
Yeah, that was a very nice surprise. I wish the cheetah came too. Cheetahs like nuts don't they?

oh shit, where cheetah bot at? Guess my masterpiece was an original work of juicy nutness!

oh shit, deez nut discussion has drained my voting power down to 1 cent, hahahaha

oh noez, your nuts are drained of juice!

I'm not shooting blanks yet, still have a few rounds in the chamber.

cue the laughing wife in the background....

This is a new record low for me. This is cheap for such high priced laughter.

Well worth every penny. These laughs are priceless.

Hey I know how you can call this other bot. Edit your post with @deeznuts. If that account does not exist, then the bot will show up and let you know you have misspelled the name, i think. Worth a try.

I'm so confused, are you saying to put @deeznuts in my post?

oh my goodness, have you read that dude's posts? wtf is he on?

there are sharks in them waters, and they're professionals at what they do

sage words we should all heed from @deeznuts

this convo just keeps getting better, my fucking face hurts

Yes, try to add "@deeznuts" in your post and the checky not might come and say you might have mispelled "@deeznuts". That's what I am hoping for. Below is an example of when I met chekcky.

there is actually a @deeznuts profile, dude read his shit, it's fucking nuts

but I get it...hold my beer, watch this

whaaaaaa? edit my post with your nuts? no comprende hombre