The Old Dog Asks: Do You Have Your Head in The Clouds? Are You in a Fog?

in #sunthursday7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes there is no other choice. If we're in a literal fog then our heads ARE in the clouds! Let me explain.

Definition of The Idiom: "To have your head in the clouds."

  • To be out of touch with the everyday world and therefore to be unrealistic.
  • To be living in a fantasy world.
  • To have impractical dreams and ideas. Not knowing the facts or reality of the situation.

Definition of The Idiom: "To be in a fog."

  • dazed and unaware about what is going on around you.
  • confused and not alert.

Everyone in The Valley Below is in a Fog With Their Heads in The Clouds!

When a fog settles in the valley below my house I have this really cool effect of seeing clouds both above and below!

As the sun sets it creates a "painting" and I have nice sunny days with clear skies and down below it's bad weather!

What is Fog?

Definition of fog: "vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground." (from Websters Dictionary)

So there you have it. If you are in a literal fog your head is in the clouds.....along with the rest of your body!

Since I live in the mountains I often have great sunny weather while the entire valley can hardly see more than a meter in front of them! Of course, the opposite is also true. There are days when the clouds are up high and I'm in a fog with my head in the clouds and the people in the valley just have cloudy weather.

Please Note: I believe that sometimes it can do us good to have our heads in a figurative cloud but I try and avoid being in figurative fog!

What do You Think?

  • Do you like the view from above the clouds?
  • Have you ever experienced a thick fog?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about Having Your Head in The Clouds or Being in a Fog!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, if you upvote my post and leave a comment I will upvote it with some of my 40,000 plus Steem Power! 

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Fog can be beautiful...mysterious....a perfect setting for creativity....Being in a fog can be scary....confusing...frustrating...that's the difference between literal and figurative fog, Old Dog..

You make some excellent points!

Do you like the view from above the clouds?

Yes! very very much!
wow .. it looks like you're on top of the world there!

Have you ever experienced a thick fog?

yes pretty much! hard to drive too
and gives the road a creepy feel
more so on top of the mountain - pretty eerie
but dramatic on sunny days
They made the Alps look so mysterious one summer in Tirol 2k meter high on one of them Alps..
magical too !

i always take pics of the sun at any angle its still beautiful. nice pictures =D

Yes, the sun is a great subject for photos!

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Nice pictures! Looks like you live suspended over the clouds!

Hey cool! I love your your cartoon head!

My head is in the clouds because i live in a fantasy world, because my dreams are completely unrealistic and you know why @kus-knee , 7 years ago my spinal cord got damaged in an accident and despite not been able to walk for the last 7 years, i still dream of walking and running one day again.

Wow, sorry to hear about your accident. You do well to dream about that and I pray that it will be true for you! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment @jzeek! Welcome to Steemit, I'm sure that you have a lot to offer to all of us!

hahahahaha well I love your OLD SLOBBERY DOG HEAD!


Love ya old dog!

When I wake up in the morning I sure am in a fog lol. I am a late night kinda person. Drink my energy drink and water until lunch time, then my fog is gone! But when i eat a big lunch the fog comes back and i am sleepy sleepy :)

Wish i could sleep for 10 hours right now and that would really help... i think in our society USA, that we don't get enoughsleep and there are too many things to keep us awake and in a fog(social media/tv/internet/videogames).

Istarted going on hikes more with my family and outdoors more and more, it really helps!!!

Hey, thanks for your experience and your practical solution!

My head is above the clouds? Then so is my body? LOL!

I live in the Philippines, specifically in Baguio City. And going to Mt. Pulag is just a few hours from our place. Hiking a few hours more to get to the top of the mountain, others call it summit, some call it the peak, but for me, i just call it heaven on earth. :) there is this event early in the morning where the clouds are just below your feet, literally, you can step on the clouds. :) just sharing.

Below are some pictures we took at the summit, or should I say, my heaven on earth. :)






What awesome photos. thanks so much for sharing them with me!

Youre always welcome. :) maybe if you could visit the Philippines, it would be my honor to bring you here. And also to other places where tourists and other filipino really love to see. :)

Hey there old dog!
I just found out about this sun thursday challenge today and am putting together a post for it now!
I sure do love the sun and I sure to love photography and I sure do love steemit challenges!
Nice post!

Great. I already saw your post and upvoted it. I'm so glad that you're back to contributing to Steemit from your very unique perspective!

Oh wow!
Thanks for your support. Its great to be back and great to see this old dog rocking at rep 71!

@kus-knee your post reminded me of a tour of a cave I took as a child. During the tour I asked the question "Is there ever fog in a cave?" The guide didn't know, but afterwards discussed it with their local expert. They told me that they have never had that question, let alone from a child, but that there is in fact always a thin fog in caves!

They gave me a free book to keep my curiosity strong. Thanks for your post, and for the trip

What a nice story and experience. When we are curious we can earn many things!

