Silence... Immensity.... distance... A cloudless sky in its deep blue. Wind menacing the grass as if it is giving it a soft caress. Newly born calves jumping here and there. Wooly little lambs playing joyfully with their mothers.
A smooth running stream with its brownish water showing now and then neatly bubbles of undisturbed fish in the quietness of the day.
Further ahead an immaculate white showing a little cottage that seemed to have been ready waiting for this expected moment.
A strange feeling, mixture of anxiousness and sorrow, filled her as she let herself go into the emptiness of the house. An emptiness full of remembrances that kept her tied to the past. She looked into every single space in that place that meant so much to her.
She had a sole intention: searching for something that enabled her to feel that nothing had happened and things were still the same. Her quest did not seem to succeed indeed...
Glitters of sun came into the room through the half opened wooden shutters. With profound melancholy she watched the horizons in its yellows, pinks and oranges.
Yet she could not grasp its magnificence. Her search was far beyond....
Whistles of crickets and the blowing of the summer fresh wind became a force that led her step outside, where the night had become the owner of place. A whole darkness converged around her.
She found herself in the middle of nowhere being reduced almost to infinity. Up and down a solitary place... Darkness in its profoundness..
She had always felt haunted by darkness, but strangely enough that she found solace in it. Little by little she was embarrassed by its tender quietness. It seemed so protecting and caressing that she felt comforted in the loneliness of that endless moment. She was slowly becoming possessed by the secrets of the country.
A full moon, well risen in the cloudless eastern sky, covered with high solitude with its light. The closeness of the sky enlightened by uncountable bright stars awakened her soul.
Suddenly her attention was caught by one of them. In the light of her own conquest she expanded until she possessed the whole firmament. From high above a long lost presence was smiling at her. His everlasting peace made her lose any possible remain of fear that his death had left upon her. Then it was true, all her fears and sorrows were dissolved.
Up to that very moment she had felt deeply anguished as she had to face, for the first time since her father's death, the terrible reality of finding herself surrounded by the immensity of a country that had sheltered him most of his life.
Yes, much of his story was written in those fields.
The country kept his inmost secrets. Certainly it had been his most loyal friend. All his joyful and pitiful moments were spread around it, and dignity were part of that place.
Now daughter and father were close to each other, perhaps as close as they had never been. The separation caused by his death had now bought them far, far closer. And she could now hold back her tears when letting her eyes move side wards to her right, she saw the tree her father had planted many years ago. Naked of leaves but full of dry split branches, the weeping willow still stood erect, making her become aware that it would go on living as long as it roots were alive.
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This was a very very touching story! Reminded me of my dad now passed on... But I alwys feel his presence with me...💙💙💙
Thank you so much for shareing, i already follow you because i love the authors you promote ! 👍
Thank you for such beautiful compliment. ☺
Wish you luck
I am happy to follow you as well! Thanks! 💙💙💙
my heart now filled with sorrow ........
Interesting style... Touching...Thanks )
I am glad you liked it. :)
Beautiful. You feel as if you are there.
Follow me for more such workThank you @inkbit . :)