This is the first plugin in the series 'STEEMIT FOR WORDPRESS'. More free plugins will be released in the next weeks.
This free Wordpress plugin will display your latest Steemit blog posts in your Wordpress website. The plugin is based on the powerful Steam.JS API by @fabien.
The plugin is tested in Wordpress 4.6 only. If you have an older Wordpress version and found any bugs please let me know in the comments below.
You can see the plugin in action on this page.
Where to download the plugin
You can download the plugin directly from our Github repository.
How to setup the plugin
- Download the package from the Github repository and zip it.
- Navigate to the Wordpress plugin installer via Plugins > Add New and Click on "Upload Plugin".
- Browse the zip file in your computer, select it and click on "Install Now".
- Navigate to Plugins and activate the plugin "Steemit Feed", then click on "Settings".
- Navigate to the settings page and configure your settings.
- Use the shortcode [steemit-feed] in your page, post or widget to display your Steemit posts.
- You can display as many different Steemit feeds as you like by just using the shortcode options below. For example:
- [steemit-feed]
- [steemit-feed username="another_username"]
- [steemit-feed username="another_username" postscount="5" postimage="false" postreward="false"]
Available shortcode options
- username - A Steemit Username - Example: [steemit-feed username="wordpress-tips"]
- postscount - Total posts in feed (integer) - Example: [steemit-feed postscount="5"]
- postimage - Show post image (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postimage="true"]
- posttitle - Show post title (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed posttitle="true"]
- postcontent - Show post content (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postcontent="false"]
- wordlimit - Word limit for post content (integer) - Example: [steemit-feed wordlimit="20"]
- postreward - Show post reward (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postreward="false"]
- postdate - Sort post date (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postdate="true"]
- postauthor - Show post author (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postauthor="false"]
- posttag - Show post tag (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed posttag="true"]
- postvotes - Show post votes (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postvotes="false"]
- postreplies - Show post replies (true or false) - Example: [steemit-feed postreplies="true"]
Where to get support
If you have any kind of trouble with the plugin, just open an issue at the Github repository.
Can I request new features?
Sure you can. Just post your ideas in the comments below.
@tcpolymath What about this?
I looked at it a while back and went "nine months out of date that's never going to work." but since then I've wiped the domain so I might as well throw a fresh Wordpress on it and see. I have bad experiences with unmaintained plugins, though.
I'm just seeing what's already out there and what that can do. I'm sure old things can get a refresher. Are you just trying to show your own blog posts only or several peoples? All or only certain ones? Just the body or the whole page?
If it were Wordpress I'd like to have the full body of each post on my Steemit become a Wordpress post. Bonus points if I could add other accounts.
That's basically the functionality I'm looking for. I have a certain component of my audience (mostly relatives) that wants to follow everything I'm doing but isn't interested in engaging here, and if they had a consistent domain they could just check for new things and not have to try to understand Steemit it would be easier on them.
Going to DM you on Discord tomorrow afternoon.
Yeah it's borked. Tabs on the setting page don't load and the shortcodes don't work without them. :( Thanks for the try though.
Amazing plugin! I really was looking something like this for steemit. Thank you @wordpress-tips :D
You're welcome @arturomdg
Hi, there is a fix available on the plugin wordpress page to make it compatible with the recent Wordpress version, take a look at it!
the fix broke my web site?
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/content/15/7480515/html/AHIJACKEDLIFE/wp-content/plugins/steemit-feed/steemit-feed.php on line 410
Do you use the latest plugin version from @wordpress-tips?
now getting errror on line 120
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/content/15/7480515/html/AHIJACKEDLIFE/wp-content/plugins/steemit-feed/includes/class-steemit-feed-data.php on line 120
I see the plugin's author, @wordpress-tips, just updated the plugin, perhaps something went wrong?
i just reinstalled with same results
I think you have to remove the old shortcode and add the new one. Here's the new version announcement with detailed instructions and here's the support forum where you can troubleshoot it. Hope that helps! :)
Hi there,
The github repository is back online and I will update the plugin next week.
Great, there's also a small issue with posts number to display not taking into account the excluded posts.
Will the updated plugin be supported also in the WordPress repo?
Yes, I'll update it there too next week.
The demo link of this post is broken. It is showing error 404.
Great plugin it helped me a lot thanks
To know how to speedup wordpress website follow my post
Not working for me
WordPress 4.7.5 running Twenty Sixteen theme
Umm not response to my GitHub ticket
Hi there, the github respository is back online and I will update the plugin next week.
amazing ! Good Job Mate!!! looking forward to this plugin for wordpress!!!
What's the word?
Seems like the developer is on vacation? :(
Patience, patience.Never mind... just checked, last time the author was active on Steemit was 10 months ago, he never got to creating any other Steemit-wordpress plugins it seems...
In any case, it seems to "work" for me, though in a broken "only displaying posts from 2 months ago" way.
I've skimmed through the JS and PHP code... I cannot easily locate the exact point where the problem is, but I might just be tempted to take this project on if @wordpress-tips has left Steemit for good...
This seems WAY too useful to leave to rot in a corner of Steemit.
I'll check to see if anyone else has made a Steemit-Wordpress integration, or if this is the only one. Then I'll check if anyone with actual knowledge of Wordpress plugin coding is interested XS
Hi there, I'm back on Steemit. I will release an updated version next week. If you are interested in becoming a maintainer in the Github repository, let me know.
Welcome back !
I've got a lot of projects underway currently, so though I'd like to be added as a maintainer, I probably won't be too active.
ahh ok so looking for another plugin is there a list of steemit plugins here or should i make one!
