I just read in an illuminating post by @ladiesofsteemit that there are only two confirmed female witnesses (out of 400!). Obviously, that power imbalance far exceeds the 5-1 ratio of men to women on Steemit and certainly deserves a closer look.
Nothing prevents women from becoming witnesses on steemit. They just simply aren't doing it.
(Tagging @dflo so she sees this)
Warning: long comment ahead (because there’s a lot to unpack here!). I’ll link to a couple of sources here, since you asked, @neoxian.
The underlying problem that you’re coming up against is akin to the debates we have all the time about underrepresentation among minorities in positions of power. For instance, I grew up in a city that is nearly 50% Latinx and over 8% black, but our public university (UCLA) is only slightly above 20% Latinx and 5% black, and that’s despite scholarships and other programs designed to recruit minority students. Why are rates of incarceration and poverty still so much higher among African Americans, who make up 34% of our prison population? We can see the numbers very clearly, and (I hope) we can all agree that black people and Latinx people aren’t just inherently born with a lack of motivation to succeed, and numbers like that aren’t coincidence.
Now, to focus it more on some of my theories about underrepresentation on Steemit, particularly among witnesses. It could have to do with the severe underrepresentation of women in tech in general. There is requisite technical knowledge that people have to have to be witnesses, and women are underrepresented in those fields. But still, the percentage of witnesses is much lower than the percentages of women in tech in general. Why is that?
I’ll draw on direct experience. This post was responding to two different articles I read on here that made literally hundreds of dollars, in which a significant chunk of both articles were expressing extreme resentment toward women on this platform, for reasons which I think I’ve adequately refuted with numbers (or at least set a solid foundation to refute). In response to those articles, there were many comments congratulating or endorsing those views, as if the upvotes aren’t enough to express how widely that article was approved of in this community. When I commented back, I personally was objectified and asked to show pictures to evaluate my “hotness” (see my screenshot above)—no efforts made to actually engage with or respond to my comment. When women read articles that are that hateful toward us and see them rewarded like that, and comments by women are dismissed, it sends a clear message that women are unwelcome and not respected intellectually. Something tells me that the man who wrote that article (who clearly has a lot of power on this site), and all of those people approving of that article, are not prone to vote for female witnesses, if their sexism is really so ingrained that they're completely overlooking how toxic and harmful their behavior is toward women.
As for the wider problem of women in tech, I can speak from life experience. I was a computer nerd as a kid. As a 10 year old, in the infancy of the internet, I was at home taking apart and putting computers back together. I taught myself how to code as a middle schooler. Some of the things I was exposed to as a female child were just… awful. I had to hide my gender to avoid harassment. I dropped computer programming in 9th grade. As a 25 year old, I worked in a computer repair shop for a brief period of time, and the sexual harassment I faced was just ridiculous. My supervisor asked to put my period on the calendar so he could schedule himself around me. It was a joke, but it was a really hurtful and embarrassing one. Customers would constantly express surprise to learn that I was in fact not the receptionist, and would ask to speak to a real technician. I started feeling extremely depressed and constantly kicked down, so I left the job after 6 months.
I do hope you’ll keep an open mind to these points and consider them, as I have genuinely considered yours.
Maybe, maybe not. But the question is why.
That's a great question.
There is no magic force that prevents women from researching online the mechanics of becoming a witness. Nothing prevents them from purchasing a computer or a hosted service. Nothing prevents them from downloading the software needed. Nothing prevents them from reading the documentation or asking questions or figuring out how to do it.
Nothing prevents them from campaigning for votes.
You are saying "maybe". Is there any question of this?
I vote for Patrice by the way, she does quite well, so it's theoretically possible.
The truth is that most women just don't want to bother with it.
the "they simply arent doing it" question is one of those chicken-or-the-egg questions that always gets brought up when people don't want to recognize a cultural pressure or scenario that does not give everyone an equal footing. Women CAN work to become witnesses and they totally should. But there are particular challenges that they face when trying to step out front as leaders, that most men never have to face. Many women give up if those challenges keep flying at them and they see that men are havingt an easier time climbing the ladder. Anyway there are TOMES of data and information available online and in books and so on that explain why and how cultual biases and systemic issues do make it more challenging. I am not sure why you say most women dont want to bother with it. The core of that issue is also the same problem. I am a part of many womens leadership groups in a few different feilds. Some feilds have more diversity than others. Crypto and blockchain are not one of those feilds and its not because women dont WANT to bother with it. Its deeper and more nuanced than that.
