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RE: MM Photography Series: "Dracaena Draco (Dragon Tree)"

Here is one of the most easiest ways we can help nature, leave it alone and support it if support is needed. Just give her a hand, don't destroy her thinking it might be a threat to your home as seen in this example. It is your home, we just need to get back to roots; bloody roots.

This strucks me. Leave it alone but support if it needs the support. Hmm... That is a nice photo of an unusual tree @psyceratopsb :)



Yes, in a sense that we don't need to change the nature, but try to live with her...If the tree is threating your house, there is no need to destroy the tree, rather than that try to incorporate it inside your surrounding. Heck it is going to be there longer than you..
Of course we cannot leave nature as per se, we need it, we are part of it...but we don't need to destroy it to satisfy our needs...
Example, I have a bag of chips that is one big bag and inside 6 smaller bags. Why? So that people eat less and control them selfs as its a junk food. But do we really need to put our health ( that is just human will to stop eating or doesn't eat if it is bad food in this case. not life threating) in front of health of the planet?

Thank you so much for your elaborate further explanation. It makes perfect sense!!!

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