Great post! Thanks for sharing! Looking forward for more!

You remember this one? Although not shown really well on this photo, see had her head in the clouds/fog and it didnt turn out well...

Good old Alfred Hitchcock.....Psycho!

Absolutely! Could not resist to throw this one as an answer to your post :)

Great shots! I love the view from above the clouds.

I have experienced really think fog. I was a relatively inexperienced driver and I was traveling down the highway and suddenly the fog got so think that I had to downshift all the way back to second or third gear. I couldn't really see the road, just faint reflections from the siderailing and just a bit of the red lights on the back of the car in front. And the car I was driving had really good fog lights. It was really stressful but I still didn't relinquish the driver's seat to the much more experienced driver that was traveling with me but I kept listing to the pointers he was giving me.

Driving in fog can be very scary and dangerous especially if it hits you all of a sudden!

It can, indeed, and even more so when you are an unexperienced driver as I was.

I have been in fog and also have had my head above the clouds; both literally and figuratively. Figuratively speaking, being in the fog or having head in the clouds both don't help.

Having unrealistic goals or being confused both have negative effects. Sometimes, and quite rarely, the ideal world above the clouds can seem very beautiful but it is not achievable.

Thanks for your interesting viewpoint and experience!

Of course derived from your article so thanks for writing.

I live in a valley (Arkansas River Valley) so we get a lot of fog. Great pics by the way... I kept thinking- Don't Jump!!! I guess if I have one thing going for me (thanks to constant writing) is the ability to think clearly... I have to, the guy I take care of lives in La-La Land! Somebody has to be able to think.

It would be nice to be able to take a vacation to "head in the cloudsville"... maybe someday!

What a great comment! I'm so glad that you do a lot of writing. It's helpful for you and interesting for us!

Thanks... And don't forget the financial rewards- I think I'm making almost $1.00 an hour!!!

I love the view from above the clouds ! Its beautiful ! 👍👍👍🌞🌞🌞🌞
Upped and resteemed !!

Thanks so much!

you are very welcome ! And thank you !! Steem on my friend ! 👍👍👍

Amazing! B"H!

How high up is your place? It's > 3000 ft no? What a sight to wake up to!

We live at about 800 meters.

So neat. Looks like you get the royal carpet rolled out for ya, and you can just walk over to those other mountain tops!

Great job @kus-knee! I love to look at the clouds, lying on the ground!

I love living with my head in the clouds. It is all so serious down there. Keep dreaming!

Amazing view you got there!

You are right! The world is often so complicated, stressful and serious!

Hi @kus-knee
Great. I love clouds. Actually i have almost 3 blogs regarding clouds and fog. It is natural and natures creative art. God made it with the purpose.

I have loved looking at clouds ever since I was a little boy!

Yeah! There was a time when I have been in a fog or have my head in the clouds. I always dream of the better days and having all that I want but do nothing to make those dreams come true then I realised that only dreaming of better days and having all that I want for myself is not enough. I have to get up and work for my dreams to make them come true.Thankfully I realised that on time.
By the way, I loved the view of the sunset with clouds above and below, haven't seen such view in real life yet.

Thanks for the great comment and experience!

Really interesting topic @kus-knee! I've definitely had my head in a fog in the past. In fact the early part of my teens was mostly in a fog. But, like you, I prefer not to be in a figurative fog and try to avoid it. I find that the more I pay attention to what my body needs in terms of health and nutrition, the more my mind can stay focused and in the present moment. And I love this state of mind. Thank you for sharing these insightful questions with us :)

Foggy teenage years, I can relate to that!

I was dreaming a lot, I still enjoy it in a way, although Im trying to make use now of it, and dream about visions about what I wanna achieve in a life :) Otherwise Im trying to stay grounded, and see the reality as it is and try to solve constructively issues, thanks for the question :)

Those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Some of our plans need to be our dreams! Great comment!

no clouds in our place. so sad. i live in the middle of the city. what we have here is "smog" (smoke and clouds). polluted place but a happy community.

Smog! I know what you mean. What city are you in?

i live in LA. long beach, riverside to be exact.

Great post friend and you asked 2 questions...
I experienced thick fogs few times and I like that experience.
I really appreciate your effort and this a good article as well. Thanks for sharing this amazing post!


Thanks so much for your comment! Glad to read that you enjoyed the fog

Hi @kus-knee , Thanks for sharing your amazing perspective again. I like reading from you now and I genuinely enjoy your great explanations and conclusions. The fact that you always leave a question in the end, makes the whole experience so engaging.

I have been confused and I have been dreaming the impossible at times. Both have been bad experiences because I have felt lost in either case.

If you please have a look at these 9 Things to Do with Steemit Earnings!, I will be very grateful. Thank you for all the support and best of luck!

