TOP FIVE rarest super nintendo games

in #steemit9 years ago

this tops five is all about our beloved console the super Nintendo. The super Nintendo was released in 1990 it definitely had better graphics then its lowly level previously released consoles, with its 16 bit graphics capability it annihilated its competitors, so pay tribute to our buddy will have a count down to celebrate this beautiful console,  1 being the greatest and being 5 lowest 

1. Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer Combo 

 While some people are hawking the single game carts for a handful of  money, the rare version of these games actually has both the Speed Racer  and Mountain Bike Rally game on it together. For use with the  LifeFitness Bike Unit. One of the rarest games for the system, as it may  have not seen full or any retail distribution. This 2 in 1 most likely  never made it to any stores, and most copies that have been found have  been from NOA’s warehouse itself!   The last two reported sales for the  game were for loose cartridges for around $1400 each.  If a complete  copy was to surface, it would be easily much more 

2. Kunio-Kun Dodge Ball Zenin Shuugou Tournament Special Gold Cartridge

this cartridge actually was given to winners at  Technos Japan’s Dodgeball Tournaments, and as well this one of many that were released as limited edition gold carts for tournaments in Japan.  with that being said its value is absolutely insane but with the retro games like this its price tag is  $1,100 – $1,300  without its price it would still be quite rare as it was only given at tournaments but its not the rarest..

 3. Batman Forever Woolworths Box Set 

 The set includes The game, Making Of Game VHS,  Batman Diary, Batman Sticker, Competition Entry Form & the outer  Slipcase. This PAL Limited Edition box set was only available from Woolworths and  is very hard to find.  As many of you know, they game wasn’t especially popular and  in the days of people not really collecting video games, most people who  purchased it would not have kept all the items and packaging together,  let along in good condition.  this one is valued at  

4.Donkey Kong Country Competition Cartridge

Donkey Kong Country had a release of a competition cartridge. it was released only to block buster video shops, and never got its much deserved release to the public, it reached the public through the Nintendo power catalog or if you were lucky enough to get one in the bargain bin at blockbuster. its valued at  $728-$1,200

5.  Starfox: Super Weekend Cartridge 

   Much like the Donkey Kong Country  Competition cartridges, this Star Fox cart was used by  Blockbuster for game tournaments and extra carts were sold off by  Blockbuster and Nintendo Power. like our other super Nintendo games because of its release makes it very rare 

#topfive #retro #games 


GREAT ARTICLE! That Donkey Kong game is the best hehe <3 I love all the donkey kong games.

I vote because I am a video gamer at heart.

My friend had that batman game but nit the boxed edition. I remmeber playing it.

Love this type of information! Thanks

Oh my God I had that Batman Forever pack and completely threw it out when I moved out of my parents. The game was a horrible Mortal Kombat clone and I couldn't wait to get rid of it. Could have paid my rent...