This is the Special Frontline Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon by Steemit Weekly for CNers !!
This week we collaborate with two correspondents who are right there in the Fest to report to you ( @rea and @joythewanderer, so, Fest participants, be careful what you talk to the gals! your words might appear here!! oh, come on, why not!?^^), especially to our focus audience the CN community, about what is happening right there in Lisbon so you can feel like you were there too!!^^
For what this Steemit Weekly series is about, please check out latest issue 09. For this week's special coverage, the reward will be share among reporters in Lisbon and editors in Taipei only.
本週內,Weekly將有一連串來自里斯本的SteemFest 2特別報導!Surprise!我們特別秘密企劃了這次特刊,將維持一周左右,且我們有特派美女記者 @rea與 @joythewanderer前進現場,為您帶來第一手的獨家畫面與報導!但為了不耽誤記者們的歡樂與會(看看我們對員工多好^^),我們的報導品質可能會沒什麼內容!哈哈!反正就是歡樂,第一手,盡量為您掌握!也歡迎留言,指定我們記者去問任何與會的Steemian任何問題,有意義、有禮貌且有可能實現的,我們會即時通知她們試試看,好嗎?
--- responsible editor: @wilkinshui ---

STEEM 價格何去何從
Where STEEM price is heading
這題材靈感來自於上一期 O 哥問:
說真的,這也是我非常想知道的問題,而且我也相信很多人也關心這問題吧。從目前為止,Steemfest 也取得了一定的成功,因為今天我在其中一個聊天室看到了一個非常感性的留言說:看過 Steemfest Livestream 之後,我對 Steem 未來的價格又充滿了信心了(看來他是準備好All In 了)。
我也從 @rea與 @joythewanderer 的報導中找到了一些蛛絲馬跡,今天挑了幾個重點跟大家分享一下。
以上絕對是今年剩下二個月內的一個最重要的更新 - Mobile Wallet。一直在很多場合聽到這個資訊,原本還以為沒有希望今年能夠上線,竟然在此時候 @sneak 公佈了在今年十二月便可以在 Android 和 IOS 下載這一個應用程式,可以說是天大的喜訊。
儘管最近的 Logo Change 引來一些網路上的罵戰,但是我相信這只是 Rebranding 的其中一個小步驟。例如我們現在看到的 Mobile App 也是 Steemit.com 為了發展 Steem 而努力開發的程式。美中不足的是在這一次Steemfest 沒有看到 Mobile Wallet Demo,如果這應用程式也可以擁有像 e-Steem 一樣的功能,這樣絕對可以吸引更多新的用戶並提高我們的用戶體驗。
We have only around 2 months until 2018, but there is still one major update to be reported which is the Mobile Wallet. As part of the rebranding processing, we are expecting to be able to download the latest apps in both Android and IOS in December 2017. Unfortunately, we are not able to see further detail at the moment for the Mobile Wallet but if they could offer the similar function of what e-Steem looks like, this will definitely help improving the user experience.
另外一個消息當然是要看 Jeff 神 ( @dollarvigilante) 在這次 Steemfest 提出對 Steem 價格的一些看法。作為加密貨幣的神級投資者,他一上場便不諱言說自己對 Steem 的成長是失望的,主要原因是既然 FB,Twitter 也可以吸引這麼多的用戶,那可以賺錢的 Steem 應該有更大的誘因讓人在這裡發文分享吧。
從用戶的角度,他很快便指出關鍵的問題在於:1) 開戶需要的時間。 2) 市場推廣策略。
關於開戶時間,這個問題應該可以在下一次 Hard Fork (Steem: Velocity) 可以得到解決,Jeff 神提到了現代的人跟本沒有辦法等一週才可以完成開戶的動作,更有可能的是開戶後便全部忘記什麼是 Steem。所以假如HF20 可以把這問題解決絕對有助 Steem 的擴展性。
在市場推廣策略方面,除了一直在討論的 SMT外,這一次還提到 Referral 的制度,在目前什麼也是 Word of Mouth的年代,如果幫助推廣有referral bonus,相信大家也會更積極去介紹好友加入吧(我好像已經看到很多人拿出手機的聯絡人資訊了。。。)
Jeff 神最後的總結認為雖然Steem的價格沒有好像想像的那麼高,但是他也同意只要能做好以上幾點,Steem的潛在價值還是非常高的。
The legend cryptocurrency investor @jeffberwick pointed out that he thought the Steem price should be higher than what we are seeing today and he suggested that there are two problem to be solved before the price could surge higher and they are: 1) the time required to open an account. 2) Marketing strategy
For the next HF, we are expecting to see there will be a huge improvement in the account opening process and it will definitely help the scalability of Steem because it is hard for a new user to wait for a week to have the account activated. There is also some mentioning of the potential referral system within Steem and I am sure it will help motivate all of us to try to get on board as many friends as possible with the potentially new implemented referral system.
Behind the scene

There are more than 300 committed steemians joining the steemfest this year which is a big increase from last year

WOW!! @roelandp with his usual charming tropical outfit started the opening.

Look how attractive our reporter is :)
Our Team
Correspondent 001 @rea - In Lisbon

My passions in life are food, travel, events and movies! If you love any of these, please check out my blog! Have fun!
Steemfest 2 is Almost Upon Us / 期待已久的Steemfest 2 终于来了!
Correspondent 002 @joythewanderer - In Lisbon

Freedom & Anarchy. Warm&Cool. I speak CN, EN, NL& FR. Interested in: Blockchain technology, Indigenous culture, Architecture, Modern art, Religious paintings
SteemFest Warm-up day. (Photos + Vlog 😊)
Editor 001 @deanliu [Project Coordinator] - In Taipei
this account will stay powered up above 10,000 SP forever. <--- Sorry, not a good description... lol
📣 Special Frontline Coverage of SteemFest 2 Lisbon by Steemit Weekly for CNers!!! 📣 SteemFest里斯本大會現場特別報導! 📣 [Issue SF2-01]
Editor 002 @wilkinshui - In Taipei

Adapting the Steemit world. Power up :)
Steemit Weekly for CNers - Issue 09 / 《社區"週"邊事》 - 第 09 期
Editor 003 @ygern - In Taipei

Editor. Translator. Writer. Reader.
Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 07 |《文化讀癮.一週譯報》第7期:憤怒女神的愛情故事
Check out what's happening at SteemFest 2 Lisbon from @roelandp and #steemfest!!
Disclaimer - all live photos from Lisbon belongs to @rea or @joythewanderer. If you are in these photos and do not wish to be shown as such, please do notify us and hopefully you can accept our sincere apology for not asking you in advance as we do not have enough time to ask permissions one by one; steemfest image from @roelandp; weekly logo and boarders designed by @nicolemoker - a great designer.
I love how you underline the presence of important Steemians presence among the crew out there. Thanks for the updates!!!
Namaste :)
跟着Jeff ,那得all in 了。前几天O哥ad了一波bts,纠结是all in steem还是bts……………………
好厲害! 祝mobile app大成功!
持续关注中 👍👍
Waiting for more reports of steemfesr
Thanks For Your good Information I Like IT.
Thank you for the update!