Hi there! You're article was a good one!

Thanks a lot for your kindness and generosity.

I sit near a cloud inversion everytime I come to my fave coffee shop. Like today. One of the local photographers has a massive photo of the Grand Canyon in a cloud inversion. Unfortunately I can't find it online to show you and it would photograph so poorly that I'm not even going to try it. Plus, there are patrons in the way atm. But it looks like a massive sea of rocky islands.

I live in a fog. I wrote a post about it last night ... if you really want to know a few details.

Truthfully, at the moment, Steemit feels a bit like having my head in the clouds. ;-)

Enjoy, Have fun!

I know what you mean about Steemit having us feeling like our head is in the clouds!

I love these views over the fog. Always in the spring and autumn, I can experience this act of nature here with us. The Saxon Switzerland asks for perfect prerequisites.

Very nice! Thanks for sharing!

I also live in the mountains and I love to stay in the fog! Congratulations, I love this post!



Very cool shots Mountain Steemer @dexpartacus!

Thanks a lot!😉

Congratulations! You have been chosen to appear on "Who to Follow Daily". Thank you for adding such value to the Steemit community. Steem on!

Thanks so much! I'll check it out!

verry nice shoots man. Thank you for sharing .
upvote and follow.

greez bluchr

WOW!! That is so amazing!! I would love to see that in real life.

Is this your house!?? ;)

Thanks for the pic! I've been to that castle a few times including last December.

As always, your pictures are unmatched. I like the sky, whether it's in the fog or not.

Belle foto.....adoro guardare le nuvole! Da sotto ma anche da sopra...(quando sono in aereo.... ). Eppoi sono troppo importanti in una foto...un cielo senza nuvole è senza anima..

What a profound statement!

I love the over and under clouds!

Each morning I am feeling like in fog but steemit is my wind instrument

Good to read that!

Thanks for taking part on #SunThursday, voted and resteemed

Thanks so much @uwelang!

If you have such an outstanding view, I personally always can reset my mind and everything seems possible to achieve.

That's a great ability to have!

great pics. It happens often from the hills around here too, in winter or autumn. great sea of clouds or fog over the plain! ;)

sometimes when we drive past Milano or in the area of Padova we hit a wall of fog and it's very dangerous!

the Po Valley fogs are well known and infamous ;)

I have a Timelapse video that the fog is moving with the rising sun, but I can't show it to you because I can't upload this video by my phone .. Oh, poor me

I'll show you by my next post..
it very very beautiful.

It would be great to see that film!

In the fog :)

Thanks for the nice picture!

Its not mine .... but i really love it . Some day i will do this good photos !

You must be living with angels and fairies , your world is like a heaven. I wish one day I will be your guest.

Sometimes I call my wife an angel! :) It's always good to count our blessings and not our problems!

So true dear.

Awesome pictures! Whereabouts is that? You are lucky to live in a mountain, that's literally my dream. The effect with the sun is really neat, it almost looks like the sea and some islands. I'm often in the fog in my office downtown since I work pretty high up, but nothing as scenic as this =)

I'm in the south part of Switzerland just north of Milan. What city are you in @livewell?

Ha, that's me every morning till I get my coffee in me!

What great pictures mate!
Looks like a blanket of soft cotton wool

@kus-knee, I love those photos... only saw such views very briefly in my late teens when my father had a house in the mountains in southern Spain, where sometimes the house was above low cloud (500-600m) and we had scattered clouds above.

One of my favorite things as a child were the "ground fogs" we'd get in Denmark in damp hollows in fields. They would come up in the late evenings in summer, and only be maybe 1m thick, so you could walk to your waist in a band of quite dense fog. They were fairly rare and usually quite short lived 15-20 minutes... but a lot of fun for us kids.

Figuratively speaking, I have long had my head in the clouds... often thinking the impossible is possible, if I just work the right angle on it!

Standing in the ground fog does sound like a lot of fun. That's something that I've never seen!

"Figuratively speaking, I have long had my head in the clouds... often thinking the impossible is possible, if I just work the right angle on it!"

I love that!

Nice pic @kus-knee ☺️



Not, but i dream a lot so i have foot in earth in mind in the sky

That's a good solution!

I'm a beach dweller in NJ. Fog is a mainstay here, when the weather is right. I literally have my head in the clouds on a weekly basis. Where are you, Marin county, CA?

Fog, it can be dangerous on the motorway! I'm in Switzerland.

Great pics! The air must be so clean and very jelly. The pollution in HK drives me nuts at times.

We can have very clear skies especially when it's windy`!

How is it even possible!! That picture with clouds both above and below!
I absolutely love the view from above and i want to experience what's below too :d
That's what he said.

Yes it's always a pleasure to enjoy the view but we need to take the time to do so!

that is a stunning shot. to have cloud both above and below. just like living in dream isn't it.

You're right!

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