
Thank-you. I appreciate the reply. Please think on all other points that I mentioned. I do believe steemit will expand exponentially and such hiccups as these thieves are presenting, will become community issues and eventually get sorted. I have every intention of holding to my course. No-one has, as yet, given me any viable reason to discontinue from honouring OUR dead. The selection from the people's encyclopaedia, EWUE, will be over soon enough. I had no intention to type out the whole book, but just those sections that bear upon our history and continuance. Posts by the people, for the people. It's actually funny in that one copy/paste from a thieving robot tells readers to be cautious, and at the bottom of the post to which it is attached is my ~ Warning Note, that these posts are not advisory, but 85 years old info', and reader's use on own responsibility. 😆 doh!

May the blessings be.
Keep on keeping on. 😇 Thank-you @amariespeaks & @abh12345, Thank-you @steemcleaners and @cheetah for so obviously showing yourselves up. Thank-you all my readers off-site, for your messenger and txt support.