This is getting confusing, back and forth, on a ph screen. @patrice has just a few hours ago commented as if she is @steemcleaners. That comment showed she had not read my blog, but just one post. From comments by @steemcleaners @cheetah put me on her blacklist and as far as i can tell, also has not researched her actions or moronic wording. I found out about this when one of my followers told me I'd lost my reputation. I had no idea I had one. Like the money it doesn't figure in why or what I post. Told where to check I did see that the numbers had fallen drastically. At the same time over this last week my number of followers has increased. Go figure. Who decides I have reputation. Is it decided by number of comment/replies ? So, how can an 'authority' of which I'm totally unaware, without querying me about anything, decide arbitrarily to reduce my reputation and put on automatic, comments to every single post of mine - across comment which has nothing to do with the post to which attached. They, say, this is not etiquette, but they then do it for their purposes. I tapped these 'robots', and those sites have NIL informative or entertaining posts, just denigrating ones. This attitude of robot drivers, who will not enter public forum, but invite me to complicated sites I don't know how to reach, to have 'private' discourse, is moronic, and shows that they have not thought out the position of robot sites within a human environment. I believe no robot should be allowed to post anything but an enquiry to 'please explain this similarity', and the reply to that should be open, on the site, for forum discussion, like adults. I went to one driver's site also, and it had fewer personal posts in the last two months than I did, even if you don't count my posts of 85 year old. So who is taking it upon themselves to pick on newbies, that have many years more life, real life, experience and don't even know how to manipulate a cpu? 😂 They, bring steemit into disrepute. Look at the comments and replies #0253 with @logic And @amariespeaks, and other #s this past week or so. If you have a robot or at least several screens and some time, you might check my posts all the way back to 15/12/17. I do explain, I do refer, and apart from some comments to robots, most of my replies are generally more informative than short - praise, like, etc
I also believe, from the lack of comments from followers, that this issue frightens many who are not financially set, to stand up to this type of bullying. If I knew how, I'd give you my money, but I don't know how, or even if 'authorities' have diminished it in ways I have no understanding of. The idea that steemit might grow a crypto currency is a fine idea, but with reputation thieves and liars who cannot even use Pythagorean logic, or research that which they would close down, I think this blockchain cannot rely on adult behaviour of and for community. If the robots were conditioned correctly to interact with www. and their driver's, and not with the community, then they could very well be an extremely useful tool. Now they are used as a weapon of terrorism. I have suggested an index to archives, and I believe a robot app for internal library use would greatly enhance all community members, giving all newbies access readily to past posts on 'how to', and with adjustments might even allow such old posts a 0.00001 vote. The index might be in divisions and sub-divisions and classes. By this I mean not that tags aren't useful but cross-ref to words within posts would be very beneficial for info' researchers. ~ a photo of a cat might bring up 1000, another fine tune then reduces it to those with blog, a further tweak reduces it to ginger cat, and so on ~ You can see that such a division would immediately cut from library all short - I like that - post replies; and photos divide into just photos or photos with text longer than say forty characters. Well, an idea from an old man, but you geniuses with the hexagrams can work out better how to separate info' from greetings, thanks, and, give me-give me-up votes. 😉
OK, I can waffle.
May the blessings be.
Keep on keeping on. 😇
• addendum - I just checked @cheetah wallet. For denigrating and terrorising and bullying it has a wallet with almost $9,000. It should be fined if found to have not got it right. It's nasty. It has only denigrating copy/paste remarks, and NIL original personal posts. The robot might do a job, but should not be paid for being moronic, only After human discussion and debate, not before, leaving newbies guilty until proven innocent. 😡
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this is very aggravting to say the least @simon62. I hope @abh12345 will have some insight into this problem and maybe an idea on a solution! Keep Steemin' my friend!
Hi :)
I have offered advice, and i'm afraid there is not a lot I, or anyone else can do here.
Have a great weekend!
thanks @abh12345 ! I appreciate you trying to help out
Hi @simon62
I'm sorry but I cannot offer any more advice than I have already. I have no part in what any of the accounts above say or do.
I suggest a new account, and to try to avoid copy/pasting too much text from elsewhere.
Thank-you. I appreciate the reply. Please think on all other points that I mentioned. I do believe steemit will expand exponentially and such hiccups as these thieves are presenting, will become community issues and eventually get sorted. I have every intention of holding to my course. No-one has, as yet, given me any viable reason to discontinue from honouring OUR dead. The selection from the people's encyclopaedia, EWUE, will be over soon enough. I had no intention to type out the whole book, but just those sections that bear upon our history and continuance. Posts by the people, for the people. It's actually funny in that one copy/paste from a thieving robot tells readers to be cautious, and at the bottom of the post to which it is attached is my ~ Warning Note, that these posts are not advisory, but 85 years old info', and reader's use on own responsibility. 😆 doh!
Thank-you @amariespeaks & @abh12345, Thank-you @steemcleaners and @cheetah for so obviously showing yourselves up. Thank-you all my readers off-site, for your messenger and txt support.
May the blessings be.
Keep on keeping on. 😇