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RE: Wombanook Milkyway - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry

Can you make fern shapes in the milk foam with a stove top espresso maker? I think not...
You know some people paid a lot of money to study arts and humanities at university so they could work in a cafe well into their 30's perfecting coffee foam pictures. These people need our support.


"Can you make fern shapes in the milk foam with a stove top espresso maker? I think not..." That sounds like a challenge. I think if I had a magnetic laboratory stirrer that was attached with some teflon tape to a sintered stainless steel high surface area spring in a ceramic pan on the camp stove I could froth the milk. Then I could use my Swiss army knife to ladle it out in fern shapes. Perhaps even a love heart ... hmm...

Actually throw that battery operated imitation milk froth machine away; and get this high pressure camping stove milk steamer !

touché, sir.

lol to all of this.