There's the SteemTools site, but that's general plugins and websites of any kind making use of Steemit or it's blockchain. not sure if that's what you mean.
There's no collection of plugins for Wordpress, but I checked... there's a total of 3 in existence...
Yea no others for feed, I could possibly help I spent 15 years as unix admin and network admin so I hacked some code here and there and can help with problems that's my forte really problem solving :) Adding you to my voter rules!!!
This is awesome! Thank you so much for creating this and I just added it to my project.
There is only one thing I changed and that is on line 193 of steemit-feed.php I put in stripslashes($item->title) since the titles were displaying with \
Great work, I love it!
You're welcome :)
Thanx for the tip, I'll fix that in next version.
This could really be useful for people that have Wordpress-based blogs and want to feature their steemit posts there, though I expect that many people here don't have a dedicated WP blog. Still can be helpful for those that do, so thanks for making the plugin and sharing it.
You're welcome @cryptos. Yes I think it will be helpful to many people with Wordpress websites.
Hi, my steemit feed stopped showing rewards since the last hard fork. Also I posted today from @honusurf and the feed did not show my last post at all. My website is I was going to disable displaying the post reward, but am leaving it on now for debugging. I would like to keep the reward showing, please let me know how to fix. Thanks
Why did the github repo go down? That is where I first reported these issues about the steemit feed not working after last hard-fork. I went to update the issue and the repo was just up and gone!

Hi there, The repo is back online and I will update the plugin next week.
Wow thanks, that is great news! I will update as soon as I see it!
This will be very helpful. Thanks for the plugin. Wordpress is such an easy platform. It's nice to have a way to easily add Steemit.
This is great! Thank you for making this plug-in. It'll save me a bunch of time because I was doing a whole lot of copy/paste/reformat work to publish my Steemit posts on my site manually.
it is possible to make a like button as in other social networks?
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If you mean 'voting', yes, I will add this feature soon.
To know how to speedup wordpress website follow my post
This is great. It would be fantastic to have a WordPress plugin that posts the opposite direction...from WordPress to Steem...I assume that may be much more difficult.
Nice work anyway.
To know how to speedup wordpress website follow my post
Yes that's more complicated but it's in my plans to build it soon (possibly within the next 3 months).
PS. It will be free and open source as all other plugins published in this account.Hi @roland.haynes,
Please put me on your list for beta or alpha testers since I am very interested in that functionality. Thanks.
I'm used to the format & post options on my wordpress blog. I also like the look of the blog in general. I also like that upon publishing my blog my facebook group receives notification and I auto-tweet out a link on my Twitter account. I would love love love to have the interface, as well as the above options available on Steemit. Until that happens what I would love to incorporate is having my wordpress blog benefit from the commenting, currating, monetization benefits here on Steemit. (I hope that wordpress would adopt the steemit system as a whole, or make it's own coin/system atop the steem blockchain).
So I apologize for the newb question. Do I want to use the above plugin, or do I wait for the reverse system you have in development?
Thanks for any clarification.
The plugin is now available in the Wordpress repository:
I'm so happy I found this! I'll try it out at
Please add me to your list of beta testers!
Very Clean Blog you got there good luck with your site.
Thanks! I just got it up so here's hoping for the best. 🍷🍷🍾
This is great! Both free & premium WordPress themes could be found here:
You can read my comments about your post herehi @wordpress-tips, just stopped back to let you know that you were one of my favourite reads today.
Great job! Thanks for making. Take care. Peace.
I would like to display single post based on particular link.
Will it be possible in the future?
Also, it would be nice if posts could be selected or excluded by tag, or if even specific posts could be in/excluded.Hi @wordpress-tips, I just installed the plugin and it looks great - the only thing is that it shows all rewards as "$0.00" on all posts when I "show" them. I can "hide" them, but I actually wanted to draw people's attention to the rewards. I'm using Wordpress version 4.7.4. You mentioned you don't support that yet, but I thought I'd let you know.
Thanks so much for this plugin!
Omg omg omg! <3
For clarification, does it embed your entire blog as in everything you see when you click your Blog link on or does it just post the posts you write (not resteems etc) I'm newly checking out Steemit at this point btw :)
This is exactly what we need. Thx
Hi this Plugins looks really good but I was looking for the plugin and the demo link, but non of the links are working ... have you changed anything which is not yet uploaded in the post ?
This is perfect for our wordpress site! Can't wait to install!
Hi all, the plugin has been officially updated. See new version at
I will give this a go for sure
Sweet. I'm interested in also being able to create actual WP Posts from the STEEM blockchain. Checking out the repo now. Do you think that would be a functionality you could see adding to the plugin?
Thank you!
Hi, Great plugin but i can't make it work.
I tried reinstaling the plugin and checked with my host provider if I have the value of 'allow_url_fopen' in my server settings disabled. It's on and they say the problem is something else. Anyone care to help please?
I'm really looking for something that I can post from WP to STEEM an schedule auto posts from WP that will post on STEEM without me logging in.
Me too. Wp-steem doesn't seem to be working. Let me know if you find any solution.
nice post
The demo link is broken :(
Hey there, this looks like a great plugin. Is there anyway to get html code or IFrame injection for a website? I'm using Bandzoogle, if that helps, at all. I'd really love to be able to have steemit as the hub for my blogging, yet, embed into the website. Rather than having to multi-post. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
Is this plugin dead?
getting a bunch of errors
Is this link not working?
Can you please update this link.
I was trying to learn about theBest Free WordPress Plugins and found a link to your post but had some error opening on my side.