Bullshit. I knew someone would bring this up. Some vague boogieman that somehow prevents woman from doing the activities above.
Again, if you wanted to become a witness, what specifically would prevent you from doing the activities above? If there are tomes of data, then feel free to specifically quote something. Don't let me hold you back.
Nothing prevents women from getting into crypto-currencies and blockchains. All the software, wallets, computers, etc are freely available or purchasable by women.
Be specific, what challenge would emerge that would prevent a women from being a witness, that a man wouldn't face?
Put the responsibility in the right place, most women choose not to do these things.
I don't want to get into a big debate of this kind with someone who doesn't want to hear about the issues. It is not access as much as it is attitudes and subtle bias that push back when women enter these spaces. Its not a boogieman. Its also not IMPOSSIBLE to deal with but it does deter a lot of women who would rather not deal with it. That is where the choice part does lie. Some women keep pushing through and they succeed. There are just many more who will give up when they are treated for example like sex objects, or like people think they are trying to be sex objects, day in and day out at work.. or when a woman says her idea in a meeting and then 3 seconds later a man says the exact same thing and acts like it was his idea. Or when a woman stands up to present a plan when she is in a leadership position, her ideas get picked apart in a way that never happens to men. The standards are often different. Not always. but often enough to make it really tiring. This stuff happens in tiny ways continuously and some women are deterred by it and some are not. I agree with you thats a choice that women do make when they step out of those scenarios. Sometimes they do it for their health though. But it definitely happens in a very large scale way. It is not a barrier in the sens that you are trying to make it, where there is just a big NO sign and no access and a boogyman. There are just lots of tiny things along the way that add up. I dont want to get in a pissing match over it though. If you dont agree or believe this that is sincerely alright with me.
And I don't like to debate someone who puts words into my mouth or attempts to strawman my position.
Exactly where did I say that I didn't want to hear the issues? Didn't I do precisely the opposite in fact and ask you for specific examples and quotes from all those Tomes of books?
To your point about sex objects, no one treats Patrice like a sex object. I have never seen this. At least, no one who matters, there is always some random minnow or asshole, but I get random insults from no-name minnows myself.
Welcome to the Internet, eveyone needs a thick skin, not just women.
Wow, tell me how I can enter this magic universe where my ideas never get picked apart. Everyone's ideas get picked part in Steemit. You are picking apart my ideas right now, oops, better shutdown my witness...or maybe not. I'm picking apart your ideas. Are you going to leave Steemit now?
Women live longer than men on average. If this is a health issue, then shouldn't women have the advantage here?
I do call it a boogyman, because it exists mostly in the minds of people who need an excuse never to try anything that takes effort, or as an excuse on why they gave up.
Defeat this boogyman and be amazing. Do the things you want to do.
Oh and I wasnt talking about Steemit at all when i said the thing about ideas getting picked apart. I actually havent had the experience of anyone picking apart my ideas here. I have had a lot of productive and interesting conversations with people who I dont necessarily agree with. That is why I like it so much here. I have seen a lot of cool things. I have been talking about leadership roles in general, in the world, like especially in the workplace. I wasnt really talking about Steemit with that example.
I am really not coming at you in a combative way. I am also not trying to strawman anything. I am expressing my opinion and its okay with me if you disagree. I am not really going to change my position and I don't think you are going to change yours. One thing I have appreciated at Steemit so far has been less of that "sparring" type of conversation , and a lot more of people just talking together. I really am not having any sort of interest in changing what you think . So when I stated my opinions I was stating them as mine, not yours. I in fact actually do the things I want to do, and I am not as deterred as some people are, or as in other times in my life. I am pretty comfortable stepping into leadership roles. I was trying to give voice to something I had experienced or observed, and that is from my perspective, only. I am sorry you have been taking my words as more aggressive than they are or like I am trying to box you into something. I really am just sharing. Take care.
I am this close to setting up a witness server just to prove you wrong. ;)
Feminism, heh. Replying to myself so I can track down this chat I had 5 years ago.