pointing out the obvious.

I've kind of observed the same and share the same feeling. I wonder what happens if there were no pics allowed here. But as one user have pointed out, there's a counter to everything. I've also seen trolls around amusing themselves. As with life and everything else, the good and bad co-exist.

smells like racism

Do you even know what racism is? Don't be throwing that word around and accusing people of it without any proper evidence. I guess you never heard of things like white privilege before.

yeah, i know what racism is. i'm irish, german and native american, and my brother is black, and we grew up together in the south. so, yeah, i know a little bit about racism, and that is what this smells like to me.

You should feel embarassed about writing this post. And for a number of reasons. First of all, what's the point of pointing out that sex sells? That is nothing new. It's a global phenomenon. And yes, there are some posts here where that is the case. But this really only represents a very small number of the posts that do well. Just watch the trending page day after day and that will become obvious to you.

As for your claim that being white is a big advantage here, that is simply preposterous. One of your prime examples is HeidiTravels. But she just happened to be the first person to do anything like what she does on Steemit, and at that time (a couple of months ago) content diversification was even more sorely needed than it is now. She went on some great trips, wrote some nice stories about her journeys, and quite frankly she was in the right place at the right time here on steemit and developed a nice following for those reasons. It has nothing to do with being white.

As for the 2 sisters that take pictures eating in various places, who you claim are an example of getting paid well because of being white, well, they aren't even white. They're filipina. Also, they posted 42 times before getting their first payout over $100. And of those first 42 posts, 2 received $76 while most of the rest received under $10, many under $1, and some $0. And the average payout was only around $5 for those first 42 posts. They have since posted perhaps another 50 times and have only had 2 or 3 posts over $300. Their average per post is probably less than $50. Yet they never complain. They just keep posting and having fun, slowly building their following. I like that attitude and I will start following and voting for them now that you brought them to my attention.

Now let's look at your posting. You've posted 10 times (two of those were just cut and paste tweets from Vitalik, so really just 8 legit posts). Of your 8 posts, 2 got payouts over $250, including one over $300. And your average was around $75/post (or $60/post if you include the Vitalik tweets). Do you think you should be getting more than that? I hate that entitlement mentality. And I will probably not upvote you again because of it.

Do yourself and everyone else a favor. Stop complaining and making excuses. Work on improving your content and building a following. And enjoy the fact that you're making on average $60-75 just by posting some pictures of yourself traveling or cooking. Where else can you do that???

I can understand where you're coming from. I never was trying to attack any of these people that I referenced on my post. I was just using them as an example for my points. If you don't agree with what I said then I can respect that. This post was meant to be tongue in cheek but it's unfortunate that it didn't come across that way.@tombstone

Unfortunately... you got a point!